From Dusk Till Dawn
Beauty in Black
Mufasa: The Lion King
Female teacher closing the door
Love Happens
Barriga de Aluguel
An Unexpected Love
Moana 2
Rosario Tijeras
Michael Jordan
Richard Monahan
Mike Werteen
Stars (in credits order)
Peter Thomas
Tom Bevel
Self - Forensic Analyst
Skip Palenik
Self - Forensic Microscopist
Lowell Levine
Self - Forensic Odontologist
Mary Case
Self - Medical Examiner
Kim Rossmo
Self - Geographic Profiler
Cyril H. Wecht
Self - Forensic Pathologist
Henry Lee
Neal Haskell
Self - Forensic Entomologist
Trey Gowdy
Self - Prosecutor
Katherine Ramsland
Self - Author
Bruce Castor
Self - District Attorney
Richard Leo
Self - Professor of Criminology & Psychology
Dennis Asen
Roy Hazelwood
Self - Behavioral Profiler
Michael Atilano
Roy Shuler
Bearded Man at Andre Edwards' House
Peter Dean
Paul Pinkham
Self - Reporter
L.J. Dragovic
Self - Chief Medical Examiner
William M. Bass
Self - Forensic Anthropologist
Joy Halverson
Self - Animal DNA Expert
Skip Schwoeble
Self - Forensic Scientist
David Wallace
Michael Martinez
Self - Trace Evidence Analyst
Gregory Laskowski
Self - Criminalist
Vincent Di Maio
Pete McDonald
Self - Forensic Tire Evidence Scientist
Jane Bock
Self - Forensic Botanist
David Start
Harry Hollien
Self - Forensic Acoustics Expert
Ke Chung Kim
Stephanie Fetter
Effie Ratley
Rod Englert
Self - Blood Spatter Expert
Amy Michaud
Stephan Harbort
Greg Davis
Doug Deedrick
Fibers Unity
Stuart James
Dave Weidler
Jeffrey Flynn
James E. Ash
David Copenhefer
Ross M. Gardner
Self - Crime Scene Analyst
William Schneck
Self - Forensic Microanalyst
Brian M. Wixson
Dale Fosdick
Richard Serlen
Lou Campbell
Damien Colletti
Prison Inmate
Philip Keen
Ed Tarney
Self - Homicide Investigator
John Butts
Michael Fleeman
Glenn Bukata
Jim Craft
Self - Police Officer
Susan Ballou
James Terzian
Karen T. Taylor
Self - Forensic Artist
James Fayette
Self - Assistant District Attorney
Michael Clary
Self - State's Attorney
Richard Souviron
Emma Duke
Self - Forensic Print Specialist
Karl Schaffenberger
Self - Document Examiner
Steven Derrick
Self - Latent Print Examiner
Sandra Homewood
Self - Forensic Document Examiner
Chris Hopkins
Self - FBI Special Agent
John J. Lentini
Self - Defense Expert
Skip Sperber
Connie Swander
Self - Serologist
Amy Garber
Undetermined Re-enactment Role
Kim Vogel
Crystal Ferger
David Mesmore
Self - Detective
Amanda Lamb
Joseph Wambaugh
Charles Bosworth
Patricia Springer
Jerry Taylor
Self - ATF Explosives Expert
Charles Linch
Arthur Young
Self - Forensic
John Morganelli
Mark Blumer
Roger Wedgeworth
Self - Cold Case Detective
Lela Henke-Dobroth
Alfred Damiani
Self - Homicide Detective
Barry Golazeski
Timothy Bradshaw
H. Robert Hamilton
Self - (Ret.) Assistant Attorney General
Harry Fikaris
Michael McIntyre
Anthony Tambasco
Self - Evidence Analyst
Gerald Hurst
Self - Fire Analyst
Keith Stutes
Harry Hegger
Self - St. Louis Police
Stephen Cohle
Michael A. Clark
Max Houck
Self - FBI Examiner
Robert Shem
Self - Forensic Firearms Examiner
Greg Olson
David Glassman
Self - Anthropologist
Gregory Schmunk
Brian Peterson
John O'Neil
Self - ATF Toolmark Examiner
William J. Flood
Laura Fulginiti
James Mayer
Bill Klumpp
Self - Assistant Attorney General
Sara Ryals
Self - Deputy Distcrict Attorney
John Guy
Self - Assistant State Attorney
Joyce DeJong
Shawn Kacer
Self - DNA Analyst
Jerry Findley
Faye Springer
Joseph DiZinno
Donna Pendergast
Self - First Assistant Attorney General
Charles Colman
Self - ATF Fingerprint Specialist
John Safko
Detective #2
Jon Thogmartin
Terry Melton
Self - CEO, Mitotyping Technologies
Julie Saul
Rusty Haight
Self - Accident Reconstructionist
Gina Pineda
Rich Warren
Detective Tommy LeNoir
James Roberts
Self - Ballistics Expert
Deborah Radisch
Michael Sinke
Self - Latent Forensic Specialist
Joe Peck
Bob Durall
Jenny Repko
Helle Crafts
Sheil Caldwell
Kelly's Boyfriend's Mom
Michael Hill
Richard Walter
Self - Forensic Psychologist
Anthony Brown
Self - Forensic Scientist Supervisor
Valerie Bittner
Lyn Breeden
David Sweet
Jim Streeter
Donald Martin
Self - Former Prosecutor
Edward Blake
Self - Criminologist
Don Brooks
Self - Investigator
Isidore Mihalakis
Ronald Shank
Norm Sauer
Ron Oliver
Graham Hetrick
Self - Coroner
John Evans
Jim Thomas
Richard Munroe
Self - Forensic Geologist
Patricia McFeely
Self - Assistant Chief Medical Investigator
Dee Joyce Hayes
Self - Former Circuit Attorney
Fredric Rieders
Self - Forensic Toxicologist
Eric Wright
Jeff Baird
Michael Grimes
Ethan Cadoff
Roger Franklin
Lesley Wolff
Marc Krouse
Elizabeth Murray
Richard Vorder Bruegge
Self - FBI Image Analyst
Norman Tiller
Self - Blood Spatter Analyst
Skip Hollandsworth
Self - Editor
Chris Slone
Monica Wolfkill
Laura Wynn
Fred Broadbent
Melvin Snyder
Trevor Stynes
Joe Snodgrass
Tony Frudakis
Self - DNA Expert
Gregoire Michaud
Steven Ainsworth
Tamara Pratt
Trip Demuth
Morley Swingle
William James
Self - Research Chemist
Ken Kolker
Self - Journalist
Matt Powell
Susan Roe
Devin Stasicha
Douglas Hudson
Self - Crime Scene Detective
Steven J. Klaszky
Darrell North
Eric Carpenter
Clayton Daniels
Corrina Curry
Gayland Gieger
Mitchell Speert
Erik Hayden
Kimberly Villanova
Mike Lage
James Konat
Terry McAdam
Stephen Porter
JaQuinley Kerr
Ashley Wallace
David King
Self - GBI Special Agent
John Corbin
Mark Boodee
Jodi Sass
Scott Peebles
Chris Cato
Jim Kenyon
Self - Investigative Reporter
Brian Goetschius
Self - Criminal Investigator
James L. Thompson Jr.
Eric Miller's Friend
Preston Rudie
Jade Froeder
Carrie Nelson
M. William Phelps
Ron Fazio
Tami Yost-Evans
Tina Riggar
Matthew R. Staley
Bruno Richard Hauptmann
George Schiro Jr.
Ronnie Waiters
Self - Leslie Vaughn's Friend
Coryell Barlow
Crystal Perry
Donny Tucker
Mountain Biker
Butch Cooley
Self - Trey's Father
Hester Johnson
Self - Denise's Mother
Chris Campano
Self - Caren's Husband
Mac Gallien
Self - Lead Detective
Johnny Cruz
Self - Investigator, Ellis Co. Sheriff Dept.
Melinda Ballard
Cynthia Eastman
Self - Detective-Sergeant
Josephine Rouss
Allen Stewart
Self - PA State Police
Juanita Rivera
Self - Raquel Rivera's Mother
William Link
Self - (Ret.) Criminal Investigator
Janice Trahan
Carl Dorr
Self - Michelle Dorr's Father
Jeff Gibbs
Self - Toni's Father
Megan Bovenzi
Self - Sergeant
Molly LaMar
Self - Neighbor
Rico G. Fragoso
Self - Phoenix Police Dept.
Jennifer Updike
Self - Victim
Laura Lefebvre
Self - (Ret.) Hialeah Police Dept.
Hank Arredondo
Self - Owner of the CBS Lounge
Virginia Shine
Self - Tracy Jo's Mother
Allen Manley
Self - Emergency Medical Technician
Sheila Bryan
Self - Driver of Car
Joyce Whittlesey
Self - Enid's Niece
Connie Larson
Self - Cally Jo's Mother
Paul Dunn
Self - Former Police Officer
Nadine Adams
Self - Victim's Mother
Jim Obdam
Self - Former Employee of Ole's
Sheila Rockwell
Self - Chris' Mother
Allen Sibert
Self - Warren Co. Sheriff's Office
Peter Wlasiuk
Self - Patty's Husband
Candra Torres
Brian Matson
Self - Gary's Brother
Ronald Hewitt
Self - Sheriff
William Pronovost
Self - Chief of Police
Don Richardson
Self - Police Chief
Sarah Lugar
Self - Victims' Cousin
Dave Distel
Roger Jensen
Self - Fire Marshall
Gregg Baker
Self - Retired Homicide Investigator
Scott Lawrence
William Booth
Lola Cator
Self - Sandy's Mother
Robert Todd Christensen
Self - Public Safety Officer
Jim Henderson
Michael N. Ciravolo
Self - NYPD Detective - Retired
Edwin Caleb
Robert Dewar
Brian Billingsly
Self - Local Pastor
Tom Watson
Self - Lead Investigator
Juan Martinez
Amy Greer-Thompson
Self - (Fmr.) News Anchor
Roger Kendall
Self - Station Officer: London Fire Brigade
Sharon Gaudin
Paula Townsend
Estelle Blackburn
Chris Henderson
Self - Senior Forensic Chemist
Rod Carter
Self - Reporter, WLFA
Sharon Hawkhead
Self - Leanne's Mother
Connie J. Castle
Self - Crime Scene Investigator
Dennis Lamb
Self - Bombing Victim
John Borges
Shane Smith
Danny Vine
Jill Mata
Ray Lee Jacobs
Don Heaston
Self - Kim's Step-Father
Bill Sharp
Joe Shannon
Susan Wright
Self - Heather's Mother
Michael Consiglio
Aymee Dudley
Self - Corey's Friend
Mike Martindale
Tina Nunn
Self - Virginia's Step-sister
Rochelle Dacosta
Self - Dawnia's Sister
Karla Shotts
Jessica Seipel
Self - Michelle's Friend
Anne O'Neill
List John Jr.
Self - John List's Son
Toni Cooley
Self - Trey's Mother
Betty Huff
Self - Denise's Sister
Michelle Kringlen
James Hennessy
Ronnie Smith
Self - Psychological Profiler
Bill Haanstra
Self - Lead Investigator, RCMP
Sheila Spotswood
Self - Medical Examiner, Dallas County
Phillip Rouss Jr.
Lenny Bandy
Michelle Baker
Kevin O'Keefe
Syl Schieber
Self - Victim's Father
John Allen
Ron Allison
Anne Schellinger
Self - Police Detective
Bo Dietl
Self - Former NYPD Detective
Douglas Vannoy
Self - Senior Investigator
Heather Will
Self - Reporter, WPMT Fox 43
Sandy Boczkowski
Self - Daughter
Mary Ellen Cooper
Judy Prier-Lewis
Self - Gerry's Friend
Cliff Ollom
Self - Ofc., Farmington NM Police Department (ret.)
Helga Luest
Kenia Roque
Self - Miguel's Wife
Bob Smith
Self - Shari's Father
David Lemaire
Self - Mandy's Father
Kathy Molino
Self - Bayfront Medical Center
Christopher Plourd
Self - Attorney
Muriel Kirby
Self - Jeanette's Mother
Matt Harvill
Marcel Dionne
Self - Fmr. Homicide Detective
R. Scott Cramer
Debra Dwyer
Stephanie McKernan
Nancy Kent Smith
Self - News Director, WWBT
Carmen Barraford
Self - Pilar's Sister
Les Hewitt
Self - Guthries' Son-In-Law
Carole Bailey
Self - Janet's Friend
Melinda Jones
Self - Alysa Greenwade's Sister
Dennis Huber
Self - Denise's Father
Joseph Vazquez
Fred Dickey
Self - Writer
Scott Burton
Self - Danville Fire Dept.
