Beauty in Black
The Idea of You
Mala influencia
Lights Out
Valle Salvaje
365 Days
Squid Game
Solo Leveling
Star Price
Chip Selby
David Wechter
Tim Rogan
Ted Saad
Scott Firestone
R.L. Shontell
Kevin Barry
Scott Schaefer
Tom Greenhut
Joshua E. Kessler
Steven Uhlenberg
Christopher Poole
Keith Cornell
John Tindall
Chip Clements
Randall Moldave
Clay Harrison
Tom Kramer
Stars (in credits order)
Penn Jillette
Self - Host
Shera Pollins
Michael Goudeau
T. Gene Hatcher
Naked Man
Joline Jaffe
Jackamoe Buzzell
Naked Person
Bruce Kimmel
Dr. Learly
Tim Sabourn
Fake Director
Asshole #1
James Randi
Vera Miranda
Dustin Knouse
Easter Bunny
Tishara Cousino
Jaime Andrews
Field Interviewer
Gabrielle Dennis
Mock Trainer's Assistant
Nicci Kelley
Carolyn Sperry
Jenny White - Creator of the Triangle of Love
Julie Wittner
Harriet Yeti
Lila Norman
Wayne Mitchell
Ron Jeremy
Nathan Santucci
Alex Avery
Robert Park
Self - Professor of Physics
Stephen Barrett
Self - Consumer Advocate
Marc Klaas
Joe Nickell
James Underdown
Self - Center for Inquiry
John McWhorter
Self - Linguist
Rick Alan Ross
Ben Wizner
Phil Plait
Erinn Milner
Michael Parenti
Rudy Matchinga
Man in Iron Lung
Moxie Jillette
Zolten Jillette
Lars Larson
Emily Zolten Jillette
Self - Penn Jillette's wife
Richard Doran Ticho
Richard from Brooklyn
Meredith Charles
Survey Giver
The Enigma
Ben Herman
Paige Anderson
Self - Model, Control Group Test Subject
Christian Aceves
David Bickford
Harold 'Hitler' Merkin
Mark Ciglar
Shaela Arondelle
Dean Malissa
Gen. George Washington
Gilbert Gottfried
Steven Banks
Billy the Mime
Tim Schuck
Otto Petersen
David Guzman
Self - Little Person
John Paul Lubran
Self - Lab Rat
Nicole Zivkovic
Little Girl Interviewer Outside the U.N.
Robert Wu
Japanese Penn
Mighty Mike Murga
Mini Teller
Neil G. Maxa
Musician in Open
David Richichi
Pat Wong
Chad Dixon - Firefighter Twin
Dawn Gallagher
Dinner Date
Alex Arqueros
Greg Herman
Christian Victor Levatino
Erin Dilly
Mother of Little Girl Interviewer Outside the U.N.
Bobby Slayton
Self - Comedian
Michael D. Lynn
Paul Wong
Tad Dixon - Firefighter Twin
Joshua Wright
Security Guard
James Koch
Young Penn
Trevor Navarra
Robin Leach
Taimie Hannum
Norman Gibbs
John Linden
Adam Nichols
Young Teller
Frank Maciel
John Stuart
Ezekiel Zabrowski
Beth Ann Styne
Sierra Fisk
David Icke
Self - Author
Anthony C. Ferrante
Self - Editor-in-Chief, Cinescape Magazine
Amanda Fields
Self - New York Taste Tester
Joe Francis
Michalina Scorzelli
Larry Elder
Self - Radio Talk Show Host
Kris McGaha
H2O Petitioner
Jerry B. Jenkins
John Edward
Self - Psychic
Hal Lindsey
Shawn Poirier
Kris Mohandie
Self - Police Psychologist
James Van Praagh
Traci Burgard
Travis Cody
John Hogue
Patrick Moore
Roger Leir
Self - Abduction Researcher
Julia Butterfly Hill
Christian Day
Self - Warlock
Bruce Goldberg
Texe Marrs
Robert R. Butterworth
James Elden
Barbara Lamb
Self - Psychotherapist
William Cone
Sue McGarvie
Jerome Cogburn Taylor
Marc Mani
Ron Rogell
Raymond Moody
Bjørn Lomborg
Kyrah Malan
Christof Koch
Tony Ortega
