My Life on the Supervillain D-list_peliplat
My Life on the Supervillain D-list_peliplat

My Life on the Supervillain D-list (2017)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Jamie A. Marchetti

'This is Spinal Tap' meets the comic book world of 'The Dark Knight'. This comedy mockumentary features comic book villains living in a realistic world. As we follow the ridiculous, daily activities of this group of flawed villains, through the eyes of a documentary camera crew, we see them struggle to live normal lives. A trip to the grocery store could suddenly turn into a brawl for a villain if he runs into the wrong hero. What if he was just running out to get milk? Villains have errand that they need to do, just like the rest of us. The villains' problems are offset by looking at equally flawed, pretentious superheroes. We see how society treats this group as infallible based on the preconceived notions of heroes, even though they are anything but perfect. A revered superhero can cause massive property damage and hurt innocent bystanders regularly, but he is easily forgiven as long as he beats the perceived threat to the city. Yet the villains are always reviled. Will they ever get ahead and overcome their issues?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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