Lowell Cauffiel
Keary Renner
Self - Devon's Friend
Kathy Ireland
Art Ludwig
Self - Nancy's Husband
Sky Flanders
Self - Dusty's Girlfriend
Sharon Illsley
Brigitte Beck
Self - Friend & Client
Barry Keesee
Self - Senior Special Agent
Raymond Viger
Self - Fair Haven Police Department
Huldah Moilanen
Self - Judy's Mother-in-Law
Phil Jarvis
Darlene Sanford
Self - Victim's Sister
F. Ladell Farley
Self - (Ret.) FBI Special Agent
Jay Cornett
Tom Vasquez
Self - Senior Criminalist
Rene Brisbin
Self - Brad's Wife
Linda Sandoval
Self - Olivia Estrada's Daughter
Liz Noffsinger
Self - Eskalene's Daughter
Larry Fleck
Self - Pam's Fiance
Craig Ackley
Self - FBI Supervisory Special Agent
Steve Keeney
Chuck Miller
Self - Bruce's Brother
Doug Kyle
Garry Hartman
Self - Janice's Brother
Sara Pauley
Anne Lindbergh
Caralynne Rudin
Self - Ron's Former Wife
Craig Cleary
Self - Investigative Division Commander
Mike Hudson
Jeanie Blake
Harrell Gill-King
Carl Richardson
Trudy Justin
Self - Passenger
Kenneth Cooper
Self - (Ret.) Lead Detective
LeRoy Bruce
Self - Judy's Son
Kieran Crowley
Self - NY Post Reporter, Author
Ron Lipsius
Self - Musician
Art Lebreton
Self - Mayor, Lafayette Sheriff's Department
John Button
V. Grady O'Malley
Self - Assistant US Attorney
Jan Bondeson
Self - Author, Blood on the Snow
Chris Gregg
Self - West Yorkshire Police
June Jones
Self - Bette's Friend
Bob Russell
Amy Weirich
Self - Co-Prosecutor
David Hummert
Self - Charlene's Son
Valerie Jackson
Self - Former Student
John Leonard
Lourene Woods Mackey
Self - Laura's Mother
Victor Stigliano
Self - Heather's Father
Bridger Medlin
Self - Victim's Husband
Judy North
Self - Darrell's Wife
Mary Jean Busken
Self - Juli's Mother
Steve Lamb
Deborah Regentin
William Carlyle
Knox McMahon
Bill Adams
Self - Pastor
Daphne Bowe
Self - Dawnia's Mother
Dave Thompson
Nick Shields
Self - Crime Reporter
Michael Douglas
Steve Ference
Self - Television Reporter
Billy Fraser
David Taylor
Self - Crime Investigator
Richard Fallin
Alva Busch
Self - Crime Scene Technician
Candice Fonagy
Self - Assault Victim
Michael Blue Williams
Derek Tice
Dale Yeager
Self - Criminal Analyst
John Shie
Self - Michelle Baker's Physician
John C. Kelly
Self - Elliott Bay Animal Hospital
Vicki Schieber
Don Stallard
Self - Fellow Church Member
Kimo Coelho
Richard Alexander
Self - Suspect
Suzanne Hewitt
Self - Guthries' Daughter
Frank McAdams
Tim Sachs
Douglas Zamora
Self - Shooting Victim
Ione Huber
Bassam Fadel
Self - Hialeah Police Dept.
Ray Krone
Sandra Piearcy
Self - Carol's Sister
John Little
Elljay Hartzig
Self - St. Petersburg Police Dept.
Kimberly Epler
Self - Reporter, North County Times
Stephen Michaud
Tim Taylor
James Weiner
Brian Collins
Andrew Whittlesey
Self - Enid's Nephew
Hilda Smith
Self - Shari's Mother
Len Fredriksen
Self - Friend of the Shermans
Tom Curtis
Self - Firearms Examiner
Randy Boczkowski
Self - Son
John Heinen
Self - Georgia Bureau of Investigation
Robert Kinney
Self - Hope's Ex-Boyfriend
April Maloney
Self - Mandy's Friend
Jerry A. Philpott
Self - Public Defender
Kim Arwin
Self - Jack Lynch's Friend
Margaret Helble
Sam Morishima
Self - Helena's Former Co-worker
Susan Kitchen
Self - Agent in Charge
Sharon Weidenfeld
Self - Private Investigator
Joseph J. Petrosino
Tom Kelley
Self - Asst. District Attorney
Jim Iverson
Self - Crime Scene Leader
Pat Karnes
Self - Michael Hunter's Mother
Christopher Schmeisser
Betty Turner
Self - Alma Merck's Daughter
Paul Van De Graaf
Self - U.S. Attorney
Nancy Gwynne
Self - Co-worker
Dalton Baker
Self - Bexar County Sheriff's Dept.
Bob Ponder
Self - Pam's Step-Father
Lola Bates
Self - Candra's Mother
John Maloney
Self - Sandy's Husband
Bruce Graham
Robert Merrill
Self - (Ret.) Detective
Lisa Petrillo
Diane Watson
Self - Laura Watson-Dalton's Sister
William Massallo
Self - Assistant Chief Medical Examiner
Kevin McDonnell
Self - Dan's Brother
Dallas Massie
Self - Alaska State Trooper
George Wallace
Self - Michele's Father
J. Harry Jones
Lynne Helton
Self - Forensic Biologist
Randy Nichols
Manny Cardozo III
Self - Patty's Brother
Aaron Sockwell
Self - Shasta County Sheriff's Office
Angela Krom
Deborah Pignataro
Self - Dr. Pignataro's Wife
Kevin Shanlian
David Crocker
Self - Lieutenant
Carrie Lynette Love
Paul Camiolo
Self - Victims' Son
Rusty Cunningham
Self - Former District Attorney
Rosalind Cartwright
Self - Sleep Disorders Specialist
Patty Schlip
Self - Dorothy's Sister
Darren Levine
Self - Deputy District Attorney
Melody Phillips
Self - Judy's Daughter
Angie Howard
Self - Jim Long's Daughter
Mike Lessler
Kimberly Laverty
Alan Venable
Self - Detective Sargent
Mick Hamer
Self - Journalist: New Scientist
Ronald Killins Sr.
Self - Charlene's Friend and Co-Worker
Shellie Kepley
Self - Paul's Daughter
Jeff Froeschle
Self - Katie's Father
Peter Grant
Connie Sutton
Self - Kelly Eckart's Mother
Vanessa Curry
Self - Former Reporter, Tyler Morning Telegraph
Richard David Roleson
A. Midori Albert
Tony Underwood
Self - SBI Special Agent
Mark North
Self - Darrell's Son
Ralph Wilson
Dan Goodwin
Jake Farrow
Self - Detective, Retired
Amanda Abbott
Bud Busken
Self - Juli's Father
Ken Kaminsky
Audrey Bosley
Self - Robert's Mother
Kenneth Lang
Self - Kenneth Lang
Ruth Winecker
Self - Chief Toxicologist
Kevin Rollins
Self - Special Agent, ATF
Steve Freitas
Chris Bowdish
James Colaw
Chuck Morton
Larry Fletcher
Self - Firearms Expert
Johnny Kuhlman
Charles Norton
Joseph Niebauer
Self - Evidence Technician
Clayton Johnson
Self - Janice's Husband
Homer Campbell
Rob Bergenstock
Jeane Bellows
Self - Christina Benjamin's Grandmother
Virginia Fonagy
Self - Candy's Mother
Gail Willard
Self - Aimee Willard's Mother
Chuck Boyle
Self - Philadelphia Police
Harold Babbit
Self - Ron's Co-worker
John Wendling
Theresa Alexander
Self - Richard Alexander's Niece
Leona White
Self - Steve White's Wife
Frank Bolan
Self - LAPD Detective
George Moussa
Self - Survivor of the Shooting
James Metts
Self - Lexington County, South Carolina
O.R. Macfarlane
Self - Ret. Kings County Deputy Sheriff
James Blackmon
Self - San Diego County Sheriff's Dept.
Jim Sheridan
Self - Beadle Co. Sheriff's Dept.
Jenny Alvarez
Self - Pilar's Friend
William M. Mowrey
James McCann
Self - Sgt., Alaska State Trooper (ret.)
Michael Celona
Paul McLimans
Self - Former DA
Tom Radloff
Self - Jack Lynch's Best Friend
William Braman
Self - Patrolman
Pat Holford
Self - Tommy's Friend
Jana Cone
Self - Freelance Journalist
David A. Duplissa
Self - DNA Technical Supervisor
Percy Martinez
Cheryl Wilson
Self - Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney
Myles Krieger
Self - Donnah's Colleague
Barry Macha
Skip Gochenour
Self - Private Detective
Joyce Draganchuk
Michael Roussel
Paul Sedgwick
Self - Toxicologist
Bob Berg
Self - Minnesota B.C.A.
Martin Murray
Evelyn Hill
Wayne LeBrun
Self - Ed Sherman's Sailing Companion
Linda Paulson
Andrea Egger
Self - Author, Reporter
Gerald Elkins
Amylynn Peterson
Gregg Cox
Marcia Mabry
Peggy Burgin
Self - Judy's Mother
Randy Leach
Self - Commonwealth Attorney
Elizabeth Walker
Daren Hockenberry
Irene Pence
Michael Dodson
John Bowler
Norman Thompson
Toby Bodeen
Self - Friend of Gary and Winfield
Sharon Phillips
Self - Ty's Step-mother
Frank Rudewicz
Albert Brown
Self - Brad's Brother-in-law
Dennis Scinta
Bob Ball
Self - (Ret.) Michigan State Police
Steve Jackson
James Lloyd
Self - Chenango Co. Sheriff's Dept.
Jim Christopherson
Self - (Ret.) Homicide Detective
Clarence Gomery
Matt Maloney
Self - Sandy's Son
Luis Aragon
David Minzey
Self - (Ret.) Criminal Profiler
Alvin Latham
Self - Deckhand
Kevin Lowe
Tyler Fall
Self - Patrol Officer
Phil Ramos
Kim Kelly
Tesia Nicoli
Betty Gow
Beverly Tillery
Self - Belynda's Mother
Maurice Possley
Self - Chicago Tribune Reporter
Steve Chancellor
Self - (Ret.) U.S. Army Special Agent
Connie Love
Self - Carrie's Mother
Don Schneider
Self - News Photographer
Gregory L. Matloff
Self - Astronomer
Richard Wells
Self - U.S. Coast Guard
Thomas Cometa
Nancy Fixx
Self - Shirley's Cousin
Jerry Wilson
James Borasi
Self - US Secret Service
Jason Loper
Steve Erkenbrack
John Valdez
Self - Detective, Sheriff's Department
Leo Froeschle
Self - Katie's Mother
Jerry Kitchen
Bud Allcorn
Donna B. Stepp
Tommy Chestnut
Adrian Ramirez
William Whitesell Jr.
Self - District Attorney General
John McCaskill
Todd Fennell
Steven Aikens
Self - Wesley's Cousin
Luck Campbell
Chris Morgan
Dave Rossi
Self - Assistant Prosecutor
Stephanie Knapp
Self - Michelle's Sister
Barrett Champagne
Timothy Kuykendall
Marc Woodmansee
Gregory Klees
Self - ATF Examiner
Walter Armstrong
Stephen Denton
Joyce Gilchrist
Self - Forensic Chemist
Ken Buster
Self - Gun Range Expert
Jordan Barber
Self - Homicide Sergeant
Tim Carr
Jonathan Hart
Gina King
Self - Brian King's Sister
Ed Fonagy
Self - Candy's Father
Bill Holder
Self - Assured Indoor Air Quality
Patrick Meehan
Self - US Attorney
Jeffrey Colvin
Craig McCoy
Self - City Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer
Matthew Galbraith
Self - Staff Writer, South Bend Tribune
James Lammy
Pat Chambers
Sharon Williams
Ron Walker
Self - Ret. FBI Supervisory Special Agent
Robert Kimbrew
Self - Tina's Father
Christie Kokonos
Michele Kestler
Self - Criminalist Laboratory Director
Michael Malchik
Self - (Ret.) Conn. State Police
Victor Titus
Jim Beckette
Self - Fellow Inmate
Louis Amoruso
Self - Clinical Chemist
Ruth Schumann
Self - Maryann's Aunt
Timothy Carney
Brent Myers
Self - Emergency Medicine Specialist
Pete Ackerly
Martin Patterson
Carter Burnett
Self - Petersburg Police
Brad Randall
Self - Forensic Pathologist, Coroner
Thomas W. Quirk
Dean Holtke
Self - Harris County Sheriff Dept.
Russell Busby
Donald Slovonic
Dave Snowden
Self - Costa Mesa PD
Megan McKernan
Mike Johnson
Self - Peoria Police Dept.
Sharon Schneider
Self - John Helble's Acquaintance
Mitchell Holland
Self - Lab Director
Noel Levy
Keith Garrett
Self - Danville Police Dept.
