The main character is occasionally seen bathing, but nothing is shown.
A man is constantly calling a girl his bride or wife. At times he asks if she will sleep with him but she always refuses. Sometimes he bends forward as if to kiss her on the lips, but never does.
A woman wearing revealing swimwear is shown in a couple episodes.
Violence & Gore
A giant fox looks like it's covered with blood or gore, but it's actually toxic materials.
A character disintegrates a monster using magical powers. Green flames envelop it, and it screams in agony.
Not a lot of violence, but it does happen occasionally and with some blood.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
A couple characters are seen smoking.
A character is mentioned as having a fond liking for alcohol, but he is never seen drinking. Regardless, other characters are shown drinking, getting drunk, and passing out. A girl has her drinking debut since she recently came of age.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
A few of the ayakashi are possibly frightening and sometimes wear grotesque masks. Some approach Aoi, wanting to eat her, and have horns and glowing red eyes. Another has a extendable neck and winds around her. Three servants at the inn are faceless. Two ayakashi turn into giant spiders and fight each other. An corrupted ogre in a castle tries to attack Aoi and is very frightening. A giant sea monster is mostly a formless blob with glowing red eyes. Raiju is also very intimidating.
A girl is abandoned by her mother and is left to starve. Very emotional. Later on, a girl is trapped in a room that is slowly filling with water.