Five @ 305_peliplat
Five @ 305_peliplat

Five @ 305 (2018)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Angelica Torres

This show is about five young people in their late teens who moved to Miami and are roommates at this Miami Beach Apartment. It's about friendship, love, relationships and dreams - a time in your life when everything is possible, which is really exciting and really scary. It's about searching for love, commitment and security - and a fear of love, commitment and security. And it's about friendship, because when you're young and single and away from your country, your friends are your family. . Heroes (five young people on their late teens, students from different countries) . Setting (Miami Beach apartment, coffee place "Wish Dreamz) . Themes (friendship, love, relationship, dreams) . Tone (an optimistic tone that isn't sappy) . The Big Idea (your friends are your family)

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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