John Rush
Self - Forensic Unit Supervisor
Carolyn Gannett
David Barringer
Beth DeFalco
Leonard Wolf
Self - Forensic Photographer
Robert Johnson
Self - Alma Merck's Son
Joyce Knott
Self - Cara's Mother
Chuck Craven
Self - Investigator: Erie County NY DA's Office
Jocelyn Stefancin
Robert Bux
Daniel Hughes
Self - Certified Fire Investigator
Michael Garrigan
Self - Private Investiator
Robert Aldrich
Self - Anoka County Sheriff's Department
Wyatt Angelo
Self - Former Assistant DA
Terry Lee
Dan Castle
Self - Ontonagon County Resident
Joseph Treleaven
Self - Forensic Psychiatrist
Jeremiah Brisbin
Self - Brad's Son
Claire Osborn
Lou Keeling
Self - Former McDonald County Sheriff
Walter Hibbard
Kyle Ann Hoskins
Peter Shumar
Dan Snyder
Self - (Ret.) Homicide Investigator
John Hersh
Self - (Ret.) FBI Agent
Thomas Canfield
Jack Nelson
Lalana Bramble
Self - Marlene's Daughter
Forrest King
Self - Witness
Rick Guzman
Self - Devon's Father
Michael Bartram
Rodger Gregorich
Self - (Ret.) State Police Captain
Robert J. Masters
Self - Queen's County Assistant District Attorney
Doris Cowman
Self - Ron Rudin's Cousin
Steven Avato
Self - Volunteer Fireman and Special Agent, ATF
Thera Huish
Self - Trish's Mother
Bill Larkin
Chris Pelas
W. Gene Corley
Self - Structural Engineer
Michael Howard
Jerry Kammer
Michael Overbey
Jeffrey D. Smith
Jerry Luedecking
Self - Laboratory Technician
Steve Lapham
Self - Assistant U.S. Attorney
Kay Weden
Self - Viktor's Girlfriend
Alister Turner
Self - Surgeon
Bob Hackett
Self - Computer Forensics Expert
Dougal Drysdale
Self - Professor
Jason Funk
David Wilson
Eloy Vendegna
Self - Henry Ruble's Son
Michael Holland
Self - Shannon's First Husband
Scott James
Samuel Land
David E. Dobbs
Ricky Navarro
Self - Latent Print Analyst
Bob Asbury
Gloria Wood
Self - Scarlett's Mother
Ann Gates
Jamie Downs
Joshua Perper
Rhett Burnett
Becky Holt
David Fickenscher
Troy Packard
Self - Deputy
Robin Taylor
Martha Burt
Drew McDonald
Self - Crime Scene Intestigator
Melissa Nelson
Dave Pedersen
Cassandra Burke
Self - Trace Analyst
Ira Jeffcoat
Self - Forensic Lab Director
Terry Gattis
Fred Jordan
Tim Helentjaris
Self - Plant Geneticist
Stephen Irwin
Terry Regan
Self - Task Force Supervisor
Joe Grubbs
Jack Mullock
Self - Pharmacist
Jeffrey Piree
David C. Straus
Self - Professor, Texas Tech Health Science Center
Richard May
Self - Huber Heights Police Department
Barbara Griffin
Self - Juror
Kevin Merigian
William Watson
Self - Forensics Lab Manager
Karlyne Guess
Self - Sharri Dally's Mother
Hayden Zacky
Doug Williamson
JenaLu Simpson
Carol Sievers
Self - Hope's Mother
Maggie Black
Self - Assistant Director of Orange County Crime Lab
Robert B. Good
Self - Ret. Fresno Bee Reporter
Dave Peterson
Self - Fingerprint Expert
Judith Schreiber
Melanie Jimenez
Todd Boczkowski
Paul Mattiuzzi
Andrew Lambert
Kevin Mahoney
Self - Defense Attorney
Michael Dobersen
Victor Caloca
Mickey Dawson
James McColman
Self - Miami-Dade Police Dept.
Scott Mascher
Self - Yavapai County Sheriff
Michael Metzker
Self - Baylor College of Medicine
Jack Smith
Self - (Ret.) Danville Police Dept.
Connie Smith
Self - Tommy's Mother
Paul Procissi
Self - Forensic Technician
Richard Empson
Mark Gibson
Dennis Florea
Chris Bloom
Self - Fire Investigator
Edward Tyczka
Self - (Ret.) West Seneca NY Police Dept., NY
Marvin Casey
Self - Arson Investigator
Linda Tally Smith
Warren Gall
Michele M. Lehner
Self - Maria Lehner's Sister
Robert Webb
Self - (Ret.) FBI Forensic Chemist
Paul Weachter
David Albritten
Self - ATF
Thomas Simpson
Julian Shepard
Self - Biologist
Catherine Hamm
Alan Pendleton
Self - Former Anoka County Prosecutor
Howard Temple
Self - Polygraph Examiner
Tom Henderson
James Munger
Self - Fire Protection Consultant
Robert Hilland
Tim Hutchison
Self - Knox County Sheriff
David Spence
Wayne Bryant
Jason Strong
James Stadtfeld
Joseph Mangan
James Dutton
Self - Supervising Deputy Attorney General
Louie J. Savarese
Self - NYPD Detective
Jeff DeHart
Albert DeBonis
Self - Wood Scientist
Walter Tillery
Self - Belynda's Brother
Wade M. Crumbley
Torrey Johnson
Ron Holmes
Keith Curtis
Self - Officer Milton Curtis's Son
Vince Camiolo
Self - Victims' Nephew
Emma Willis
Self - Shirley's Friend
Scott Reinbolt
Peter Barbee
Self - Alvin's Attorney
Pat Pruitt
Trevor Condren
Self - Police Vehicle Examiner (Ret'd)
Don Gale
Self - Special Agent, SBI
Suzanne Simcox
Self - Business Operations Manager: ANSYS Europe
Lance Hamner
James Genrich
Self - Bombing Suspect
James R. Williamson
Self - Photogrammetrist
Fred Swanson
Self - Detective, Idaho State Police
Leslie A. Nixon
Self - Crime Lab Analyst
Mike C. Andrews
Self - Physicist
Ashley Wilson
Joe Vella
Billy Craig
Nizam Peerwani
Tony Loe
Richard Waller
Bruce Goldberger
Self - Toxicology Professor
Robert Nosbisch
Self - Undercover Senior Special Agent, ATF
David Collins
Rick Sitzman
Jerry Hilborn
Self - Crash Reconstructionist
Tim Petree
Nancy Ynclan
John Walsh
Paul Keim
Kirk Parks
Self - Forensic Animator
Joe DiFrancesco
Faith Moody
Self - Rape Crisis Counselor
Danielle Daschuk
Self - Candy's Friend
Royce Gothard
Self - Chief Investigator, Ellis County
Alexander Emmert
Walter Scott
Terri Gray
Self - Chemist
Michael Gray
Self - Progressive Health Care Group
Mike Wathen
Ryan Harmon
John Schmidt
Joanne Dowling
Bob Morton
Valerie Summers
James Bridges
Self - (Ret.) Peoria Police Dept.
Wade Kisner
Self - State Investigator
Gary Waters
Joseph A. Curcillo
Self - Former Deputy Attorney General
David Benjamin
Self - Clinical Pharmacologist
Mike Harson
David Farrow
David Pfeffer
Debbie Jackson
William Engle
Self - Lynch's Neighbor
Anne Bucholtz
Pat Kelleher
Gary Siebenthal
Anthony DeMaria
Self - Tire and Footprint Expert
Sarah Avery
Donnie Meyers
Self - Solicitor, 11th Judicial Circuit SC
Craig Pittman
Judith Floyd
Self - Forensic Manager
Harry Klann
Self - DNA Technical Leader
David Townshend
Jim Staloch
Self - Waseca Police Dept.
Jerry Lindberg
Michael Snyderman
Self - Mercy Hospital of Buffalo NY
Greg Kilbourn
Self - (Ret.) Violent Crimes Task Force
Frank Daniels
Roger Dingeman
Lee Anne Wysocki Jessup
Self - Judy's Friend
Jay Mason
Betty Ponder
Self - Pam's Mother
Jeff Dunn
Self - Fire Debris Analysis Expert
Richard Cobb
Self - Avd. Accident Investigator
Sherrie Gladden-Davis
Self - Betty Fran's Sister
Gordon Menzies
John McDonald
Self - (Ret.) California Highway Patrol
Ives Potrafka
Self - Special Agent
Tim Carnahan
Sal Marin
Joseph Cristinziani
Robert Cilwa
Erin Brisbin
Self - Brad's Daughter
Joe Ruet
Joseph Herbert
Self - NYPD Captain
Jill Hayes Hammer
Brad Foulk
Michelle O'Neal
Chris Owens
Self - Chief Deputy District Attorney
Timothy Woodward
Self - Former Assistant District Attorney
Tom Shelton
Self - Former MAIT Coordinator
Doug Coldren
Self - Sleep Disorder Patient
Gus Frontz
Graham Underwood
David Johnson
Self - Auto Parts Manager
Ian Jones
Self - Head of Tech. Services: ANSYS Europe
David Dunn
Danny Alexander
Self - Homicide Detective (Ret.)
Maureen Bradley
Self - Forensic Examiner
Chuck Massucci
Shane Baptista
Self - Computing Consultant
Patti Choatie
Bobby Haulk
Self - Former Police Chief
Mark Suchomel
Jason Yown
James Kennedy
Self - Forensic Video Analyst
Gan Matthews
Leigh Clark
Cynthia Wikler
Stewart Mosher
Bill Rhea
Self - Judge
William Clayton
Self - Deputy County Attorney
Hal Deadman
Self - FBI Forensic Analyst
John Douglas
Self - Behavior Analyst
W. Dean Sinclair
Self - Senior Crown Prosecutor
Clay Strange
Kim Cochran
Self - Ft. Collins Police
Doug Bailey
Self - Barlett Police
Lainie McGuiney
Fred Hagans
Self - Melinda and Ron's Attorney
Kim Melnick
Self - Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Will Rosser
Jim Herb
Catherine Vogel
Self - Chief Asst. State Attorney
Doug Maragas
David Norris
Self - Endocrinologist
Helen Marie Harrington
Self - Roger's Mother
Robert Boyle
Self - Astrophysicist
Nelson Welch
Mike Moore
Self - Beadle Co. State's Attorney
Garry Walston
Self - Victim's Roommate
J. Converse Bright
Bryan Ballantyne
Danny Cassidy
Self - Doctor
James Burt
Stephen Guroff
Peggy Johnson
Self - Vermilion Co. Coroner
Rosanne Simborski-Smyle
Self - Writer, Reporter
Richard Van Roberts
Beth Paczesny
Shelly Moore
Self - Larry's Wife
Michael Cabral
Barbara Weakley-Jones
Gary Lisle
Self - (Ret.) Canine Handler
Bradley Stetler
Self - Christopher Dean's Attorney
Emily Craig
Tanya Kettler
Self - Ty's Cousin
John J. Waldron
Tom Bevans
Joseph McBride
Thomas Braun
Self - Pam's Pastor
Liz Ruskin
Lauren Pignataro
Self - Dr. Pignataro's Daughter
Patricia Lough
Self - Bloodstain Analyst
Vince Biskupic
Paul Pfingst
Steve Duffy
Mike Larsen
Donald Hinks
Self - Metal Detector Expert
Nick Huish
Self - Trish's Brother
Paul Esbensen
Self - (Ret.) NTSB Marine Group
Self - Chris Davis's Mistress
James A. Stough
Self - Sally's Brother
Charles Brunn
Barbara G. Moon
Carolyn Stewart
Self - Officer Richard Phillips's Daughter
Bret Christian
Self - Newspaper Editor & Publisher
John Bendure
Self - Trace Evidence Expert
Richard Napoli
Alan Weckerling
Self - Accident Reconstruction Expert
Tom Scott
Self - Cadino Surveillance Director
Chuck Patterson
Robert Floberg
Max Courtney
Lynn Bullinger
Harvey Pratt
Ron Jones
Self - Ballistics Examiner
Harold Stern
Self - Florence Unger's Father
Urfan Mukhtar
Coley Peake
Self - Security Expert
Maureen Bottrell
Self - FBI Forensic Geologist, FBI
Steven Rifkin
Tom Glass
Mike Schmidt
Self - Cooley's Attorney
Susan Bolton
Self - Superior Court Judge
Connie Dykstra
Self - Karla Brown's Sister
Chuck Appleton
Self - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Raymond Harrington
Jim Williams
Jim Black
Vanessa Webb
Carl Jackson
Jeffrey Svoboda
Self - Lab Supervisor, Ft. Collins Police
Tracy Nelson
Self - Michael Murphy's Ex-Girlfriend
Jean Hamilton
Martin L. Fackler
Self - Ballistics Wound Expert
Jennifer Bloink
Ed Borkowski
Judd Robbins
Ellis Sheppard
Haroldo Alvarez
Alphonse Poklis
Jack Archer
Self - Detective Sergeant Costa Mesa PD
Mark Greko
Self - Former Roommate
Robert Maline
Self - LA County Deputy District Attorney
Margaret Schaeffer
Self - Asst. Medical Examiner
Devon Slattery
Kepler B. Funk
Anita Cholewa
Self - Forensic Taxonomist
J. Patrick White
Ernst Baltimore
Charles McDowell
Self - Command Crime Advisor
Jody Koehler
Ken Licklider
Self - Police Dog Trainer
Robert Christie
Joseph Snyder
Dave Martinez
Don Colcolough
Self - AOL Director of Investigations
Rory Devine
Gayle Lampinen
Jason Stanford
Self - Computer Consultant
Frank Saul
Shawn Weiss
Joel Moroney
Self - Reporter: Mansfield Journal News
Stuart Fenton
Howard Speaks
Self - Senior Deputy, Latent Print Division (Ret.)
Alfred Brown
James Gannalo
Donna Wallace
Paul Kayfetz
Mark Pressman
Self - Sleep Disorder Specialist
Angela Allen
Self - Troy Armstrong's Ex-Girlfriend
Tom Percy
Jim Constein
Kim Seace
Jennie Wood
Gerald Wilkes
John Boyer
Jim Varnon
Jeffrey Bloom
Faith Goodwin
Self - Rhonda's Mother-in-Law
Lynn Baird
Self - DNA Specialist
Robb Clarke
Self - Quality Control Expert
Paul Tangren
Self - FBI Firearms Examiner
Isac Brown
Joy Neilson
Self - Missing Persons Unit
Jean Roney
Self - RCMP Biology Lab, Regina
Frederick Bellows
Self - Christina Benjamin's Grandfather
Ed Monaghan
Michelle T. McCarthy
Aaron Appel
Dennis Kerrigan
Warren B. Burt
Ann Falco
Sudhir Sinha
Self - Mitochondrial DNA Expert
Mark E. Safarik
Self - Supervising Special Agent
Gary Licht
Scott Marier
Self - Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
W. Allison Blackman
Chuck H. Merritt Jr.
