Andrew Morgan
Stefan Pleszczynski
Alex Kirby
John Smith
Stars (in credits order)
Kate Duchêne
Miss Constance Hardbroom
Georgina Sherrington
Mildred Hubble
Emma Brown
Maud Moonshine
Clare Coulter
Miss Cackle
Claire Porter
Miss Drill
Harshna Brahmbhatt
Jadu Wali
Holly Rivers
Drusilla Paddock
Joanna Dyce
Ruby Cherrytree
Jessica Fox
Enid Nightshade
Maria Bircher
Katy Allen
Ethel Hallow
Una Stubbs
Miss Bat
Poppy Gaye
Griselda Blackwood
Charlotte Powell
Harriet Goodcharm
Polly James
Miss Crotchet
Charlotte Knowles
Sybil Hallow
Julia Malewski
Fenella Feverfew
Felicity Jones
Isla Graham
Clarice Crow
Emily Stride
Berwick Kaler
Frank Blossom
Dawn Ford
Terrence Hardiman
Grand Wizard Hellibore
Paul Child
Barry Dragonsbane
Anthony Hamblin
Garry Grailquest
Paul Copley
Algernon Rowan-Webb
Guy Witcher
Merlin Langstaff
Nicholas Pepper
Charlie Blossom
Patrick Pearson
Mr. Hallow
Jenny McCracken
Betty Bindweed
Jacki Webb
Millicent Coldstone
Annette Badland
Mrs. Tapioca
Richard Durden
The Chief Wizard, Egbert Hellibore
Sheena Larkin
Mrs. Cosie
Janet Henfrey
Miss Hecate Broomhead
Rebecca Norton
Gabrielle Gribble
Fine Time Fontayne
Ted Blossom
Tina Hall
Amanda Honeydew
Harry Hill
Percy Slice
Stephen Spreekmeester
Sam Hope
Ursula Holden Gill
Lucy Fairweather
Virginia Clay
Harriet Hogweed
Naomi Page
School Band
Kim Ing
Jay Baruchel
Bean Pole
Tod Fennell
Patrick Labbé
Serge Dubois
Anthony Etesonne-Bedard
Anthony Salador
Tin Can
Daniel Dalby
The Birthday Suprise
Michelle Ryan
Susan Wooldridge
Miss Pike
Charmian May
Mrs. Pentangle
Christopher Guard
Icy Stevens
Christopher Ettridge
Terry Root
Flaminia Cinque
Mrs. Semolina
Stephanie Lane
Deirdre Swoop
Candace Hallinan
Tetsuro Shigematsu
Tour Party Leader
Charlotte Barker
Jeremy Clyde
Michael Rafferty
Mary Woodvine
Lynne Lamplighter
Diana Payan
The Uninvited Witch
David L. McCallum
Benjamin Greengage
Sean Taylor
Prince Percy