Honour of the Gods_peliplat
Honour of the Gods_peliplat

Honour of the Gods (2001)

IIA (HK) | Hong Kong | Cantonese | 45 min

Since time immemorial, the history of China has seen many belligerent and licentious tyrants. King Zhou of the Shang dynasty was one of the most notorious tyrant. His tyranny triggered off an epic legend: King Wu of the Zhou dynasty overthrowing King Zhou of the Shang dynasty. In the fierce battle between good and evil, ancient China was gripped by paroxysms of rage and grief. Countless loyal and valiant warriors were sacrificed. Taking pity on the aggrieved mortals, the Celestial Realm laid the Rostrum of Gods of Honour. The story tells a great number of filial piety as well. Important figures such as Nezha and Daji are mentioned.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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