For the Love of Ada_peliplat
For the Love of Ada_peliplat

For the Love of Ada (1970)

A (NO) | UK | English | 30 min
Directed by: Ronnie Baxter

Irene Handl and Wilfred Pickles are two senior citizens who find that as romance blossoms, so does emotional turmoil. The series gently charts the relationship between Yorkshireman Walter Bingley and Londoner Ada Cresswell, septuagenarians who meet while Ada is visiting her late husband's grave. Will their love survive the disapproval of Ada's daughter Ruth? Does the permissive society extend to its senior citizens? Can the North-South divide be bridged? And will Walter and Ada ever save enough money to get married on their old-age pensions?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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