Norberto Dominguez
C. Michael Bowers
Bruce Radomski
Self - CSI Supervisor
Steven Alper
Brenda Vance
Larry Orth
Self - Ret. Chief DA Investigator
Cynthia Orton
Anthony Constantino
Diane France
Joe Welsh
Self - Brandon and Michelle's Neighbor
Robert W. Brown
Self - Assistant Attorney General (Ret.)
Arlene Macias
James Steggall
Barton Epstein
Todd Kenner
Michael Matassa
Self - ATF Special Agent
Thomas Anzelmo
Rowdy Foreman
Self - Citizen
Marie Gagliano
Erich Junger
David Davies
Self - (Ret.) Photographic Technologist
Peter Plummer
Self - Prosecutor, High Tech Crimes Unit
Steven McKee
David Bart
Frank Webb
Richard Roby
Janice Cramer
Dale Falicon
Self - Fingerprint Examiner
Robert Pennington
Self - GPS Expert
William Blythe
Samuel McClure
Mike Perkins
Wayne Meyer
Self - Charlene's Brother
Alberto Uribe
Henry Ruble
Keith LaMont
Self - Trace Evidence Specialist
Michelle Snodgrass
Daniel Livecchi
Self - Secret Service
Bert Richard
Self - Chris Campano's Attorney
Lisa Dillman
Self - Dr. Schneeberger's Ex-Wife
Sue Lynn Sanchez
Rebecca Kimball
Sand Hoffman
Rebecca Jubelirer
Michael Bouchard
Self - ATF Spokesman
Adrian Christian
Miguel Roque
Fred Schaub
Ron Horansky
Allen C. Willis
Hadden Clark
Ralph Harrington
Self - Roger's Father
Kris Markeson
Graham P. Stanford
Deborah Gordon
Robert McIntire
Marianne Rochford
Self - Elaine's Best Friend
Carole Chaski
Self - Forensic Linguest
Bonnie Howard-Regan
Tony Sievers
Self - Hope's Step-Father
Michael Peterson
Self - Criminalist Supervisor
Ray Kenny
Jacqueline Battles
Cathy Harless
Self - Dusty's Mother
Victorine Trammell
Mark Fisher
Self - Latent Print Supervisor
Jeff Nye
Mike Kennedy
Self - Friend
Marlo Pronovost
Rex Frye
Self - Telectrac Director of Operations
Gene Caison
Self - Brunswick County Sheriff's Dept.
Steven Symes
Gerald Woods
Self - (Ret.) Investigator
Mike Cassaday
Self - Jerry's Brother
John Simms
Russell Davey
Self - (Ret.) Fingerprint Examiner
Thomas Jones
Roger Bolhouse
Joel Beal
Self - GPS Analyst
George Sample
Self - Publisher, Corry Journal
Richard Bisbing
Self - Senior Research Microscopist
Paul Edholm
Bill Thomas
Self - U.S. Army, Latent Print Division
Robert A. Leonard
Self - Forensic Linguist
Desiree Ortiz
Maria Gonzales
Damon Lettich
Self - Trace Evidence Examiner
Sam Burgiss
Self - Video Expert
Allen Greenspan
Randall Rushing
Jose Hernandez Jr.
Traci Law
Edgar Alexander
Self - Richard Alexander's Brother
Matt Stabile
Brian Goodman
Neal Hisam
Christine K. Snyder
Rob Puterman
Jim Goudge
Self - Bob Dorotik's Friend
Arlyanah Farnish
Louise M.G. Howard
Jack Harris
Ron Nies
Jon Sahli
Richard Monroe
Carl Bessman
Ned Blass
Self - Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach
Curt Jones
Gerald Mason
Al Johnson
David Werner
Chad Ridgely
Michael Overstreet
Don Weber
Jan Michael Llewellyn
Mel Goodrich
Daniel J. Kalai
Lisa Mascaro
Nasir Fowler
William Smith
Self - Reporter, St. Louis Dispatch
Mark Domyan
Debbie Anne Stinley
Dann Furia
Kerry Steigerwalt
Michael Frawley
Glenn Reyes
Randy Carroll
Richard Scanlon
Lucien Haag
Anita Zannin
Michael A. Jones
Self - Deputy U.S. Attorney
Bob Kuban
Tisha Tinsman
Alison S. Waters
Robert Simmons
John Denczi
Angela Possenti
Deanna Lee
Sal Darigo
Darren Bevill
James McClain
Brandon Schippers
Howard Rile Jr.
David O'Connell
James Gripp
Self - Legal Arts Communications President
Robin Cotton
Self - Cellmark Laboratories
Bill Tobin
Self - Forensic Metallurgist
Joe Kaufman
Scott Overstreet
Joseph A. Keglovits
Kathy Lauletta
Dianne Duignam
Lori Smith
Christina Velazquez
James Yevak
Rick Luetkenhaus
Self - Police Sargent
Al Brown
Jack Lynch
Russ Morris
Scott Guess
Self - Sharri Dally's Brother
Jeffrey Fehr
Tim Conover
Clifford C. Hisker
Chris Neuhahn
Larry Dombrowski
Self - Chief County Detective
Michelle Waslufsky
Melissa Overstreet
Vincent Genovese
William E. Gorton
Lyle Lawver
Peechee Neric
Joanne Williams
Angela L. Fritzinger
John Wright
Michael Cinquino
Bradley Shook
Steven Tague
Sal A. Khan
Allen Strange
Jim Young
Undetermined Role
Peter Cline
Kelly's Boyfriend
Chris Cruz
Kay Notheis Sr.
Self - Mother of Walter Scott
Michael Schneider
Paul J. Leis
Dianne L. Clifford
John Fiore
Jamie Bennick
Michael L. Davis
Nicholas Geary
Ralph Diaz
Alicia Monahan
Walter Notheis Sr.
Self - Walter Scott's Father
Ashley Troiani
Tony Phillips
Mikki Forster
Jack A. Fliter Jr.
Chief the Dog
Chuck Astoria
Michael Lally
Andy Kehm
Police Officer
Heather Wight
Stephen Roach
April Elkins
Ronald A. Scholler Jr.
Brian Wagner
Keith E. Medash
Christopher DeCarlo
Derek Yocum
Christina Priori
Mike Schnabel
Michelle Kalnitzky
Jerry Curran
Melissa Haines
Jim Williams Sr.
Ann Pedrick
Geri Weatherholtz
Neil Hever
Faith Yesner
Tonya Stahler
Bill Pedrick
Christy Trainer
Christopher Booth
Robert E. Cope
Miguel Hughes
John Knight
Ulus Jorden III
Stephen Kuvalkovich
Mike E. Pringle
Line-up Suspect
Leroy Rice
Wayne Carver
Joe Gerety
Frank Bender
Self - Forensic Sculptor
Reggie Tucker
Self - Susan's Husband
Albert B. Harper
Self - Biological Anthropologist
Dianne M. Andersen
Self - Helle Crafts' Attorney
Keith Mayo
John Kelton
Self - Hematologist
Terri Schoos
Self - Nurse
Damion Heersink
Gus Karazulus
Carl Womack
Self - Spencer's Attorney
Charlie Davis
Self - Legionnaire
Eva Mitchell
Self - Wanda Flanery's Daughter
Frank Marranca
Jerry McDaniel
Jeffrey Hummel
Dan Fishbein
Self - CDC Epidemiologist
Tony Dispanet
Wanda Flanery
Helen Fahey
Self - Virginia Attorney general
Mary Heersink
Self - Damion's Mother
Justin C Hunt
Patrick O'Neil
David Fraser
Richard Jacobson
Jeff Dusek
Dennis Pupello
Kevin August
Heather Inman
Lynda Mann
Margaret Long
Self - Grocery Store Owner
Daniel Larson
Jerry Simmons
Amanda Kupchinsky
Dawn Ashworth
Bob McGarry
Robert Janssen
Louis Polk
Joseph Palombizio
Nick Ciccone
Colin Pitchfork
Rhonda Peskey
Joe Horgas
Richard Schoembs
Bernard Tracy
Brian Gillet
Michael Baird
Self - Geneticist
Daniel Plasencia
J. Michael McMillin
David Baker
Larry Long
Sandy Matthews
Deanne Dabbs
Charles Haller
Kris Sperry
Paul Mones
James Jones
Self - Shelby County Sheriff
Marnix Heersink
Self - Damion's Father
Lewis Braverman
Martin Ohradan
Elaine Pagliaro
Jane Nettestad
Ramona Barrett
Lisa McVey Noland
Self - Rape Survivor
Bobby Joe Long
Self - Confessed Murderer
Al Cattley
Homicide Detective
George Throckmorton
Forensic Document Examiner
Paula Nawrocki
Gary Terry
Self - Tampa Bay Detective
Alan Eschenroeder
Self - Environmental Modeling Expert
Ken Farnsworth
Antionio Claudio
Gelena Shiver
Self - Peggy Carr's Daughter
Greg Middleton
John Aguero
Anna Flowers
Susan Goreck
Self - Undercover Agent
Robert Van Hook
Self - Infectious Disease Specialist
Hayley Snow
Joann Chambers
Hans Peter Minnig
Cindy Lilly
Self - Family Friend
John Norquist
Self - Mayor
Gerry D'Elia
Mick Palmer
Bill Sorenson
Self - Research Mycologist
Neema Williams
A.H. Barash
Dorr Dearborn
Self - Pediatric Pulmonologist
Chris Beardwell
Clive Bouch
Self - Pathologist
Jocheim Hurlimann
Diatoms Expert
Marilyn Marchione
Douglas Fees
John Kavanagh
Iain West
Tom Noonan
Self - Fish Store Owner
Rick Crook
Tom Evans
Self - Detective Superintendent
Ruth Etzel
Self - Epidemiologist
Derek Robinson
Self - Former Neighbour
Bill Clayton
Bahrat Patel
Sandy Scott
Milton Diaz
Tom Graham
Self - Police Sergeant
Peter Brock
Self - Detective Chief Inspector
Sgt. Lee Luginbuhl
Self - Maricopa County Sheriff
Gretchen Sheets-Udy
Kathy Sheet's Daughter
Mike Curtis
Self - Accident Victim
Daniel Wyler
Medical Examiner
Robert Stott
Deputy District Attorney
Janet Miller
Self - Autopsy Assistant
Mark Stolorow
Doug Clements
Paul Nannis
Self - City Health Commissioner
Geoffrey Robinson
Herb Banndt
Self - Fiber Expert
Duane Dubberly
Self - Peggy Carr's Son
Terry Allan
Self - Local Heath Official
Yolande Prevo
T. Michael Dunbar
Sarah Webb
Self - Sister
Ernie Mincey
Self - Polk County Sheriff's Dept.
Wayne Davis
Beryl Morgan
Bill Dyer
Fatima Lazatin
Bank Teller
Charles Diggs
George McVehil
Self - Meteorologist
Pamela Zane
Charmaine Sabrah
Gregg Olsen
George Allen
Self - Governor of Virginia
Stephanie Hoskinson
Self - Vicki's Sister
Don Bizelli
Wilaiporn Cox
Kate Germond
Self - Centurion Ministries
William Conway
Nita Bitner
Heather Milch
Angie Blatt-Potts
Heather Brown
John Kelsey
Larry Bagley
Self - Retired FBI
Sheri Bayne
Debra Duffy
Jerald Shenken
George McElroy
Herbert Leon MacDonnell
Timothy Braun
Paula Sims
Renate Kimbrough
Alyssa Lakota
Susan Moody
Edward Honaker
Teena Orling
Tomas Guillen
Bill Brown
Kendall Strawn
Ray Biondi
Randell Alexander
Self - Pediatrician
Karmen Cox
Robert Colman
Self - Allergist
Rose Markey
Self - Rose's Mother
Dawn Harvey
Sandra Johnson
Dorothy Shelton
Self - Grandmother
Tony Ventimigua
Homicide Investigator
Dale Crites
John Applebaum
Robert Ritter
Brian Letheren
Self - Pub Owner
Frank Zanin
Self - Retired Police Officer
Thomas Grant
Jo-Allyn Brown
Peter O'Malley
Bruce Henderson
Debbie Carlson
Self - Vicki's Mother
James Corby
Henry Conner
Self - Jury Forman
John Feagler
Gary Gray
Moira Bruce
Self - Institute for Animal Health
Terry Collins
Self - Paramedic
Maria Eftimiades
Doug Barrett
Sam Cooper
Muriel Higgins
Will Patterson
Self - Director of CJD Surveillance Unit
Robert Will
Self - CJD Surveillance Unit
Melodee Hanes
Mark Kimble
Rick Mccain
Nat Helms
Gillian Stewart
Callie Jo Sandquist
Self - ER Nurse
Walter Birkby
Bud Burchard
Carlos Santos
Phillip Payne IV
Self - VA Commonwealth Attorney
Harvey Shernoff
William Sly
Self - Medical Geneticist
Tanya Reed
Paul Brown
Self - National Institutes of Health
Dave Churchill
Self - Stephen's Father
Roland Saul
Thomas Bennett
Paul Ferrara
Self - Organic Chemist
Warren Jacobson
Self - Former Health Official
Peter Bowyer
Self - Meat Business Owner
Betsy Miner
Lynda Dietrich
Self - Pediatric Nurse
Robert Campolongo
Sam Hall
Self - Vicki's Coach
Kay Maulsby
Piero Rinaldo
Self - Biochemical Geneticist
James Shoemaker
Stewart Bennett
Self - Forensic Reconstructionist
Peter DeForest
James Ironside
Dot Churchill
Self - Stephen's Mother
Mike Sinnott
Self - Nina's Stepfather
Timothy Quinn
Self - US Customs Special Agent
Paul Larmour
Paul Houston
Self - Child Abuse Investigator
Pene Sinnott
Self - Nina's Mother
Linda Detwiler
Self - Veteranarian
Leo Duffner
Mark Pettit
Robert K. Ressler
Rich Orlow
Robert Curley
Susan Hooper
Self - Bobby Curley's Sister
Patty Cipoletti
DiAnne Keidel
Mike McGrath
Pastor Nelson
Joseph Johns
Janet Andronowich
Jim Dunn
Self - Father
Chet Purta
Self - Bobby Curley's Co-worker
Susan Shovlin
Self - Industrial Hydienist
Mary Curley
Self - Bobby Curley's Mother
Wayne Oakes
Self - Special Agent, FBI
Leisha Hamilton
Self - Scott's Girlfriend
Bill Cook
Gene Keidel
J. Ward Donovan
Self - Medical Toxicologist
Gary Simpson
Self - Department of Health
Lori Romaneck
Harvey Cashore
Journalist, CBC
Steve Sternberg
Tony Rizzo
Paul Morrison
Charles Kempf
Sara Cody
Self - Epidemic Intelligence Officer
Matt Walling
Robert McBride
Clark Davenport
Self - Necrosearch
Michael Spradlin
Terry MacKean
Joe Menaldi
Self - Supervisor
Emma Groom
Larry Ladd
James Cron
Self - Crime Scene Expert
Mansour Samadpour
Self - Microbiologist
Steven Hunter
Barry Dickey
Self - Audio Expert
Drew Richardson
Joseph Baldwin
Self - Former Mayor
David Nabors
Paul Rubin
Grant Jack
Gary Lamons
William Whildin
Matt Pecos
Pamela McCoy
Self - Emergency Medicine Physician
Mike McGraw
Ed Reynolds
Christine Wanke
Herbert Macdonell
Forensic Specialist
Sally Marquis
Self - Tammy Brannen's Friend
Robert Horan Jr.
