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Directed by: Elio Castello
This title has not premiered yet

Since the beginning of time, people have found signs of messengers from other dimensions, beings descended on Earth to communicate with humans, guide them and warn them of impending dangers. ZE-THER is a secret society that has as a mendate to train a new generation of superheroes, and if you are a ZE-THER in dormant mode. If all the chances, coincidences, repetitions of numbers, unusual objects, feathers found in your way, this music that calls you are only wake up codes. Following the birth of a child without a bird song predicting the end of time, the Galactic Council is trying its last chance by sending their last hope on earth. Chased by forces of evil, incarnate by 7 demons and their Captain Natinger, Kyria aided by a mysterious secret society under the guidance of a legendary warrior Z-1 will form a new generation of superheroes to annihilate the shadow government.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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