Batalyony prosyat ognya_peliplat
Batalyony prosyat ognya_peliplat

Batalyony prosyat ognya (1985)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 285 min
Directed by: Aleksandr Bogolyubov, Vladimir Chebotaryov

Two battalions of the 85th Rifle Regiment under the command of Major Bulbanyuk and Captain Maksimov should force the Dnepr in order to create a bridgehead in the area of the villages of Novomikhaylovka and Belokhatka for the subsequent attack of the division - this was the combat mission. The battalions were ordered: having strengthened themselves on the bridgehead and started a battle, to signal the "ask for fire" division - and all the division artillery would strike at the enemy, and the division itself would go on the offensive after artillery preparation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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