Self - Journalist
Martha Hopkins
Self - Author of 'InterCourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook'
Curt Collier
Lindsey Tippins
Self - Cobb County School District Board of Directors
Eugenie C. Scott
Duane Gish
Self - Senior Vice President, Institute for Creation Research
Kara Cohen
Norman Borlaug
Sylvia Cantfield
Frank Manis
Self - President, Greater Hollywood Paranormal Society
Self - Feng Shui Barber
Zachary Brinkerhoff
Self - Reflexologist
Robert John Russell
Self - Professor of Theology and Science in Residence, Graduate Theological Union
James Whinnery
Gail Baiman
Self - Firewalk Instructor
Erik D. Olson
Self - Drinking Water Expert, Natural Resources Defense Council
Self - Homeowner
Nina Fascione
Fred Anderson
Robin Anderson
Ron Smith
Hale Dwoskin
Monica Dietrich
Simon Harris
Ross Gelbspan
Russell Brock
Laura Searcy
Charles Margulis
Wayne Carr
Kartar Diamond
Steve Levinson
Self - Clinical Psychologist
Laura Fraser
Robert A. Levy
Molly Stewart
Jeffrey Selman
Gordon O'Neill
Self - Regular Barber
Robert C. Titzer
Myrna Feldman
Self - Teacher
Victoria Jack
Self - Director, Bay Area UFO Expo
Carolyn Katzin
Daniel David Palmer
Rosemary Altea
Jan Price
Stephen Kay
Self - Bottled Water Spokesman
John Randolph Price
Sandra Mariah Power
Self - High Priestess
David Willey
Johnny Johnson
Joni Evans
Self - publisher
Christopher Chabris
Leah Walton
Betty Gray
Joe Cherner
Charles E. Duvall
Self - Chiropractor
Gordon Shaw
Loren Pankratz
Self - Psychologist
Terri Lomax
Earlene Carr
Self - Abduction Victim
Lisa Chiariello Coons
Tom Brown
Mark Edward
Self - Mentalist
Dudley Danoff
Russell Targ
Curt Johnston
Joe Redden
Self - Superintendent, Cobb County School District
Kate Lowe
Harvey Karp
Dave Heney
Bill Cone
Phillip Barnett
Elizabeth M. Whelan
Ron Mattson
Self - Professor of Biology, Kennesaw State University
Ray Smith
Robert Needleman
Phyllis Sullo
Self - Owner of Sullo Salon and Spa
Shurlene Wallace
Laura Lawson
Self - Magnet Therapy Patient
Pat Allen
Barry Beyerstein
Tina Marie Tiernan
Bill Glover
Bob Murch
Bruce Beach
Jack Houck
William H. Philpott
Self - Magnet Therapist
Steven Walton
Jeff Ptak
Bob Carroll
Self - Professor of Philosophy, Sacramento City College
David Cho
Ray Hyman
Glenn Pfeffer
Self - Orthopedic Surgeon
Gary Busey
Pamelyn Ferdin
Ted Nugent
David Copperfield
Jack LaLanne
Jerry Vlasak
Erich 'Mancow' Muller
Clark Bartram
Dennis Prager
Mike Jones
Joe Arpaio
Self - Sheriff, Maricopa County, Arizona
Neal Elattrache
Dean Edell
Steven Best
Michael Shermer
Tamilee Webb
John Gray
Julia Hare
Paul L. Maier
Irene Rubaum-Keller
Cindy Jackson
Beth Shaw
Ginny Foster
Self - President,
Jacob Sullum
Richard Stratton
Ryan Murakoshi
Ron Collins
Paula Begoun
Helen Fisher
Jackie David
David Ropeik
Daniel Benjamin
John Abdo
Lance Dodes
Sherrie Schneider
Mary Roach
Robert Bryce
J. Winston Porter
John Segall
Mike Stower
Self - Hypnotherapist
Nick Hentoff
Bob Weiner
Self - Drug Issues Strategist
Brian Levin
Joe Howard
CJ Johnson
Self - Stage Hypnotist
David Kessler
Stephen G. Rice
