Vospominanie o Sherloke Kholmse_peliplat
Vospominanie o Sherloke Kholmse_peliplat

Vospominanie o Sherloke Kholmse (2000)

12+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 52 min
Directed by: Igor Maslennikov

Arthur Conan Doyle is a successful writer and a good doctor. He is happy to live in his own big house, with his wife and children. The only thing that upsets him is that his books about Sherlock Holmes are more popular than everyone else. But Sherlock Holmes Doyle considers his worst work. In working on stories, he is assisted by the literary agent Mr. Wood, who is preparing an anniversary collection of stories about Sherlock Holmes on the eve of the 20th century. And the housewife is engaged in by a young maid Anna Kew, who frankly does not like Wood. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle receives a huge mail every day, addressed not to him, but to Sherlock Holmes. And then one day a letter comes with a plea for help from the British Indian George Edalji, who claims that he is unfairly accused of the brutal murder of another's pony. Conan Doyle decides to start an investigation. Life presents Doyle with unpleasant surprises: his wife is seriously ill and unexpectedly dies in terrible agony. Doyle, crushed by grief, decides to forever deal with the hated Holmes and writes a story about his death. Unexpectedly for Doyle, Wood leaves immediately after writing the story. Soon, at a meeting with the king of Great Britain, Doyle says that he will write a continuation of the story, where Holmes returns alive and unharmed. In parallel with this, from time to time, the adventures of Sherlock Holmes are shown, which take place as if in the imagination of Doyle, Wood and Kew.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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