Rick Daniele
Self - Polygraph Expert
Dean Hoag
M.D. Linda Norton
Forensic Pathologist
Theo Sanders
Self - Addiction Medicine Specialist
David Curley
Self - Bobby Curley's Brother
Bob Kahn
Self - Fireman
Bita Begay
Russell Alexander
Self - Epidemologist
Darla Johnson
Clayton Johnson 's Daughter
Kelly Beverly
Self - Mother
William Chapin
Gail Pennybacker
Thomas Harlan
Self - Dendrochronologist
Scott Williams
Self - Drug
James Lockyer
Defense Attorney
John Ditsworth
Jodi Cotner
John Kobayashi
Darin Detwiler
Jeff Hudson
Phillip Tarr
Eric Springer
Tal English
Arthur Margulis
Terry Beverly
Philip Hodge
Dorothy Pecos
Patrick Thomas
Michael Beverly
Daniel Rahn
William Marler
Jim Gogan
Tom Paulson
C.J. Peters
Self - CDC Doctor
Peter Markesteyn
Gary Hayes
Self - Chief Investigator
William Weins
Self - Metallurgist
Michael Brannen
Self - Melissa's Father
Ben Muneta
William McClellan
Alan Brantley
Self - FBI Behavioral Specialist
Christopher Pastore
Self - Textile Expert
Bruce Tempest
Self - Indian Health Service
Michael Witham
Self - Slashing Victim
Roy Carper
Peter Olszewski
Michael Graham
Jeff Farrar
Self - Heath Department Official
Aphrodite Jones
Self - Crime Writer
Alvin Ridley
Eli Rosenbaum
Kevin Green
Self - Diannas Husband
Peter Elkind
Dante Sutorius
Self - Darryl's Wife
Denny Gulla
Gideon Epstein
Self - Handwriting Analyst
Kathy Holland
Robert Egan
Brian Parpan
Trixie Lecroy
Alexander Grant
Gerard Catanese
Sarah O'Connor
Kathy Andrade
McCracken Poston
Gary Sworen
Laura Baum
Krista Harrison
Tom Tarpley
Self - Cold Case Investigator
Nick Rothe
Jo Lynn Snow
Self - Russ Stager's Ex-Wife
Shirley Wren
Self - Brad Wren's Mother
R.D. Buchanana
John Copik
Self - Fisherman
Timothy McGuire
Martin Frantz
Joseph Sobel
Self - Forensic Meterologist
Ron Brower
Self - Kevin Green's Attorney
Rex Wren
Self - Brad Wren's Father
Oscar Corral
Ken Spadafora
Jane Imbody
Linda Eagley
Paul Hornbuckle
Theodore Kohuth
Ralph Van Pelt Jr.
Braxton Wannamaker
Self - Neurologist
George Hudock
Peggy Courter
Steve MacDonald
Robert Werts
Mike Lang
Marcia Eisenberg
Ron Sutton
Eric Evanson
Robert Edwards
William Ingaldson
Durward Matheny
Self - Forensic Documents Examiner
Ross Dillman
Robert Buell
Renee McCoy
Self - News Anchor
Peter Black
Self - Historian
David Maehren
Self - Police Captain
Joam Fiertner
Self - Documents Analyst
Bill Schiller
Kathy Monfreda
Self - Fingerprint Analyst
Joseph Kocevar
Zachary Lysek
Sandra Taylor
Self - Richezza's Teacher
Bob Allen
Self - Hydraulic Engineer
Robert Goldberg
Larry Pishatelli
Self - Forensic Engineer
Ann Alexander
Jan Sutorius
Self - Darryl's First Wife
Ian Clenehan
William Keller
Gyan Fernando
Jack Tasker
Jeffrey Lynn
Robert Mitchell
Gregory Istre
Tom Boeing
Eugene Bishop
Robert Brooker
Self - Mayor of Marshallville, OH
Steven Tolbert
Becky Gibbs
Mike Jacobs
Jennifer Joyner
William Callis
Self - FBI
Brian Carney
Phil Sincock
Carol Crane
Paul Wright
William C. Gifford
Marilyn Chambers
Terri Hinson Strickland
Frank Ilarraza
Terry Jo Howard
Self - Randall's Girlfriend
Jim Schutze
Lemuel Smith
Lucille Mohr
Self - Shannon's Mother
Elaine Sobek
Bernice Prince
Valiree Jackson
Self - victim
Jinny Buffkin
Rick Grabenstein
Mark Piepmeier
Self - Chief Trial Counsel
Regina Smith
Sgt. - Dallas Police Dept.
Terri Holland
Linda Barker
Stephan Schliebe
Vicky Lyons
Fife Symington
Self - Arizona Govenor
Mary-Jean Bowman
Wayne Willett
Elaine Woodward
Self - Pearl Bruns' Daughter
Deanna Cyr
Crystal Lyons
Self - Vicky's Mother
Richard Romley
John Posey
Scott Lindley
Heather Whittington
Dawn Bruce
Jon Perkins
Self - Lieutennant
Heidi Robbins
John McDonough
Self - Hand Surgeon
Susie Mowbray
Bill Hansen
Gina Vitello
Self - Nicole's Friend
Gina Sheaffer
Self - Carolyn's Daughter
Zvi Klopott
Self - Psychiatrist
Larry Nagle
Self - Prosecutor's Office
Duncan Reid
Helen Smith
Al Robillard
Self - FBI Evidence Analyst
Faye Copeland
David DeCosmo
Michelle Vitello
Brittany Hinson
Richard Peffall
Cindy Pancake
Leland O'Dell
Self - Former Sheriff
Carmen Gonzalez
Self - Melissa's Mother
Gary Dorsett
Daniel Horn
Richard Hetu
Self - Police
Ray DeLeon
Robert Mohr
Self - Shannon's Father
Bill Hagen
Tom Kapsak
Kenneth Gibson
Al Copeland
Mary Mead
Charles Pruitt
Self - Image Enhancement Specialist
Don McCabe
Dan Crumrin
Edward Davis
Self - Deputy Medical Examiner
Henry Dove
John Painter Jr.
Rick Myers
Self - Unit Commander
Dave Madsen
Diana Organtini
Shelly Egeland
Self - Teacher's Aide
Alan Tietjen
Self - Research Scientist
Bruce Saville
Scott Calkin
Self - Geophysicist
Brian Valentine
Dale Lancaster
Eddie Irizarry
Self - Melissa's Brother
David Seeley
Mike Robinson
Russ Kimball
Joseph Gamble
Self - Maryland State Police
Bruce Ayala
John Griep
Self - News Editor
Caroline Lowe
Debbie Tucker Loveless
Self - April's Mother
John Manderach
Robert Sacavage
Robert Dean
Self - Prosecuting Attorney
Robert Ardis
Ronald Carpinella
Tom Paraspolo
Finn Nielsen
Self - Fire Arms Examiner
David Fowler
Robin Piper
Self - Stephen's Sister
Jack Suchocki
James Nugent
Suzanne Walker
Self - Nicole's Mother
Gregory Townsend
John Fallon
Stuart Dunnings
Alan Brant
Self - Tyendinaga Historian
Walter Jacques
Self - Deputy Sheriff
Jack Misener
Self - Leann's Father
Russ Carlson
Self - Consulting Arborist
Caroline George
Self - Parole & Probation Agent
Jim Shaw
Debbie Silks
Self - Lori's Friend
Thomas Klein
Kristin Ann Hughes
Michelle Moore Bosco
Mark Chitwood
Terry Lange
Thomas Tiller
Self - Forensic Investigator
Jack Driscoll
Self - Deputy Prosecutor
Judy Saari
Burdena Pasenelli
Kathleen Luncy
Marianne Gausche Hill
Self - Physician
James Lowrey
Trey Apffel
Self - Civil Attorney
David Rubin
Michael Cischke
Jo Ann Bruce
Self - Dawn's Mother
Bruce Babcock
Sandra Huggins
Richard Perkey
Jim Eadie
David Crook
Lawrence Dahm
John E. Westphalen
George Gavito
Charles Ewing
Lisa Felice
Self - Leann's Sister
Steve Sobek
Kanu Virani
Richard Rosenberg
T.J. DeJohn
David Hanners
Herbert MacDonell
Self - Blood Spatter Analist
Tim Whitfield
Thomas Poch
Mitchell Poe
Christine Young
D.J. Hansen
Janice Rettman
Self - County Commisioner
Ed Cheeney
Self - Video Specialist
Wade Burnett
Michael Mulligan
Self - Deputy Fire Marshall
Dave Woodford
Self - Forensic Serologist
Fannie Weinstein
Tim Lyons
John O'Brien
Cynthia Organtini
J.M. Dorton
Eric C. Wilson
Self - Norfolk Four
John Crodelle
Billy Bowles
Darrell Thompson
Sherry Tucker
Self - 911 Operator
John Alderman
Steve Roberts
Tom Carroll
Mike Allen
John Stone
Self - Roseanne's Brother
Cathy Moss
Ellen Hansen
Jerry Cirino
Self - Microfiber Analyst
Ward Casey
Self - Marie Robards' Attorney
Michael Harriman
Anne Saker
James Broccoletti
Ronald Houck
John Miller
Self - April's Stepfather
Victor Cohn
David Neiwert
Laurel Gehers
Self - Laurie's Friend
Kevin Hollien
Jim Mowbray
Frank Boynton
Self - Navtech GPS Seminars
Susan Wilson-Sheppard
Self - Carolyn's Sister
Jennie Walker
T.W. Boetcher
Steven Scott
Self - Dungeon Master
Albert MacKenzie
Donnie Warren
Kenneth Padowitz
Bobbi Benitz
Dick Britton
Hugh Curfman Jr.
Self - Forensic Document Specialist
Jack Johnson
Self - Secret Service Forensic Sciences Agent
Stacey High
James Tomsovic
Donald Dickerson
Stuart Gold
Joe Duke
Self - Sargeant
Diane Hensley
Self - Wanda Mason's Sister
John Shaw
Self - Photograph Examiner
Ellie Widmer
Self - Mission Worker
Tom Cleyman
Cheryl Chodun
Francis De Francesco
Jerry Treadway
Self - Insurance Fraud Investigator
Jim Collins
Gloria Misener
Self - Leann's Mother
Grasie Mercedes
Lab Technician
Tommy LeNoir
Lisa Claire
Erin Lulevitch
Krystal Faye Todd
Ethan Walls
Bonnie Fay Todd
Self - Crystal's Mother
Melvin Duguay
Self - Shirley's Father
John Urbanetti
Self - Pulmonary Specialist
Diane Kerr
Self - Wasco County Health Department
Susan Picardi
Achim Marino
Marianne Anthe
Michael E. Russo
Pizza Hut Manager
Gerald Carruth
Terry Cousino
David Stroebel
Doug Beemish
Karen Scalise
Diane Scala-Barnett
Joseph DePasquale
Tom Torok
Stephen O'Brien
John Pray
Self - WI Innocence Project
Judith Bunker
Jim Wolfe
Dave Lutgens
Self - Restaurant Owner
Bill Gifford
Martin Frias
Self - Ernestine's Husband
Robert Lanctz
Self - Gunshot Residue Expert
Alphonse MacNeil
Sandy Lutgens
Self - David's Wife
Donna Angstadt
Richard Weiss
Curt Boushell
Irving Stone
Aubrie Williams
Shannon Schieber
Eloi Arseonault
John Pattee
Self - Avenue Bar Owner
Roger Savoie
Edmond Martin
Self - Retired IRS Special Agent
Charles Gaylor
Self - Field Agent, Medical Examiners Office
Angela Lineen
Self - Laboratory Supervisor
Manuel Fuentes
Robert Tauxe
Donald McCarthy
Les Zaitz
John MacCormack
Robert Moxley
Michael Skeels
Self - Director of Oregon State Health Lab
Jason D. Schiffer
Jeanette Popp
Joyce Reinig
Self - Director Emergency Department
Michael Ogrodnick
Marilyn Menotti-Raymond
Self - Molecular Geneticist
Keith Bettles
Self - Forensic Podiatrist
Christopher Ochoa
Valeri Williams
Self - ABC Nightline Reporter
Tim Braun
Leo Brandlen
Jascha Chiaverini
Self - Annette's Son
Douglas Bryant
James Scott
Ellen Johnson
Self - President, American Atheists Inc.
