Claude Vickery
Timothy Sawa
Linda Guerriero
Morris Karp
Oleh Rumak
Harvey Cashore
Tamar Weinstein
Theresa Burke
Yvan Patry
Neil Docherty
Scott Anderson
Kit Melamed
Marie Caloz
Nazim Baksh
Stephanie Kampf
John Zaritsky
Susan Teskey
Leslie Fruman
Ann Marie Redmond
Andrew Culbert
Ronna Syed
Joseph Loiero
James George
Anton Koschany
Peter Findlay
Gerry Wagschal
Stuart Coxe
Saman Malik
Laurence Mathieu-Leger
Rachel Ward
John Kastner
Fred Peabody
George Robertson
Brian McKenna
Greg Stott
William Cran
Eamon O'Conner
Danièle Lacourse
Victor Malarek
F.M. Morrison
Julian Sher
Jennifer Campbell
Nilesh Hathi
Leora Eisen
Dianne Nu-Yen
Diane Grant
Cynthia Banks
John Chipman
Fergus O'Brien
Luc Tremblay
Pat Softly
Litsa Sourtzis
Lysanne Louter
Nicolien Herblot
Rachel Houlihan
Terence McKenna
Virginia Smart
Lisa Mayor
Lynette Fortune
Alex Shprintsen
Shelley Ayres
Stars (in credits order)
Bob McKeown
Self - Reporter
Mark Kelley
Self - Host
Gillian Findlay
Linden MacIntyre
Hana Gartner
Steven D'Souza
Self - Investigative Reporter
Adrienne Clarkson
Habiba Nosheen
Judy Trinh
Ho Chow
Mark Kelly
Henry Alessandroni
Craig McDermott
Joshua Teixeira
Trish Wood
Diana Swain
Self - CBC News Reporter
Carol Todd
Lucy Decoutere
Matt Taibbi
Mohammed Saadoun
Pascale Turbide
Self - Investigative Journalist
Nahlah Ayed
Ian Parker
Francine Pelletier
Dylan Ramsey
Dustin Collins
Jeffrey Baldwin
Marc-Anthony Sarria
Jayme Poisson
Self - CBC News Investigative Journalist
Duncan McCue
Self - CBC Investigative Correspondent
Marie-Maude Denis
Shaina Luck
Self - Investigator
Lyndsay Duncombe
Holly Brewer
Libby Adams
Jeffrey Baldwin's Older Sister
Shawn Hennessey
Alison Wakefield
Asha Tomlinson
Vik Adhopia
Anna Maria Tremonti
Bill Bowen
Christine Hennessey
Peter Scully
Self - Luka Magnotta's Lawyer
Tom Murphy
Bob Oxley
Barbie Swallows
Self - Luka Magnotta's Girlfriend
Mussa Marashi
Self - Luka Magnotta's Friend
Khamis Khamis
Ryan Boyle
Tony Mbugguss
Deanna Thompson
Said Awadh
John Green
Brad Dewar
Self - Spokesman, Ontario SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Robert Hunter
Self - Greenpeace president
Rene Dahinden
Self - Interviewed
John Cormack
David McTaggart
Don Cherry
Antonine Maillet
Viola Léger
Lanny McDonald
Alan Eagleson
Munson Campbell
King Clancy
Harold Ballard
George Hislop
Sylvia Train
Self - Gossip columnist
William R. McMurtry
Bill Davis
Fiona Nelson
John Sewell
Red Kelly
Kenneth Livingstone Campbell
William Johnson
Roger Neilson
Raymond Hatch
William Wilson
Jim Conway
Marilyn Wilson
Peter Wilson
Lorne Greene
Self - Vice-President, American Horse Protection Association
Roy Edward Disney
Self - Film producer
Ronnie Hawkins
Self - Actor, Heaven's Gate
Marlin Perkins
Bill Mason
Self - Director, Cry of the Wild
Peter Carter
Self - Film director
Karl Lewis Miller
Self - Humane animal trainer
Carmelita Pope
Self - President, American Humane Association
William H. Carrick
Self - Filmmaker
Ronald J. Brooks
Self - University of Guelph Professor
Donald Lavoie
Yune Heue
Ken Penny
Yoram Sheftel
John Demjanjuk
Elizabeth Loftus
Paul Chumak
Defense Lawyer
Nayirah al-Sabah
Abdi Ali Nur Mohamed
Enrique Harms
Abraham Byrd
Mohamed Hassan Ismail Farah
Ian Pollick
Yusuf Abdi Ali 'Tokeh
David Chu
Self - World Health Organization
Abraham Harms
Mennonite leader
Rüther Cornelius
Pierre Pejo Maltais
Cult leader
Erik van Monckhoven-Verlaine
Cult member
Evan Donohue
Fred Berlin
John Rosen
Stephen Williams
Kathy Ford
Jodi Boyer
Karla Homolka (dramatization)
Andrew I. Malcolm
Mary Hall
George F. Walker
Vince Bevan
Alex Ford
Jenny Black
Maryse Laganière
Mark Turner
Louise Lépine
Monique Lépine
Adrien Cernea
Steven Truscott
Susan Ormiston
Al Franken
Phil Donahue
Ann Coulter
Bernard Goldberg
Rachel Marsden
Jeremy Glick
Charles Lewis
Tad DeHaven
Tim Graham
Heather Mallick
Taylor Love
Child #2
Danielle Taxon
Child #1
Brian Mulroney
Bob Gainey
