Seeyou at night_peliplat
Seeyou at night_peliplat

Seeyou at night (1990)

16 (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 25 min
Directed by: Joan Font

Well-known theater group Els Comediants ("The Comedians" in Catalonian language) presents a show where they are a family of night goblins who spend their days living by night and sleeping by day. His mission is removing the sun from the sky each day to put the moon in it, bringing the night to the world. At the same time that some times they remember the different ways that human race illuminated the world along the history, they interest about a building in Barcelona, with a peculiar neighbors living inside it. Between them there is a crazy inventor that is full of joy after to discover a machine to watch the dreams, using it in to see the different dreams of the neighbors not knowing that the night goblins are prowling the building, ready to make their roguery.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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