Denise Kowalczk
Self - Edward's Daughter
William J. Murray
Debra Chamberlain
Peter Siver
Self - Forensic Limnologist
Ruth Trefon
William Allison
Donna Cowling
Michael Baden
Gayle Newman
Self - Assassination Eyewitness
G. Robert Blakey
Self - Chief Counsel, House Select Committee on Assassinations
William Newman Jr.
Josiah Thompson
Noel Roberts
Self - Quality Assurance Engineer
David Hathaway
Self - NASA Solar Physicist
Roger McCarthy
Failure Analysis Associates
John K. Lattimer
George Keller
Self - Paul's Father
Bruce Pulver
Paul Keller
Megan Kratz
Jeanette Kirby
Dane Whetsel
Anthony Lewis
Self - Former NY Times Columnist
Scott Ryland
Self - Senior Microanalyst
Steve Poirier
Peggy Knott
Self - Jessica's Mother
James Barger
Self - Acoustics Expert
Phill Wagner
Self - Minnesota BCA Agent
Robert Berkovitz
Steve Barber
Self - Assassination Researcher
Christopher White
Ann Norrlander
Doug Krogh
Self - Forensic Hypnotist
Mark Nielsen
Ellen Fair
John Hinds
Susan Myster
Melanie Meier-Buhr
Self - Dentist
Pam Poirier
Deanna Teminsky
Thomas Pertler
Marvin Ketola
Paula Francisco
Self - Dispatcher
Richard Rouse
Kevin Knott
Self - Jessica's Father
Ruth Fox
Self - Fire Victim
Kenneth Cowsert
Ellen Harris
Self - Author, 'Guarding the Secrets'
Nick Suders
David Genzler
Victor LeVine
Self - Middle East Expert
Rainer A. Melucci
Self - Audio Surveillance Expert
Robert J. Craddick
Self - Assistant Circuit Attorney
Phillip M. Burch
Raw Leiba
Native American Accomplice
Tom Wade
Coach Benson
Rodney Roldan
Eric Frattini
Miss Bunny
Mary Ellen O'Toole
Jay Amari
Dr. John Hamilton
Janis Amatuzio
Lance Hart
Self - Senior ATF Special Agent
Jane Copland
Rock Phelps
Self - George Kerr's Friend
Dana Cummings
Self - Assistant DA
Ian Hood
Self - MD, Forensic Pathologist
David McDavid
Jeffrey J. Barnard
Daniel Boeh
Bob Melton
Linda Valencia
Self - Jesse's Mom
Leo Brunette
Self - Voice Stress Analyst
Valerie Rao
Dwight Bazemore
Derrick Todd Lee
Birgit Fladager
Michael Wingate Jones
Bar patron
Richard Herman
David Henderson
Jeffery Gofton
Kelly Mayo
Self - Special Agent, OSI
Jim Bordenet
Self - Postal Inspector
Paul Janes
Enselma Vasquez
Self - Natalie's Mother
Michelle Kerr
Tony Snyder
Self - State Trooper
Jerry Rudden
Self - Former AFT Special Agent
Theresa Cain
Royle Carrington
Self - Retired Colonel
Amy McGowan
Matt Wilcox
Self - Patrol Sergeant
Harry Spiller
Ali Bagheri
Self - Internist
Jim McFillin Jr.
Wes Lane
Gene Adkins
Michael Brock
Mark Renner
Kellee Koncki
Jim Nolan
Self - Fmr. Reporter, Philadelphia Daily News
Sunni Lin Crank
Linda Netzel
Todd Burke
Self - Law Enforcement Trainer
Ronald Peimer
Self - Former ATF Chemist
Fred Hrusa
Self - Plant Taxonomist
Brian Weis
Paul Taylor
Larry Cecchettini
Jonathan Morris
Tim Davis
Self - USAF, Office of Special Investigations
Lauren Keene
Shelly Morphis
Self - Kathy Woodhouse's Daughter
Ann Pace
Josh Hinkle
Edward Hay
Self - Senior Deputy Prosecutor
Nathan Allen Jr.
John Heidingsfelder
Kevin Poorman
Lynne Battaglia
Self - Former Assistant US Attorney
Rob Linderer
Self - Richard's Friend
Trace Christenson
Robert Lawrence
Tom Thompson
Nehemiah Vasquez
Self - Natalie's Brother
Doug Pulling
Kevin Vance
Self - Deb Hollermann's Brother
Charles Garnati
Glenn Schubert
Gerald McFall
Schelle Kellogg
Self - Bob Wood's Former Girlfriend
Christine Vendel
Richard Sharp
Jaime Howard
Self - Nick's Sister
Joseph Gribble
Steven Walker
Thomas Headley
Jerri Sims
Matthew Kraus
Charles Radford
Brian Albanese
Charlie Bergen
Tony Clayton
Adam Lynn
Hartford Kittel
Jeff Wyckoff
Self - DNA Criminalist
Jeffrey Edblad
Ike Vavasseur
Melissa Rajewski
Kathy Armitage
Self - Richard's Wife
Stacie Speith
Mary Sanchez
Self - Vicky's Aunt
Cathy Harding
Marty Hancer
Self - pastor
Travis Henry
Mark Brown
Gary Robertson
Self - Photogrammatist
Tyler Truby
Mike Pittman
Maria Downey
Richard Horton
Self - Susan's Ex-Husband
Randy Scott
Charles Craig
Joseph Bottini
James McFillin III
Patty Howard
Self - Nick's Mother
Mitchell Bach
Self - Stefanie's Employer
Jeff Nichols
Jim Christy
Self - Cyber Crime Institute Director
Lynne Marino
Self - Pam Kinnamore's Mother
Hans Bosma
Terry Eagle
Joshua Snodgrass
Michael Mooney
Paul Chase
Dave Tindell
Self - Computer Forensic Technician
Raymond Kozlowski Jr.
Self - Former Bomb Squad Detective
Sarah Hollander
Self - Genna's Friend
Mikaela Mirabal
Charlie Bergin
Melissa Jones
Self - Sheila's Sister
Ricardo Zayas
Self - Forensic Accountant
William Randle
Self - Trace Evidence Criminalist
Jolynne Wood
Self - Bob's Ex-Wife
Rick Duncan
Gayle Golden
Self - Nancy's Neighbor
Eric McBroom
Self - Deb Hollermann's Son
Estella Jones
Self - Sheila's Mother
Donald Rogers
Self - Victim's Son
Freda Black
Samantha Pryor
K. Jarvis
Duane Deaver
Self - Blood Stain Analyst
Vincent Riviezzo
Arthur Holland
Towanda Underdue
Mary Alorout
William Flynn
Stosh Zona
Marca Leigh
Dawn Fehring
Diane Fanning
John Newsom
Ashley Stacy Rodriquez
Bill Haggard
Self - Forensic Meteorologist
Rosana Shaw-Little
Self - Ron's Wife
Patti Williams
Self - Julie's Daughter
T.J. Klomp
Self - Former Homicide Detective
Ronald Lee Shaw
Tracy Lemonds
Self - Sunday's Mother
Jeanine Harris
Self - Florence's Friend
Nasreen Raza
Florence Hildreth
Lillian Jarvis
Robert Jones
Self - Phd., CDC Toxicologist
Diana LaMattina
Amos Saunders
Erica Henderson
Self - Firearms Analyst
Zina Shirl
Self - Michael's Former Client
Clifford Karlsen
Darlene Lloyd
Sharon Jones
Self - Roy Fitzpatrick's Ex-girlfriend
Laurence Mullaney
Detective Shaw
Sue Dietrich
Self - Police Investigator
Rod McCutcheon
Roy Vinkemeier
Self - Michael's Friend
Robert Culley
Self - Senior Deputy Sheriff
Maryann Lacy
Self - Jim Barton's Ex-Wife
John Stillwagon
Ronnie Stump
John Micek
Keith Allen
Self - First Assistant District Attorney
Raigan Alex
Sunday Abek
Ken Johnson
Self - Genell's Father
LuAnn Speikers
Self - Environmental Lead Specialist
John Ottenschot
Self - Boat Passenger
Theo Glover
Self - Kevin's Partner
Gordon Robertson
James Nester
Jason McGuigan
Luis Argueta
Guy Sileo
Rich DiPentima
Self - Public Health Director
Larry Smart
Tom Matte
Self - M.D., Medical Epidemiologist
Sam Oatman
Larry Hearn
Self - Karyn's Father
Jana Siclair
Brenda Andrews
Leslie Meyer
Linda Curtis
Paul Vido
Deb Dixon
M. Bonner Denton
Self - Chemistry Professor
Joe Hanlin
Self - ATF Explosives Enforcement Officer
Robert Reed
Self - ATF Forensic Chemist
John Somers
Stephen Monteiro
Self - Special Agent, United States Secret Service
Kurt Simon
Self - Kim Wenger's Fiance
Candace Rondeaux
Robert Schmidt
Robin Webb
Jim's Wife
Rick Shaw
J.R. Burton
Self - Criminal Investigation Division
Elburt Ferguson
Janet Seitz
Self - Kathryn's Daughter
Rocky Fontana
Joseph Friedberg
Daniel Young
Dan Showalter
Paul Daube
Glennell Fullman
Self - K-9 Unit
Robert Clark
Lisa Coryell
Jay Scott
William McFarland
Aaron Fullerton
Garland Timms
Edward Suzuki
Self - Chemical Analyst
Michael Beck
Rene Martinez
Phillip Proctor
Self - Investigative Sargent
Bill Newhouse
Suzanne Kidd
Henri Grissino-Mayer
Self - Associate Geography Professor
Marjorie Saunders
Self - Samantha's Friend
Erik Berg
Self - Forensics Supervisor
George Johnstone
Neil Ashby
Self - Physics Professor
Jovis DePognon
Lawrence Scott
Jeffrey Gofton
George Robinson
Self - Inorganic Chemist
Lilla Forbes
Self - Samantha's Mother
Francis Chardo
Larissa Soos
Self - Michelle's Best Friend
Jeffrey Thomas
Self - Sheriff, Moultrie County
Walt Hunter
William Wenner
Clark Dickenscheidt
Self - Insurance Investigator
John Brown
Armand Dollinger
John Jordan
Scott Hoglander
Self - Battalion Chief
Franklyn McCoy
Self - Retired Detective
Gordon Mitchell
Thomas Gilson
David Lee Parrett
Rob Middleberg
Troy Doza
Chris Huebner
Denise Jannusch
Self - Sherry's Friend & Co-worker
Glen Jensen
Lead detective
Raymond Lyda
John Kilty
Self - Metals Analyst
Billie Farris
Self - Karla's Mother
Brad Bachelder
Chet Bush
Robert Mull
John Serafin
Rusty White
Judy Arzt
Self - Jason McGuigan's Aunt
Marty Tieber
Timothy Drury
James Graddon
Bill Morse
Bernie Albright
Self - Verona Police Detective
Ardine Rice
Self - Kevin's Wife
Mark Dresser
Self - Captain
John Soliz
Walter Suhaka
Terry Forrman
Lil Johnson
Self - Genell's Mother
Liz Applin
Self - Doug's Co-worker
George Frasier
Self - Texas Ranger
Brian Frankowski
Self - Watercraft Expert
Joe Lowes
Self - Bill's Brother
Raymond Kuk
John Hulsing
Self - Sandra's Friend
Mary Butler
Donald Melander
Carl Fehring
Self - Dawn's Father
Mike Palmer
Ronald Tunkel
Self - ATF Criminal Profiler
Steve Arney
Kary Tontarski
Louis Cains
Self - Kenneth's Brother
Frank Lukacs
Jonathon Nyce
David Warren
Mark O'Neil
Self - Rachelle's Father
Melanie Ryan Chaput
Self - Attorney, International Institute
Mike Mannix
Self - Illinois State Police Investigator
Diane Haines
Tony Galli
Robert Fox
Self - Forensic Audio Analyst
Lugene Kelley
Karla Van Dusen
Jennifer Land
Self - Computer Expert
Cindy McCullough
Terry Webb
Self - Jim's Mother
David Shatzer
Self - Explosives Expert
Carlson Shurland
James Trusty
David Dobbs
Jerry Cusick
Nancy Bartley
Gary Surdell
Alice Vermillion
Self - Arlene Jensen's Mother
Mark Riddle
Daniel Scalici
Pat Mort
Geetha Natarajan
Judy Gigstad
William Talamantez
Joe Stevens
Mark Karner
Steven Seay
Dan McKeown
Richard Nilson
Patrick Warrick
Mark Bialkoski
Self - Lead Homicide Detective
Roland E. Garrett
Jeff Taylor
David Statter
Shonda Johnson
Self - Viola's Friend
Andy Jenkins
White Thug #1
Heather Schaefer
Jim Taylor
Steve Anderson
Stephen Early
Ione George
Richard Falcone
Lededra Ferguson-Marche
Peter Lord
Self - Journalist, The Providance Journal
Shannon Parker
Self - Tracy's Sister
Julius Ballanco
Self - Plumbing Engineering Expert
Leita Nobles
Thomas Meidt
Albertha Bartlett
Self - Crown Prosecutor
Michael Trihey
Self - Assignment Editor
Charlotte Harris
Travis Baker
Cleve Lynch
Karie Cattanach
Lee Lehman
Self - Chief Deputy Coroner
Tony Matthews
Dottie Fehring
David Broberg
Self - Walter's Neighbor
Marjorie Harris
Self - Lillian's Mother
Terremy Beaver
Self - Viola's Fiance
Paul Nelson
George Kegerreis Jr.