Rory Munroe
Self - Sandy and Heli's Son
Alexa McDonough
Self - Member of Parliament
Sandy Munroe
Heli Munroe
Self - Sandy's Wife
Vince McMahon
Owen Hart
Michael Benoit
Richard Gage
Sarah White
Maria Haddad
Valin Johnson
David Ray Griffin
Craig Blair
Prof Interviewer
Mark Mendelson
Self - Retired Homicide Investigator
Paul Ciolino
Self - Interrogation Expert
Duncan Scott
Self - Forensic Psychiatrist
John Kiriakou
Pete Antico
Frank Falcone
Gilles Tetreault
Stephen Reid
David Reiner
Stephen Lewis
Manny Lopez
Friend of Magnotta
Tina Jung
Lucia Jang
Goran Stjepanovic
RCMP Officer
Michael Coady
Dr. Jim Hill
Simon Seline
Jeffery Delisle, Age 29
Gil Leveck
Jeffery Delisle
Atqul Islam
Sujeet Sennik
Barry Laxer
Elizabeth Hanna
David Frisch
Jordan Andonov
Norm Todd
Slava Zelenin
Shylah Watson
Tessa Anderson
Zerha Leverman
Tom Brokaw
Jessica Grossi
Reet Jurvetson
Deborah Pollitt
Stuart Dowling
Crown prosecutor Michael Callaghan
Rick Wilson
Trisha Echeverria
Davar Dancer
Joe Arpaio
Dean Obeidallah
Wayne Barrett
Marcia Laskowski
Marie Henein
Janet Green
Crown attorney Corie Langdon
Clifford Shepard
Elana McMurtry
Reza Jacobs
Jian Ghomeshi
Peter Solala
Justice William B. Horkins
Bart Badzioch
Joel Labelle
Nick Alachiotis
Self (Secret Tests 1984)
Mouaz Moustafa
Self (Sleep Room 1998)
Joel Watts
Bill Clark
Self - Edmonton Homicide Detective
Basil Borutski
Melanie Alix
Self - Dylan Koshman's Mother
Susan Pelekis
Jeff Vander Clute
Self - Contractor
Walter Laan
Self - Former Convict
Rachel Mendelson
Self - for the Toronto Star
John Gibbons
Linda Charboneau
Howard Grant
Self - Nephew of Doogie Grant
Ron House
Self - Former Mayor, Huntsville, Ontario
Tracy McBain
Sheila Pin
Dave Seglins
Gaylene Volk
Self - Dylan's Aunt
David Laan
Dan Koshman
Self - Dylan's Father
Alex Smith
Scott Pelekis
Ghalia Bdwie
Al Elliot
Mai Kolli
Erin Huff
Self - Dylan's Girlfriend
Alice Petty
Self - Teacher
Susan Farkas
Self (MK Ultra 1980)
Derek Koshman
Self - Dylan's Brother
Kate Dolan
David Jessop
Hao Li
Kathleen Wynne
Former Ontario Premier
Andrei Marti
Doug Sweitzer
Self - Motor Coach Canada
Nora Jung
Self - Translator
Lisa Raitt
Self - Minister of Transport
Heather McGuigan
Donald Trump
Self - Current POTUS
CeCe Moore
Self - Genealogy Expert
Alison Reid
Ralph Goodale
Self - Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Sue Klebold
Self - Mother of Dylan Klebold, Columbine Shooter
Toby Reynolds
Jill Wine-Banks
Self - American Lawyer (segment "Dump Trump")
Alek Minassian
Manuel Oliver
Self - Gun Safety Activist
Amarnath Amarasingam
Self - Terrorism Researcher
Tony Bernardo
Self - Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Chelsea Rustad
Self - William Earl Talbott II's second cousin
Benjamin Ducol
Self - PhD, Centre for Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence
Lidka Lafleur
Self - High School Classmate
Mohamed El Hafid
Anne Innis Dagg
Mark Heerema
Self - Crown Proscuitor
Ramiro Cristales
Jessica Davis
Self - Former Counterterrorism Analyst, ISIS
Amir Belkacemi
Self - Victim's Son
John Wyman
Self - FBI Behavioural Analysis Unit
Manwar Ali
Self - Invention Provider, Office of Security & Counter-Terror
Tracey Wilson
Self - Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights
Alexandre Bissonnette
Paula Keys
Self - President of McKesson Canada
Laura Baanstra
Self - Jay Cook's Sister
Jim Scharf
Self - Snohomish County Sheriff's Department
Hassan Guillet
Self - Community Leader
Heidi Rathjun
Former Ecole Polytechnique Student
Bryn Williams-Jones
Self - School of Public Health at University of Montreal
Colleen Wells
Russell Palarea
Self - PhD, Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
Mubin Shaikh
Self - National Security and Counterterrorism Expert
Marc-Andre Lamontange
Self - Forensic Psychologist
John Rosenthal
Self - Stop Handgun Violence
Gillian Cosgrove
Self - Retired Journalist
Blair Hagen