Angela Logomasini
Alma Lopez
Self - Tarot Test Reader #3
Trish McDermott
Otis Sherrington
Self - Herbalist
Rod Rohrich
Keith Stroup
Kreigh Hampel
Jim Lafferty
Patti Strand
Henry Wasielewski
Toni Pallet Riss
Jane Weirich
Renee Garfinkel
Peter Hart
Jeffrey Schaler
Sam Milham
Patty Wood
James Christopher
Self - Founder, SOS (Secular Organizations for Sobriety)
David Barash
Steven Milloy
Self - Trump EPA Transition Team
David Martosko
Wendi Cooper
Jerry Greenwalt
David Evans
Self - Writer
Donald Vladescu
Skip Davis
Karen Leonard
Pete Sanders
Ron Kennedy
Tim Porter
Robert Corn-Revere
Lloyd Vacosky
Self - Director, Assisted Recovery
Jay Olshansky
Sasha Lessin
Self - Tantric Sex Instructor
Wally Paton
Edward Schneider
Laurene Mascola
Irvin Rosenfeld
Shelly Kalnitsky
Janet Lessin
Wendi Friesen
Self - Clinical Hypnotherapist)
David Rahimi
Mark Wexler
Self - Tarot Test Reader #1
Tee L. Guidotti
John Morse
Self - President and Publisher, Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Cedric Bryant
Dee-Dee Stout
Samuel Walker
Edward Hotchkiss
Cyril Houri
Katrina Miller
Sue Ellen Calderwood
Self - Suburban Mom
Self - Bartender
Paul West
Suzanne McMillan-McTavish
Self - Owner of Sedona Heart Center
Richard Linnett
Steve Mack
Lester Ginspoon
Linda Reid
Self - Primary Care Physician, UCLA
Amanda Enclade
Miles Kendall
Dean Parmelo
Jim O'Connor
Self - Author of 'Cuss Control: The Complete Book on How to Curb Your Cursing'
Vince Tanasi
Reginah Perlmutter
Self - Tarot Test Reader #2
Neil Seldman
Ray Greek
Wallace Sampson
David Wood
Michael Thun
Darryl Roberts
Mony Vital
Jackie Mason
Arlo Guthrie
Heidi Fleiss
Noam Chomsky
Christopher Hitchens
José Eber
Michael Q. Schmidt
Clyde Lewis
Paul Watson
Nick Redfern
Self - Ghost Hunter
Vincent Bugliosi
Jim Marrs
Tom Leykis
Bob Barr
Michael Medved
Johnny Thompson
Marcia Baczynski
Reid Mihalko
Ralph René
Cindy Esser Thorin
Kelli Dunham
Shmuley Boteach
Stephanie Coontz
William Donohue
Self - President, Catholic League
William G. Stowell
R.J. Smith
Marilyn Milos
Edwin J. Nichols
Nan Wise
Elizabeth Lyster
Patti Duce
Frank Gaffney
Roger Rosenblatt
Mark Reiss
John Katzman
Barry Schwartz
Paul Fleiss
Richard Cohen
Rachel Christine Everett
Student #1
Nanette Gartrell
Joe Holbert
Steven Novella
Sandy Abrams
Matilde Muñoz
Daniela Bumann
Suzanna Hupp
Adam Wise
Rich Raffels
Alan Gottlieb
Jim Kessler
James Alcock
Erica Halverson
Jed Niederer
John Lott
Diana Duyser
John Wise
Glenn Corbett
Richard Haberkern
Tom Bowden
Steve Zdatny
Aaron Yampolski
Student Protester
Orin Kerr
Wayne Griffiths
Frank Wilczek
Lee Watters
Richard Pombo
Lynde Mongiovi
Susan Bergunzoni
Eric Hufschmid
Tom Pyszczynski
Aroup Chatterjee
Ernell Manabat
Asian Checker Player
Mike Davis
Alan Kors
Yvonne K. Fulbright
Dan Daly
Virginia Postrel
Phyllis Bond
Make-up and Hair Artist
Deborah Harrigan
Jimmy Walter
Edgar J. Schoen
Bill Snape
Self - Chairman, Endangered Species Coalition
Judith Stacey
Antonio Muñoz
John Doe
Wilta Sofrench
G.B. Singh
Michael Davis
Audrey Santo
Mabel Murray
Lisa Farwell