Kathy Mulcahey-Hampson
Self - Abek's Family Attorney
Johnny Waldrip
Wanda Knupp
Self - Bill's 3rd Wife
Melany Jackson
Self - Karyn's Friend
Mary Wong
Ed Gainsborg
Gene Krebs
Self - Firearm and Toolmark Examiner
Bruno Mongiardo
Nick Tuke
Self - Mark Wu's Friend
Scott Fulkerson
Ronald Stanbo
Bill Swanson
Self - Dan Swanson's Father
David Chernicky
Jim Liberty
Melissa Suddeth
Robert Fisher
Jane Starnes
George Hunter
Will Castillo
Vaughn Ross
Gregory Boer
Charles Thompson
Janine Mather
Christine Matthews
Robert Shrader
Richard Miller
Ed Marsico
Sandy Thompson
Kimberly Cashwell
Martin Koch
Self - Computer Evidence Specialist
Fel Abille
Al Moustakis
Tim Wyatt
Self - Newspaper Reporter
Amy Dittrick
Self - Sister-in-Law
Don Sollars
Shelly Uhl-Stark
Self - Harry's Sister
J.R. Abshear
Vikki Pickett
Lewis Harry Jr.
James Rose
Pam O'Neil
Self - Rachelle's Mother
Bryan Crews
Self - Bill's Former Step-son
Peter Stavinoha
Self - Neuropsychologist
Mac McKinnon
Kevin Johnson
Peter Shellem
Ronald Maris
Self - Suicidologist
William Campbell
Self - Debbie's Ex-Boyfriend
Elmer Rice Jr.
Self - Kevin's Brother
Madhavi Martin
John Baker
Self - Debbie's Co-worker
Mike Hubbard
Self - Special Agent, EPA
John Spencer
Kim M. Miller
Self - Emergency Dispatcher
David Pomposini
Brian Lee Elder
Gary Bruce
S. William Bench
Blaze Kelly Coyle
Della Thornton
Sara Marx
Janet Siclari
Yvonne Melendi
Susan R Ewing
Victim Shannon Sanderson
Michael Andrade
Deon Stein
April Barber
Stephanie Andrade
Self - Michael's Sister
Christian Ledesma
Mike Archer
Liza Rodriguez-Duron
Brooke Envick
Self - Robbery Victim
Merit Lajoie
Self - Gayle's Daughter
Michael McArthur
Self - Debbie's Brother
Jose Trevino
Scott Tyler
Walter Corbett
Karisa King
Robb Maus
Umpire #2
Thomas Berry
Self - Murder Suspect
Bruce Bartlett
Self - Chief Assistant State Attorney
Tyrone Montgomery
Self - Convicted Murderer
Nita Thompson
Self - Randy Thompson's Mother
Danny Porter
Suzanna Dana
Deborah McHoul
Patrick Powers
Self - Tire Track Analyst
Chris Curtice
Jeff Houde
Jeffrey Hammerschmidt
Luis Melendi
Richard Ewell
Self - Dale's Brother
Bob Rivard
Larry Lewman
Steve Siko
Self - Chrysler Senior Specialist
Ricci Cooksey
Marcus Head
Larry McKinney
Self - Robbery, Homicide Detective
Yvonne Villarreal
Dewayne Piper
Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming
Sam Smith
Terrence Steiner
Alex Rivard
Self - Robbins Academy Student
Mike Stoddart
Dale Vincent
Margie O'Connor
Mark Witherell
Mark Wright
Robert Bletko
Martin Medellin Jr.
Tom Vogel
Self - Geology Professor
John Souza
Chris Cousino
Robert Bruce
Christopher Tilson
Steve Moriarty
Self - Drummer, The Gits
Harry Mond
Self - Cardiologist
Kelly Comeau
Self - Jennifer Corbin's Friend
Pat Rizzi
Self - Michelle's Mother
Chris Carpenter
Self - TBI Special Agent
Carol Terry
William Erickson
Barbara Cannon
Self - Roxanne's Sister
Bruce Wong
Barbara Williams
Self - Image Content Technology, LLC
Carol Vine
Self - Danny Vine's Mother
Celeste Bethmann
Kathy Turner
Self - Glenn Turner's Mother
Karen Patti
Self - Sharra's Mother
Ken Olson
Howard Cole
Carman McCann
Self - Forensic Identification Officer
Daniel Blank
Robert Huffman
Self - Convicted Killer
Don Murchison
John Helm
Robert Nelson
Patrick Boyd
Self - Christie's Step-Father
Mary Miller
Beverly Swadley
Self - Barbara's Friend
Stephen Hortle
Raymond Murray
Mary T. Green
Tommy Heflin
Self - Ballistics Analyst
Mark Peters
Leann Soucy
Chuck Csaszar
James Brown
Donny Varnell
David Hadden
Self - Fresno County Coroner
Tom Gilliam
Matt Foxman
Tracy Johnson
Graham Strong
Self - Forensic Optometrist
Kraig Hanadel
Evan Rae
Gary Gravesen
Self - (Ret.) Juvenile Investigator
Christopher France
Mark Koponen
Robert Gran
Self - Lynnea Gran's Son
Thomas Hanlon
Mike Harrison
Self - Football Coach
Johnny Hayes
Arson Investigator
Todd Quick
Loretta Hewitt
Dennis O'Connor
James Ivey Clark
Reed Powell
Julie Lott
Self - April's Sister
Leigh Hearon
Ardell Arfsten
Chad La Lor
Self - Investigations Commander
Tim Vander Wood
Crystina Vachon
Rocco Wagner
Garen Horst
Allen Boudreau
Paul Lombardo
Self - Lead Detctive
Marg Bruineman
Bob Keast
Self - Birdsong Resort
Penny Penn
John Christophersen
Peter Tytell
John Petrey
Ron Hardesty
Robert Trivette
Paul Adams
Self - Randy Thompson's Friend
Nathan Cartwright
Robert Kelsall
Steve Parker
Rick Torres
Gerry Webb
Kurt Ditzler
Self - Detective Sergeant
Jerry Chastain
Self - Softball Pitcher
Richard Gagnon
Joe Fonesca
Ray Ice
Self - Police Seargant
Shelley Nelson
David Crane
Self - Detective Inspector
Virginia Maxwell
Robert Kennedy
Self - Footwear Specialist
Barbara Hearn
Self - Dolly Hearn's Mother
Ed Love
Robert Mills
Self - Forest Grove Fire Chief
Beryl Wood
Self - David Crawford's Sister
Venu Gopal
Damian Muziani
Eddie Makdessi
Naina Michaud
Susan Schumake
Lou Smit
Melinda Elkins
Victoria Campbell
Brooke Sutton
Jimmy Hammer
Mars Davis
Nancy Finan
Self - Rachel's Cousin
Cheryl Spadt
Kathy Augustine
Libby Dowsett
Rick Gregory
Janelle Kendall
Joe Haralson
Debbie Benningfield
Lorri Ellis
Self - Roxanne's Daughter
George Hansen
Self - Mary Ann's Business Partner
Diane Church
Eleonore S. Thomas
Ken Bogan
James Dougherty
Self - Assistant Crime Lab Director
Michael Schmit
Roseanne Golden
Self - Owner of the Strip Club
Nathaniel Brovold
Patricia Johnson
John Villamil
Mark Boessenecker
Cyndi Hall
Trudy Smith
Self - Judy's Sister
Dennis Hebert
Laurel Mason
Kim Bradley
Ray Clark
Self - Sketch Artist
Tom Barb
David Maxwell
Self - Diane's Brother
Diana Abbott
Self - Daughter of Dorothy Donovan
Martin Yant
Suzanne L. Noffsinger
Jennifer Andrew
Jim Ramsey
Nina Morrison
Self - Innocence Project Attorney
Sandy Hodson
Gene Sundeen
Self - Mary Ann's Boyfriend
Larry Hill
Catherine Dodson
Paul Yoakam
Michael Pace
Brian Kerns
Ashley Satterfield
Self - Dana's Daughter
Steve Foritano
Vince Meister
Phil Alfano
Self - Kathy's Brother
Craig Williams
Thomas Carney
Self - Former AFIS Manager
Allen Southern
Self - Judy's Husband
P.J. McRae
Janet Lipsey
Self - Forensic Specialist
Tim Hall
Self - Gary's Friend
Jay Gormley
J.D. Mullane
Peggy Maxwell
Self - Diane's Sister
Doug Warner
Mike Fowlkes
Andrea Hahn
Kathy Hudson
Rodney Baker
Jim Barbour
Barry Bench
Mark Godsey
Rebecca Dean
Self - Former Strip Club Manager
Diana Tilton
Steve Culberson
Self - Ms. Haynes' Nephew
Arlene Allen
Self - Adriane's Mother
Mike Mather
Krzysztof Podjaski
Self - Assistant Medical Examiner
Herbert Foster
Richard Howell
Tim Goble
John Amish
Jim Petro
Self - Former Ohio Attorney General
Robert Anderson
Self - Canine Behavior Expert
Jeff Brown
Cindy Cale
James Vavold
Self - Diane's Brother-in-law
John Schumake
Self - Susan's Brother
Tim George
Betty Modgling
Ira Parnell
Michelle Parker
Dan Abdill
Self - Michelle's Brother
Robert Bernardi
Hugh Murphy
Amy Rojas
Madeline Montgomery
Andrew Nardelli
Thomas Smith
Darlene O'Neal
Walt Femling
Paul Edinburgh
Lilly Smalls Gallman
Chuck Goode
Nelson Villavicencio
Nancy Simpson
Self - Elise's Friend
Paul Echols
Mark Huddleston
Michael Wepsiec
Richard Shing
Spike McGraw
Robyn Quinn
Self - CODIS Manager
Christina Stouten
Self - Cammy Keleman's Sister
William Schell
John Newsome
Bill Mistretta
Self - Commander, Investigative Division
Faruk Presswalla
Greg Nolt
Jill Kinkade
Self - Latent AFIS Technician
Jim Stokes
Anne Whitson
Margaret O'Connor
Self - Deputy State's Attorney
Michael Church
Sammy Cesare
Dale Bradley
Shelah Crowley
Self - Cathy's Aunt
Timothy Duerr
Roy Arthur Brown
Self - Wrongly Convicted Man
Paul Levy
Todd Park
Gaile Heath
Self - Questioned Document Analyst
Dave Jacobson
Self - Case Manager
Todd Shulman
Howard Dean
Self - Technical Services Director
Rodney Hegman
Self - Forensic Latent Print Examiner
James McGraw
Mike Lane
Self - Senior Fire Investigator
Linda O'Neil
Christopher Huber
Ellen Clark
Keith Marvel
Adam Mosebach
Daniel Woloson
Ron Huston
Jackie Mull
Self - Sarah's Sister
Jennifer Campbell
Self - Bryan Ruff's Wife
Bill Anderson
Susan Gross
Steve Harkins
Michael Warrington
Judy Stanley
Jim J. Thomas
Linda Vavold
James Canepa
Self - Former Chief Deputy, Ohio Attorney General
Rex Sparks
Self - Identification Technician
Stephen Day
Kurt Moline
Jerry Townshend
James Vargason
Mark Whittaker
David Jenkins
Robert Prince Jr.
