The First Wives Club_peliplat
The First Wives Club_peliplat

The First Wives Club (2007)

None | South Korea | Korean | 60 min
Directed by: Jeong-hyeon Son

Bok-soo (Kim Hye-seon) put her husband through medical school by earning a living as a fish seller but her husband does not feel grateful about it and looks down on her instead. She learns that her brother, who is married to her best friend Hwa-shin (Oh Hyun-kyung), is having an affair with another woman but she tries to cover it up. When she learns that her husband, Ki-jeok (Oh Dae-gyoo) is having an affair with a former girlfriend, she finally empathizes with her friend's plight. Her mother, who had to endure an unhappy marriage due to a cheating husband, joins Bok-soo's and Hwa-shin's plan to get revenge on their unfaithful husbands.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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