Sol Naciente_peliplat
Sol Naciente_peliplat

Sol Naciente (2016)

None | Spain | Spanish | 15 min
Directed by: Iker Bilbao, Alberto Laguna

The strange disappearance of a young woman in Amorebieta cause a shift in the life of his friend Luka, willing to do anything to see her again. Its goal will not be easy to meet, but fortunately will have an unexpected partner: Ureshi, Mangamore mascot, The strange disappearance of a young woman in Amorebieta cause a shift in the life of his friend Luka, willing to do anything to see her again. Its goal will not be easy to meet, but fortunately will have an unexpected partner: Ureshi, Mangamore mascot, which will help to clarify a mystery that may affect the future of the entire planet.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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