Tales from the Murder Room_peliplat
Tales from the Murder Room_peliplat

Tales from the Murder Room (2018)

None | USA | English | 97 min
Directed by: King Jeff

The project was created-by and stars the multi award-winning Hollins brothers, King Jeff and Gorio, and chronicles the activities inside one specific Louisiana police interrogation room as Homicide Detectives listen to tales told by suspects, witnesses and other individuals related to various murder cases. Each stylishly unconventional tale opens in present day with an individual reading from the popular crime anthology book, "Tales from the Murder Room." The storyline quickly shifts to a flashback scenario of the Detectives involved in an interrogation of someone uniquely involved in a murder case, including suspects, witnesses and victims. Then, as each examination concludes the story cuts back to present day and the book is closed. Each segment consists of stories centered around different interview subjects including suspects, witnesses and victims. Tales from the Murder Room is the most original detective feature produced.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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