In one episode a male character accidentally has his pants pulled down a little bit.
Some scenes may show a little bit of cleavage. Only one recurring, but briefly appearing positive character, has cleavage spanning way below non-oversized breasts.
Being under a spell, a boy pins a girl to a wall and passionately asks her to kiss him. Under the same spell other people are seen hugging with faces to a viewer, with at least one pair of old men. Both played for laughs.
A girl is going to kiss another, sleeping girl, with the intent and urgency to save the sleeping girl's life. A lot of hesitancy and emberrasment is shown, but the kiss doesn't occur. Later the formerly sleeping girl shows a strong lack of acceptance for the idea of being kissed.
Despite having a uniform, skirt length varies widely, with the protagonist's one barely covering buttocks, as seen on the poster. Camera does not often put an accent on it though.
Some innocent crushes and references to love. Girls refer to a boy as 'handsome'.