Linda Otis
Frederick Zugibe
Brian Brown
Germaine Porche
Mike Beard
J. Steven Svoboda
Russell Lyster
Clayton Stapleton
Georgia Jean
Dan Fasano
Jodi Dean
Tony Carnevale
Matt Leavitt
Matt Miller
Arun Gandhi
Self - Mahatma Gandhi's Grandson
Daniel Flynn
Saul Judah
Self - Pitchman
Sean Penn
Self - Actor
Roger McGrath
Self - Historian
Frank Luntz
Self - Pollster
Robert Kolker
Self - Writer, New York Magazine
Betty Dodson
Self - Sexologist
Howard Menzer
Self - Eagle Scout, Activist
Scott McNaught
Self - Biologist, Central Michigan University
Fred Berlin
Self - Professor, John Hopkins Medicine
Joycelyn Elders
Self - Former U.S. Surgeon General, Retired
Jonathan Downes
Self - Cryptozoologist
Walter Nelson
Self - Expert on Victorian Manners
Robert McIntyre
Self - Citizens for Tax Justice
Lee Watson
Self - Lee Watson's Reptile Swap
Joel Best
Self - Professor of Sociology, University of Delaware
Self - Gay Guy
Rick Halperin
Self - Professor, Southern Methodist University
Conrad Worrill
Self - National Chairman, National Black United Front
Gregg Miller
Self - President, Neuticles for Pets
Self - Straight Guy
Ellen Simonetti
Self - Fired Flight Attendent
Salazia Angel
Self - Courtesan
Tim Curran
Self - Boy Scout, Activist
Robyn Few
Self - Director, Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Gail Kennedy
Anthopologist, UCLA
Sid Ford
Self - Executive Director, You are Never Alone
Alan Beck
Self - Professor of Animal Ecology, Purdue University
Michael Sorkin
Self - Principle, Sorkin Studio
Avaren Ipsen
Self - Biblical Scholar
Anthony Gardner
Self - Excecutive Director, World Trade Center United Family Group
Joe McIlhaney
Self - Founder of the Medical Institution of Sexual Health
Treasure Collupy
Self - Glass Blower
Steven Cozza
Lisa Ann Schreier
Self - Timeshare Expert
Kevin Gover
Self - Professor of American Indian Studies
Gloria Starr
Self - Etiquette Consultant
Mike Orkin
Self - Statistics Professor, California State University, Hayward
David Stanke
Self - LMDC Artifact Committee
Cathy Schultz
Self - Owner, Museum of Death
Marjorie Matsushita-Sperling
Self - Japanese-American Internee
John Mayer
Self - Rudeness Expert
Pat DiTillio
Self - Owner, Majestic Pizza
Justin Berzon
H.K. Edgerton
Self - Southern Heritage Activist
Dudley Sharp
Self - Death Penalty Advocate
Steven Mintz
Self - Expert on Manners
Richard Freeman
Venita Carter
Self - Founder and Executive Director, Breaking Free
Ronald Hampton
Self - Executive Director of the National Black Police Association
Carol Leigh
Self - Activist
Bonita Berger
Self - Cat Lover
Ágnes Heller
Self - Professor, New School for Social Research
Michael Close
Self - Professional Magician
DeMarcus Reed
Self - Virgin
Edward Tabash
Self - Lawyer
Larry Glickman
Self - Professor of Epidemiology, Purdue University
Robert Lawrence
Self - Center for Sex and Culture
James David Audlin
Self - Opponent of Indian Casinos
Scott Norman
Self - Dog with Neuticles
Sheila Murphy Nelson
Self - Victorian Era Reenactor
Hans Zeiger
Self - Author, 'Get Off My Honor!'