Mohamed Ibrahim
Tim Doney
Marsha Dorgan
Kelly Ormsby
Mike Satterfield
Ian R. Gleason
Bryan Ruff
J. Douglas Perkins
Peter Aubrey
Self - Former Reporter
Lou Romain
Self - Mary Ann's Brother
Marie O'Connor Graham
Self - Deputy Attorney General
Benita Rippeon
Self - Cathy's Mother
Roc Herpich
Trini Kirtsey
Beach Party Member
Cyndi Crotts
Apartment Manager
Ben Castellanos
Nathan Braun
Self - Julie's Son
D.J. Simmons
Erin Frederick
Jessica O'Grady
Rhonda Hebison
Self - Cyndi's Mother
Holly Stumme
Self - Jessica's Best Friend
Leigh Ann Retelsdorf
Beth Ordeman
Tara Ramsdell
Self - Joshan's Mother
Michael Holbrook
Jon Skiles
Stacey Ann Shevlin
Austin Mitchell
Chris Edwards
Julie Agent Schlax
Chris Stoverink
Self - Julie's Sister-In-Lawn
Kay Young
J. Budro Partida
Mike McManus
Mary Silva
Self - Julie Braun's Mother
Eileen Taylor
Susan Spurlin
Marty Clay
Don Raz
John Braun
Self - Julie's Ex-husband
Timothy Ostendarp
T. Carmon Bennett
Self - Stephanie's Father
Teresa Berg
Adam Tanner
Tim Lorenzen
James Knauss
Joseph Dionise
Anna Cox
Michelle Steele
Self - Bloodstain Pattern Analyst
Robyn Stratton
Tad Williams
Samuel Baechtel
Self - FBI Forensic DNA Examiner
Marvin Skeen
James Parker
Michelle Bandur
Shauna Stanzel
Self - Jessica's Aunt
Tony West
Self - Ginger's Brother
Rick Barrios
Mike Pannell
Stevie Green
Ken Copeland
Michael Barry
Self - Major Crimes Investigator
Alex Hayes
Bill Holmes
Joshua Connelly
Ed Jones
J.C. Williams
Self - Sgt., Detective
Vanessa Rocha
M. Lee Goff
Todd Leskanic
J.D. Berger
Joshua David Hickey
Jeremie Overstreet
Denise Jackson
Karl Guenther
James Elman
George Johnston
Theresa Holmes
Gary Gibson
James Merica
Michael Smith
Self - FBI Supervisory Fingerprint Specialist
Lora-Marie Bernard
Art Barroso
Self - Megan's Father
Steve Glandt
George Von Euw
Kaye Robinson
Mark Guarino
Tony Windsor
Donald Kleine
Self - Douglas County Attorney
La Rea Dennis Johnston
J.C. Perry
Self - Homicide Squad
Kim Campbell
Steve Saunders
Catherine Mallet
Hector Castro
Frank Macksey
Self - Undersheriff
Scott Gattuso
Dee Corona
Jennifer Holmes
Self - Stephen's Wife
Kristi Wimsatt
Walt West
Self - Ginger's Father
Michael Rickwood
Jean Clark
Self - Renee Powell's Aunt
Sheri Jones
James Medley
Self - Major Crimes Detective
Paula Ryan
Lynn Ernst
Self - Senior Crime Lab Analyst
Jackie Taylor
Self - Det. Sgt.
Brian Wraxall
Self - Chief Forensic Serologist
Melinda Clayton
Bill Loughery
Keith E. Werner
Karen Lowe
Self - FBI Forensic Examiner
Bobby Saye
Bill Schade
Doneene Dresback
Robert A. Hudson II
Barbara Corey
Ashley Allinger
Self - Cyndi's Sister
Jeff Biskach
Samantha Troha
Kelly Siegler
William J. White
Carlos Robinson
Sharlene Martin
Self - Kathy's Mother
Thomas Walton
Murder Suspect
Eric Esteban
Kaia Foss
Christine Paolilla
Danni DanDan Gadigan
Christina Sanoubane
Amy Byron
Self - David Nixon's Niece
George Koloroutis
Self - Rachael's Father
Kathryn Kight
Matt Murray
Michael Sakara
William Fitzpatrick
Molly Shen
Brian Harris
Dominick Spinelli
Patrick Christopher
Greg Markwardt
Sonia Balleste
Darlene VanderGiesen
Susan Fassett
Glenn Langenburg
Michael Olson
Michael Wallace
Billy Baugh
Linda Sanoubane
Self - Christina's Mother
Carlton Smith
Donald Olson
Bruce Mullenix
Self - Barbara's Ex-Husband
Mary Lou Hanson-O'Brien
Kimberly Stevens
Paul Luetkemeyer
Daniel Tavares
Shimon McDonald
Self - Glenda's Daughter
Dawn Silvernail
Confessed Murderer
David Zagaja
Sylvia R. Lafferty
Arthur J. Boyko
Larry Hallmark
Gene Hansen
Tom Mulcahy
Stacy Sakai
Jill Murphy
Darla Miles
Nick DeLillo
Michael Hutchinson
Sarah Perry
Seth Austin
Randy Swaney
John McGlothlin
Steve Champagne
Tom Martin
David Castor Jr.
Amy Hesser
Kevin Brass
Jeff Karr
Self - Carrie Nelson's Uncle
Mike Gudgel
Scott Bernal
Dawn Jefferies
Christopher Harriman
Edgar Felix
Detective Spinelli
John Lucas
Bob Gill
Scott Morrison
Craig Clarke
Sarah Waters
Ryan Driscoll
Brian Mauck
Katie Breckinridge
Lois Gibson
Alicia Wilcox
Self - Footwear Examiner
Judy Musselman
Jennifer Tavares
Clint Chamberlain
Andrea Kelly
Bud Gillette
Self - TV Reporter
Samuel Vandee
James Karic
Frederick Banks
Self - Avis' Father
Joel J. Todd
Lisa Kobak
Ken's Collegue
Michele Gile
Kris Deters
Ruben Fischman
Detective Duncan
Starks Hathcock
Lisa Hall
Self - Bartender
Jerry Costello
Allan Pollard
Self - Lab Manager
Edward McLoughlin
Sean Enloe
Donna Fiorito
Self - Justin's Mother
Michael Guest
Frankie Martin
Self - Kathy's Father
J.D. Wallace
Elizabeth Kutter
Mike Fleenor
Dave Byington
James Hepler
Self - Senior Analyst
Mike Denson
Cindy Lopes-Phelan
Self - Forensic Science Investigator
Marshall Slot
Paul Soppeland
Brett Case
Andrew Johnson
Bill Munsey
Self - Tara's Father
William Heisler
Eric Hanson
Megan Duerring
Beverly Mauck
Thomas Macauley
Monique Frink
Frank Brackin
Karen Slater
Steve Mack
Matt Barnhill
Jim Davis
Brian Rogers
Ben Benson
Joy Williams
Self - Effie's Step-Mother
Stacey Smith
Richard Keller
Self - Lake County Coroner
Russell Schneider
Laura Gahn
Breck McDaniel
Duane Williams
Self - Effie's Father
Robert Wilson
Mike Fletcher
Don Whitmore
Katherine Long
Herb Leighton
Bernie de la Rionda
Jason Tate
John Anstett
Matt Kuehn
Mark Curran
Fred Felcman
Ernie Pate
Gene Czarnecki
Jim Kelly
Craig Grazier
Len Ramirez
Dee Vander Giesen
Self - Darlene's Mother
Adam Landau
Tom Ladd
Dave Nelson
John Neal
Self - Lt., Ridgeland MS Police Department
Jerry Vander Sanden
Domingo Ramirez
Avery Glick
Tasha Odom
David Gibbs
Lou Raguse
Paul Wilkerson
Lisa Marchese
Frank Dillard
Self - Det., Ridgeland MS Police Department
Richard Pickett
Alexandra Manzano
Tiffany Rowell
Jason Hitt
Jason Fassett
Self - Susan's Son
Kathleen Hopkins
Jeffrey Wieneke
Eric Carita
Angelia Wampner
Daniel Konzelmann
Curt Stoldt
Sean Colston
Troy Duncan
Kent Choate
Rob Freyer
Doug Larison
Walter Grzyb
Billy Ritter
Sandy Lively
Shane Hartline
Restaurant Patron
Natalie Stavola
Surviving Victim
Jessica Alexandra Green
Summer Baldwin
Amy Fox
Amber Nelson
Tanya Davis
Tammy Tatum
Lori Fullbright
Jon Douglas Rainey
Steven Fry
Phil E. Eichinger
Rudy Gaytan
Nicholas Barrera
Juan Sanchez
Bettina Mangiaracina
Joanna Rogers
Jarret Janako
Lonnie Jr
Ashlea Sigman
Susan Mulvey
Tammy Eret Feltz
Denise Parella
Bryant Wells
Vic Victorson
Jim Medow
Mary Chauvin
Murdered Victim
Jo Ann Steffey
Mike Piechota
Renee Dulaney
Christy Moreland
Gil Zamora
Self - Police Artist
Sherrie Holes
Mike Warnock
Kenneth Maxwell
Sarah Deubel
Douglas Sutton
Rebkah Howard
Self - Tamika's Aunt
Terrance Moss
Self - Tamika's Ex-Boyfriend
Mike Deeson
Paul Quezada
Wendy Helmick
Self - Alan's Daughter
Brian Price
Travis Higginbothan
Greg Taylor
Larry Manale
Self - Computer Forensics Alanyst
Jay Steadman
Kathy Smith
Tuck McLain
Paul Shockley
Rick Staub
John Cope
Gerald Keene
Craig Chamberlin
Lineup Guy
Gail Lotze
James Harris
Steven Andersen
Kathryn Rogers
Charlie Goodyear
Teresa Stubbs
Roger Smith
Timothy Johnson
Scott Wanzer
Carolyn Van Winkle
Nicholas Zamboli
Lance Matthews
Lannie Emanuel
Self - Firearm Tool Mark Exaimner
Henry Stoffel
Michael Myers
Jennifer Watson
Eric Lyon
Douglas Crow
Hal Rogers
Sheryl Guardino
Bar Patron
Joe Bill Rogers
Glen Moore
Steve Kunzweiler
P.J. Shields
Michael Coventry
James Kidwell
Michael Finney
Gary Taylor
Self - Michelle's Father
Lawson Turner
Self - Brother
Talton English
Bruce Vaughan
Joe Brown
TV Reporter
Manuel Ortuno
Richard Tuttle
Gabe Osterhout
Mike Huff
Mark Davis
Kåre Rygaard
Narrator on the show when broadcasted on Danish TV (1995-2000)
Jo Mercer
Katy Doyle (uncredited)
John Doty
Doug Kyle (uncredited)
Collean O'Brien
Lalana Bramble (uncredited)
Denise Cramsey
Driver (uncredited)
Kathleen Singleton
Caren Campano (uncredited)
Dennis Wagner
Chris Campano (uncredited)
Stephen L. Harris
Keith Mayo - Private Detective (uncredited)
Bob Kratz
Richard Crafts (uncredited)
John G. Pavelec
Detective Robinson (uncredited)
Mo Davis
Ann (uncredited)
Claire Furia Smith
Margie Coffey (uncredited)
Lisamarie Costabile
Diana Haun (uncredited)
Bill Lewis
Dr. Schmidt (uncredited)
Derek Chandler
Joseph Mannino (uncredited)
Louis Centanni
John Helble (uncredited)
Robert Boileau
Carjack Victim (uncredited)
Suzanne H. Smart
Virginia McGinnis (uncredited)
Sunni Boswell
EMT (uncredited)
Tom Howard
Congressman Erik Dietz (uncredited)
Nikki Corinne Thomas
Sky (uncredited)
Andrew Aninsman
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Dennis Albanese
Ron Harshman (uncredited)
Lloyd Booker
Carl Brown (uncredited)
Denise D'Ascenzo
Kathryn Harms (uncredited)
Gary Beck
Blaine Hodges (uncredited)
Duncan Smith
Peter Wlasiuk (uncredited)
Thomas J. McDonough
Brandon Bloss (uncredited)
Chelsea O'Toole
Belynda (uncredited)
Robert Myers
Larry Parham (uncredited)
Marc Bonan
The Zodiac Killer (uncredited)
Steven Moreti
Off Duty Soldier (uncredited)
Brooke Campbell
Carrie Love (uncredited)
Linda Delmonico Prussen
Judy Bruce (uncredited)
Matthew Thomas Lange
Officer Richard Phillips (uncredited)
Matthew Martinez
Officer Milton Curtis (uncredited)
Jessica Lynn Johnson
Felicia Moyse (uncredited)
Sebastian Page
Shortstop (uncredited)
Lacey Mael
Laura Salmon (uncredited)
Mike Wilson
Prison Inmate (uncredited)
Brendon John Kelly
Guard (uncredited)
Tavis Danz
Kyle Gilley (uncredited)
Matthew Gooley
Mug Shot (uncredited)
Jeremy Welch
Curtis Pope (uncredited)
Gregory R. Campbell
Abductee (uncredited)
Warren Watson
Detective Mike Warrington (uncredited)
Stephen Marrero
Motorist Needing Tow (uncredited)
Jennifer Robyn Jacobs
Ashley - Olamide's Friend (uncredited)
Chris Greene
Frederick Evins (uncredited)
Keith Saltojanes
Anthony Sanchez (uncredited)
Valerie Wyndham
Juli Busken (uncredited)
Niyi Oni
Bartender (uncredited)
Jeph Cangé
Suspect (uncredited)
Andy Stokan
Oliver O'Quinn (uncredited)
Gene Connelly
Derril Willard (uncredited)
Tariq Rasheed
Justin Glover (uncredited)
Eric Beauchamp
Witness (uncredited)
Bill Geary
Mark Unger (uncredited)
Nick Bialis
Volunteer Firefighter (uncredited)
Vane Miller
Ann Miller (uncredited)
Ernest E. Brown
Detective (uncredited)
Don Gomez
Richard White (uncredited)
Diondrae Campbell
Lucious Boyd (uncredited)
Russ Forga
Luke Hasler (uncredited)
P.J. Brennan
Robert Denney (uncredited)
Rebekah Swann
Stephanie P. Kurtz
Michelle Herndon (uncredited)
Trisha Graybill
Main Victim (uncredited)
Jason Reed
Richard Rogers the 'Last Call Killer' (uncredited)
Jalil Reddick
Isac Brown (uncredited)
James Allerdyce
Robert Messer (uncredited)
Joel D. Wynkoop
Michael Lepre
Calvin Harris (uncredited)
Jai Brandon
Christopher Hampton (uncredited)