Self - National Firearms Association
Leona Cook
Self - Jay Cook's Mother
Mark Follman
Self - National Affairs Editor for Mother Jones
Ahmed El Rafai
John Van Cuylenborg
Self - Tanya van Cuylenberg's brother
Rita Canas Correia
Lucie Cote
Self - High School Teacher
Robin Holloway
Nathalie Provost
Self - Ecole Polytechnic Shooting Survivor
Barbara Perry
Self - Prof. of Criminology
John Connelly
Sean Patrick Dolan
Anthony Munk
Katharine Hayhoe
Self - Climate Scientist
Shannon Moroney
Steven Feralio
Andrew Nikiforuk
Self - Environmental Journalist (Victoria)
Armel Castellan
Self - Warning Preparedness Meteorologist
Chief Lee Spahan
Self - Coldwater Indian Band
Roger Stone
Kaelin McCowan
Self - Erin Gilmour's brother
Stephen Smith
Self - Toronto Police Service
Saba Khan
Self - Environmental Lawyer, David Suzuki Foundation
Daniel Carcillo
Insp Lina Dabit
Self - RCMP Cyber Crime investigator
Rob Talach
Self - Lawyer
Sheldon Kennedy
Rick Westhead
Catherine McKenna
Self - Then-Minister of Environment
Const Francois Picard-Blais
Ren Thomas
Self - Associate Professor at School of Planning, Dalhousie University
Diane Nicholls
Self - Chief Forester, British Columbia
Devlin Barrett
Martine August
Self - Assistant Professor of School of Planning, University of Waterloo
Julie Pryde
Self - Champaign-Urbana Public Health District administrator
Andrew Doyle
David Marcus
Self - U.S. Border Patrol Agent
Scot Davidson
Denis Simard
Self - Gatineau Police
Mike Morris
Self - B.C. Member of Legislative Assembly
Joe Irving
Self - Activist, Axe Drax
Laura Robinson
Self - Author, Crossing The Line
Steven Guilbeault
Self - Minister of Environment
Joe Tidy
Self - BBC Cyber Crime reporter; BBC Cyber reporter
Barry Gardiner
Self - UK Member of Parliament
Katrine Conroy
Self - B.C. Forests Minister
Gary Bird
Self - RCMP (Homicide Investigator)
Carlton Gammons
Self - U.S. Federal Prosecutor
Bhadresh Bhatt
Self - Past President, Hindu Society of Manitoba
Adam Olsen
Self - B.C. Member of the Legislative Assembly
Joe Aquino
Self - Director of Sustainability, Drax
Michelle Connolly
Self - Forest ecologist
Merry Dickinson
Dominic Colubriale
Self - Ricova president
Hemant Shah
Self - Indo-Canadian Trade Advocate
Mike Danton
Bruce Heyman
Teresa Ryan Sm'hayetsk
Self Lecturer, Forestry Faculty, University of British Columbia
Michael Brooks
Self - CEO at Real Property Association of Canada (REALPAC)
Nina Azzahra
Ben Parfitt
Self - Policy analyst and journalist
Yeo Bee Yin
Self - Then-Malaysian Environment Minister
Douglas Kwan
Self - Director of Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO)
Pat Robinson
Self - Champaign-Urbana Public Health District H.R. director
Carson Hoy
Self - Emerson Taxi
Sean McCowan
Bob Simpson
Self - Mayor, Quesnel
Chief James Ramer
Robyn Doolittle
Pascale St-Onge
Brigitte Noël
Ashley Burke
Marie-Claude Bibeau
Self - Minister of National Revenue of Canada
Kim TallBear
Self - Native Studies Professor
Donna Loupret
Geoff Leo
Self - Senior Investigative Journalist
Jean Teillet
Self - Metis lawyer
Bruce Santamaria
Self - Buffy's cousin
Maria Sagarino
Self - Stoneham Town Clerk
Frédéric Zalac
Bo Elkjaer
Self - Danish journalist
Declan Hill
Doug Buchholz
Self - Researcher
Jacqueline Keeler
Melanie Randall
Self - Legal professor
Heidi Sainte-Marie
Self - Buffy's niece
James Cameron
Self - Interviewee
Scott Farley
English voice of Yan Liu
Sheila Copps
Michael Popove
Self - CJDC-TV News Anchor
Gurmant Grewal
Dan Stanton
Brittany Guyot
Mike Bernier
Self - MLA, Peace River South
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun
Self - Sikhs for Justice
Eric Malling
Host (1976-1989)
Warner Troyer
Robert Logie
Self - patient entered at the Allan Memorial Institute
Peter Reilly
Bob Johnstone
Catherine Tait
Jackie Speier
Self (uncredited)
Charlie Angus
Self - NDP MP (uncredited)
Linda Brown
Self - Mayor of Merritt (uncredited)