David Dyssegaard Kallick
Self - Senior Fellow, Fiscal Policy Institute
Larry A. Taylor
Self - Author, 'How Your Tax Dollars Support the Boy Scouts of America'
Stephen Slivinski
Self - Director of Budget Studies, CATO Institute
Steve Trombley
Self - Director, Chicago Planned Parenthood
Jen Sackett
Self - Abstinence Advocate
Michael Burke
Self - Brother of William Burke
John Tateishi
Self - Executive Director, Japanese American Citizens League
Alan Gell
Self - Former Death Row Inmate
Cheryl Biddle
Joshua Marquis
Self - District Attorney, Astoria Oregon
Richard Ellis
Self - Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History
Rita Brock
Self - Theology Professor
Bum Hess
Self - Nevada Commissioner
Robert Greenwald
Self - Filmmaker
Sophia Rossi
Self - Adult Film Actress
Victor Davis Hanson
Self - Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Erica Jong
Self - Novelist
Jonna Spilbor
Lawrence Carter-Long
Self - Disabilities Network of New York City
Marilyn Yalom
Self - Author, A History of the Breast
Paul S. Shapiro
Self - Audio Mixer
Bradley Berman
Self - Editor,
Myron Ebell
Self - Competitive Enterprise Institute
Mark Krikorian
Self - Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies
Nick Gillespie
Self - Reason Magazine
Self - Lesbian
Elizabeth F. Loftus
Self - Professor of Psychology, University of California Irvine
Derek Nelson
Nancy Pisano
Self - Owner of Hog Heaven
Eric Oliver
Self - Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago
Gerard Baker
Self - Superintendent of Mt. Rushmore
Howard B. Richman
Self - Pianist
David Warren Peters
Self - Lawyers Against Lawsuit Abuse
Pam Hollenhorst
Self - University of Wisconsin Institute for Legal Studies
Al Norman
Self - Sprawl Busters
Michael Voegele
Self - Senior Scientist, Yucca Mountain Project
Scott L. Gardner
Self - Professor of Biology, University of Nebraska
Al DeMaria
Self - Labor Lawyer
Phillip Stevens
Self - Professor of Anthropology, University of Buffalo
Kevin Kamps
Self - Nuclear Waste Specialist
Millan Chessman
Self - Colon Hydro Therapist
Howard Bellin
Self - Plastic Surgeon
Joe Moore
Self - 49th Ward Alderman, Chicago
Elizabeth Book
Self - Topfree Equal Rights Association
Jesse Larner
Self - Author, Mount Rushmore: An Icon Reconsidered
Emma Mitts
Self - 37th Ward Alderman, Chicago
Barbara Brenner
Self - Executive Director, Breast Cancer Action
Chelsi Meyerson
Self - Mother
John Tierney
Self - Columnist, New York Times
Paul Campos
Self - Professor of Law, University of Colorado
Melissa Wilburn
Maryann Cottrell
Self - Handicapped Parking Enforcer
Chanelle St. Pierre
Self - Wal-Mart Critic
Cindy Iverson
Self - Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
Paul Kurtz
John Livingston
Self - Exorcist
L. Stephen Coles
Self - Gerontologist, UCLA School of Medicine
Tarraccas Obremski
Jacob G. Hornberger
Self - President, Future of Freedom Foundation
Fred Shotz
Self - Disability Activist
Roger A. Clemens
Self - USC School of Pharmacy
Greg Perry
Self - Author, Disabling America: The Unintended Consequences of the Government's Protection of the Handicapped
Charlie Rebich
Self - Neera Super Cleanse
Brad Bushman
Self - Research Professor, University of Michigan
Darald Hanusa
Self - Colonic Patient
Benjamin Powell
Self - Assistant Professor of Economics, San Jose State University
Bill Means
Self - American Indian Movement
Glenn A. Gaesser
Self - Professor of Exercise Physiology, University of Virginia
Chris Simcox
