Hot Potato_peliplat
Hot Potato_peliplat

Hot Potato (1984)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: Richard S. Kline

Two teams of three contestants each, all with something in common (e.g., beer tasters, mothers-to-be), competed. Host Cullen reads a question that has multiple answers. The questions could be based on a poll (e.g., "According to a poll of men, which female celebrity would they most like to be stranded on a deserted island with?") or fact (e.g., "Name the states that starts with the letter 'M.'"). Each team member could opt to answer or challenge a member of the opposing team ("toss the hot potato to") to answer. Giving an answer not on the list, or sometimes if an opposing player gives a correct answer during a challenge eliminates that player from further play on that question. A team won the round (and $500) by either giving the seventh correct answer to the question or if all three members of a particular team were eliminated. At one point in the series, a cash bonus was awarded if a team gave seven correct answers without a miss or challenge. Teams winning two rounds became champion and played the bonus round. Cullen reads a category (e.g., "Length") and gives two possible answers ("Which is longer, the longest earthworm or the longest Cadillac?"). Each correct answer is worth $500, with the teams having the option pass on one question. Five correct answers won the jackpot ($5,000 plus $5,000 for each show it goes unclaimed while that team is champion); an incorrect answer at any point stops the game and forfeits their bonus game winnings. A team could stop the game at any time and keep whatever they had won to that point. Toward the end of the show's run, the show became "Celebrity Hot Potato," with teams now consisting of two celebrities and one contestant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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