Arabia Motors_peliplat
Arabia Motors_peliplat

Arabia Motors (2017)

None | Bahrain | English |
Directed by: Riccardo Minelli

The Yin and Yang of automotive publishing, Mo and Sameer explore the cars, the personalities and the events that make the Arabian Gulf automotive industry so exciting. Cars, cars, cars. From classic, the brand new, or to the unique and rare, the editors of the most popular motoring magazine in the Gulf region expose the collections that will leave you breathless. As fast-paced magazine editors with decades of experience in the automotive scene and knowledge of cars second to none, both Mo and Sameer take you on the ride of a lifetime. As they have just celebrated their 200th issue, they hire on Nadia Hijris, a young mid-twenties Bahraini-British social media wiz to bring their company forward. From races, drift shows, off-road fun, to getting access to the most exclusive showrooms and collections, their days never fail to excite. A blend of humorous moments mixed with the stress of getting an issue to print, this blood-pumping, heart-racing television-show will put you in the drivers seat, experiencing the wild joyride that is their work, their passion, their life's investment before it's sold for audience consumption.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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