Self - Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Leonard Ingram
Self - Anger Management Specialist
Eugene Volokh
Self - Professor of Law, UCLA
Erica Shepherd
Self - Lady Exorcist
Edward L. Hudgins
Self - Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute and Executive Director of the Objectivist Cente
Steve Malanga
Self - Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Mike Tully
Self - Pole Vaulter
Barry Popkin
Self - Professor of Nutrition, UNC
Chris Ward
Self - Pastor, Logos Christian Fellowship
Martin Sheen
Mike Farrell
Ken Osmond
Eddie Haskell
Brandi Love
Self -
Renae Cruz
Self - Porn Star
Philip Hersh
Mock Trainee
Junie Hoang
Chris Potoski
Emily Rosa
Self - Therapeutic Touch Investigator
John Rocker
Self - Former Major League Baseball Player
Jeffrey Thompson
Self - Center for Neuroacoustic Research
Dan Barry
Self - Former Astronaut
Marty Klein
Self - Sex Therapist
Pat Germano
Self - Insomniac
Craig Gross
Self - Porn Pastor
John Paizis
Self - Fan of Leave It to Beaver
Gail Dines
Self - Professor of Sociology, Wheelock College
Jim Benson
John Coleman
Self - Former Weatherman
Lenore Skenazy
Self - Columnist, New York Sun
Jeremy Gloff
Self - Fan of the 80s
Gael Murphy
Self - Code Pink
Erin Runnion
Self - Mother of Abducted Child
Linda Shay
Self - Dolphin Heart World
Star Newland
Self - Sirius Institute
Beverly Eakman
Self - Author & Lecturer
Maria Kretzmann
Self - Professor of Biology
Anna Sogol
Melanie Morgan
Self - Chairwoman, Move America Forward
Joel Kruger
John Charles
Self - Cascade Policy Institute
David E. Bernstein
Self - Professor of Law, George Mason University
Daniel Kripke
Self - Professor of Psychiatry, UCSD
Sam Sogol
Katie Mink
Self - Acupuncturist
Diana E.H. Russell
Self - Feminist & Sociologist
James E. Oberg
Drew Johnson
Self - Tennessee Center for Policy Research
Steve Spears
Self - Stuck in the 80s
Daniel Griswold
Self - Cato Institute
Joel Sogol
Melissa Pickett
Self - Therapist
Michael Ian Borer
Self - Professor of Sociology, University of Nevada
L.J. Williamson
Self - Writer, Mother
Scott Taylor
Self - Cetacean Studies Institute
Jared Maloff
Arshad Chowdhury
Self - CEO, MetroNaps
Daniel Linz
Self - Department of Communication and Law, UCSB
Dan Lincoln
Self - Family Affected by Porn
Michael Belfiore
Self - Author, Rocketeers
James Given
Self - Professor of History, UCI
Hawaiian Handmaid
Chantal Benedict
Self - Spiritual Healer
Roland Birrer
Self - Mock Trainee
Ann Marie Frohoff
Carlos Alvarez
Self - A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Sue Lincoln
Jon Clark
Self - Former NASA Flight Surgeon
Matthew Lee
Self - Inner City Press
Adam Keiper
Self - Editor, The New Atlantis
David Rosenthal
Jan Rasperson
Tim Schmidt
John Rodarte
Self - Pediatrician
Izzy Skenazy
Self - Child
Seth Stevenson
Self - Contributing Writer, Slate Magazine
Al Whitaker
Self - U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Mercedes Alfaro
Self - Diversity Sensitivity Trainer
Ahna Bridenbaugh
David Gershon
Self - Author, 'Low Carbon Diet'
Jon Studner
Self - Mattress Salesman
Cindy Sheehan
Sid Embree
Self - AtmosClear Climate Club
Gary Coleman
John McEnroe
Nancy Pelosi
Aaron Embry
Ron Paul
Sabina Guzzanti
Paul Dale Roberts
Blake French
Lawrence Kutner
Nikki Embry
Grover Norquist
Kevin Hassett
Jack Thompson
Dick Armey
Charles Rangel
David Cay Johnston
Self - Author, Free Lunch
Randy Runkle
Self - Showtime Executive
Mark Van Stone
Sheldon Rosner
Self - Astrologer
Henry Waxman
