South of Brooklyn_peliplat
South of Brooklyn_peliplat

South of Brooklyn (2018)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Sura Khan

South Brooklyn primary focus is on Phillip Porter and his top-ranking team members, as they navigate through the streets of New York City making tons of money for their boss. As the competition gets steeper, more and more lives are lost. Porter is considering new ways to corner the drug market as "Molly," the drug of the day, becomes his primary focus. Seeking new ways to legitimize his businesses, Porter gets into the nightclub scene after his cousin Shane convinces him to invest in his music career. Dante, one of Porter's many rivals, orders the death of one of Porter's team members after he learns that he might be responsible for the death of his nephew Arthur. Arthur's ruthless brother Raheem, known on the streets as "Nut," learns about his brother's murder towards the end of a five-year bid. Nut is coming back home to South Brooklyn with a plan of revenge. With his uncle Dante blessings, Nut plays a major role in avenging his brother's death and becoming what most would consider Porters worst nightmare. After City Hall failure to successfully get their high-profile arrest of Phillip Porter before the campaign, a furious Mayor Gilmore holds Police Commissioner Sanchez and DA Green accountable and want heads. Commissioner Sanchez strikes a powerful blow to the shock of Mayor Gilmore, securing her place in his administration. Mayor Gilmore meets with Deputy Mayor Sinclair and District Attorney Green to come up with another strategy to get Porter. This will include an ultimatum to Porter girlfriend Vanessa, to become an informant or she will lose everything. Porter is celebrating his new partnership in a prestigious nightclub and hosting his cousin Shane Mix Tape release party. Porter is in a great space - or is he? Back at the hospital, Black has regained consciousness after a life-threatening surgery to remove a bullet from his back. The bullet was put there by Mel when he discovered that Black may hold the key to his fate. Q is at Blacks bedside when he starts regaining consciousness. Black mumbles, to a surprised Q, that it was Mel who murdered Porter's brother Randy. Back at the club, Nut is parked across the street watching the exterior of the venue from his jeep. He silently waits for the unfolding of his long-awaited plan to murder Phillip Porter. Inside the club, Shane is concluding his performance to a thunderous applause as he exits the stage. Shane is congratulated by onlookers as he and his cousin Porter, who made this whole night possible, embrace. Q walks up to a tipsy Porter to inform him that the man, only a few feet away from him, is responsible for Randy's death. As Porter begins to walk towards Mel in anger and shock, shots are fired and everyone runs for cover. Mel is seen fleeing the club as Porter turns in shock to see Shane slowly falling to the floor. Shane is hit. Q fights his way through the running crowd to the outside of the club and witnesses Mel entering a jeep, fleeing the scene with Nut at the wheel.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
South of Brooklyn
(Original title)
South of Brooklyn
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes