Stars (in credits order)
Jeff Mudgett
Self - Great-Great-Grandson of H.H. Holmes
Amaryllis Fox
Self - Former CIA Operative
Conor Hall
Self - Narrator
Mark Granville Merritt
Recreation Actor
Arthur DeLaintis
Christine Hauer
Steven Mackintosh
Marissa Rose Gordon
Judy Wilson
Erin Elizabeth Eichhorn
Florence Marcisak
Larena Danielle
Kristin Samuelson
Dana Simonetti
Kelley Evans
Mallory Kinney
Malcolm Magri
Regina Misercola
Damir Mrkulic
Daniel Perry
Cameron Moir
Sarah Paton
James Zeiss
Natasha Thweatt
Adam Selzer
Self - Author and Holmes Expert
Raymond W. Johnson
Self - Former Chicago Area Detective
Andrew Bennett
Kristin Cara Ankuta
Justin Blake
Merritt Chase
Cecillia Johnson
Jackie Muha
Andreas Pliatsikas
Blaire O'Leary
Denisa Juhos
Mrs. Alexandra
John Borowski
Self - H.H. Holmes Author and Documentarian
Page Selinsky
Self - Biological Anthropologist
Dennis Ryan
Self - Forensic Document Examiner
Charles Breese
Jeremy Francis Bell
Adam Braunstein
Nick Bialis
Dylan Bibb
Robert DiPiero
Rocco Nevers
Josh Coleman
Michael Enright
Alex Eckstorm
John DiRenzo
Robert Eric
Rick Doldy
Shannon Mann
Roger Hervas
Rich Henkels
Chrissy Laboy
Drew Low
Noah Pielow
Jack Malykin
Dakota Lustick
Jonathan Tierney
Kyle Merker
Jenette Nelligan
Paul Pricoli
Ian Stark
Tara Segda
Raymond Nolan
Jack Wilburn
Patricia Yeazell
Mary Mudgett
Greg Regnier
Self - Underwater Reconnaissance Expert
Paloma Galzi
Self - Forensic Sketch Artist
Denise Syndercombe-Court
Self - Forensic Science Department King's College London
Andrew Lambert
Self - Maritime Historian
Riley Smaltini
Howard Pitezel
Jessica Cherniak
Nellie Pitezel
Richard Jones
Self - Historian and Jack the Ripper Author
Tim Samuelson
Self - Curator, Chicago Cultural Center
Chris Day
Self - Reader Adviser, Domestic Records
Chuck Rhine
Self - Underwater Recovery Specialist
Sean Doucette
Self - Facial Recognition Expert
Geoff Lindsey
Self - Forensic Linguist and Speech Coach
Donald Rumbelow
Self - Former London Police Officer
Lloyd Meyer
Self - President, Ozinga Concrete Chicago
Doug Maloney
Self - Appellate Attorney
Al Hunter
Self - Irvington Tour Guid
Henio del Castillo Jr.
Self - Cremation Specialist
Gerald Sullivan
Self - President of Cremation Society of Illinois
Paul Begg
Self - Jack the Ripper Historian and Author
John Dickey
Self - President, Gilmanton Historical Society
John Harris
Self - Professor of Linguistics
James Leonard
Self - Archivist
Rhonda Hunter
Sam Cox
Self - Anthrologist, Penn Museum
Tim Bechtel
Self - Geophysicist
Frogg Moody
Self - Whitechapel Society Editor and Author
Stewart Evans
Self - Author and Former Police Officer
Sarah Halter
Self - Indiana Medical History Museum
Pat Clarke
Self - Local Historian
Diane Dillon
Self - Historian and World's Fair Expert
Roger Lane
Self - Crime Historian and Author
Harold Schechter
Self - True Crime Author & Historian
Karen Abbott
Self - Historian and Author
Peter Vanezis
Self - Professor of Forensic Medical Sciences
Ike Ilkiw
Self - Retired New York City Detective
Steve Barnett
Self - Irvington Historical Society
Rachel Jordan
Self - Director of Information Retrieval
Andy Parlour
Self - Shawl Owner
Thomas Rowan
Self - History Reporter, Philadelphia Inquirer
Emily Billig
Sue Parlour
Amy Favret
Self - Senior Archeologist, AECOM
Annie Anderson
Self - Historian, Eastern State Penitentiary
Allen Koenigsberg
Self - Vintage Audio Recording Collector
Ted Beidler
Recration Actor
Chuck Rhein
Bill Giffin
Self - Cemetery Superintendant
Robyn Babina
Julian Bibb
Julie Chapin
Lucy Belknap
Robert Cunniff
Andrew Hunt Gordon
Bill Conner
Robbie Dema
William Giaimo
Billy Freda
Angel Maldonado
Andrew Gombas
Devin Henry
John Gronbeck
Brianna Harmon
Sarah Patton
Shaun Kennedy
Christopher Sanchez
Eric Robertson
Steven Miller
Ryan Nieves
Zach Meyers
Estella Ostrom
Jesse Ostrom
Frank Osso
Carl Zurhorst
Lenna Parisyan
Nell Worden
Elise Valderrama
Briana Justina Harmon
Georgiana Yoke
John Gronbeck-Tedesco
Sunny Bishop
Self (uncredited)
Marshall Bishop