Robert Blair Kaiser
Self - Member of the Vatican Press Corps
Roy Sekoff
Self - Huffington Post
Patrick Geryl
Self - Belgian Professor Who Believes the World Will End in 2012
Cheryl Olson
Missy Nix
Self - Harrison's Mom
George Maschke
Self - Translator
Ted Steinberg
Self - Author, American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn
Joseph Prudente
Self - Jailed for Having a Brown Lawn
Patrick Wall
Self - Senior Consultant, Law Firm of Manly & Stewart
Jeff Cox
Harrison Nix
Self - 9-year-old
Ian O'Neill
Self - Solar Physicist
Paul J. Rosch
Self - President, American Institute of Stress
Mari Cova
Self - Mayan Princess
Stephen Daige
Self - Former IRS Executive
Len Lopez
Chris Cooney
Glenn Braunstein
Self - Chairman of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Jim Moran
Paul Robbins
Self - Professor of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona
Dorian Solat
Ronald Bailey
Self - Science Correspondent, Reason Magazine
Larry DiPaola
David Krug
Kenneth A. Jones
Keith Wood
Self - Executive Director, National Secular Society of London
Billy Joe Brewer III
Mark Morris
Self - Professor of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA
Marshall Miller
Jeff Barnett
Self - Leia's Maid
Alfred Smith
Self - Professional Fundraiser
Leif Thor
Self - Sex Coach
Jaysen Rand
Self - Author, The Return of Planet-X
Derek Hunter
Mike Walls
Andy Law
Jeff Stone
Self - Gay Catholic Group, DignityUSA
Linda Youngblood
Self - Director, The Spa at Willow Bend
Marla Wilson
Self - Aromatherapist
Roger Anton Diaz
Scott Sheperd
Jane M. Healy
Carolyn Reeves
Self - Teacher's Assistant
Charles Vickers
Tamara Cox
Self - Interested in Astrology
Al Zelicoff
Leia Sidwa
Ryan Zinn
Joelle Casteix
Self - Regional Director, SNAP
Shannon McCabe
Ronald Glaser
Destin Gerek
Self - Erotic Rock Star
Pat Prudente
Self - Joe Prudente's Wife
Doug Williams
Self - Certified Police Polygraph Examiner
John O'Brien
Self - President, Catholics for Choice
Lawrence G. Walters
Self - Constitutional Attorney
Self - Woman Whose Daughter Has Lupus
Janice Kiecolt-Glaser
John Weston
Self - General Manager, Toupee Lawns & Putting Greens
Stuart Meloy
Ron Mossler
Self - College Professor
Stephanie Czajkowski
Self - Trainer
John Lear
Alex Blagg
Marc 'Animal' MacYoung
Bill Cunningham
Brian Wansink
Melody Jackson
Kimberly Archie
Self - Founder, National Cheer Safety Foundation
Steve Badillo
Larry Kobilinsky
Meme Roth
Nathaniel Branden
Joerg Arnu
Barbara Ehrenreich
Tim Lynch
Max Wiznitzer
Self - Child Neurologist
Wendy Callahan
Becca Badillo
Tim Piccirillo
Dina Saxer
Shirley Stelman
Bernice Sandler
Self - Title 9
Jacob Brock
Self - Driver
Ken Reibel
Joey Goudeau
Self - Michael Goudeau's Son
Alex Podovich
W. Keith Campbell
Rogan Kersh
Andy Puzder
Self - CEO, CKE Restaurants
Arthur Allen
Seth Miller
Jade Thuna
Mike Reeves
Self - Sensei, Powerhouse Karate
Carl Stelman
Richard Guerry
Linda Paey
Sydney Thuna
Melissa Allen
Barbara Coombs Lee
Robert L. FitzPatrick
Frederick Mueller
Roy Baumeister
Marcus Thuna
Self - Cheer Parent
Kenneth R. Stevens Jr.
Self - Oncologist
Stuart Taylor Jr.
Oren Prosser
Self - Old Racer
Judith Levine
Pat Travis Laudenklos
Self - Owner of The Little A'Le'Inn
Cindy Rushton
Irving Biederman
Chris Cicchinelli
Daryl Jackson
Mike Rushford
Richard Paey
Leann Gomez
Sonny Newman
Rob Wynkoop
John Collins
Sheldon Smith
Bunny Vreeland
Natalie Hensgen
Robert Lamb
Stacey Campfield
Samantha Thune
Damian Ross
Eliza Byard
Hannah Page
Jamie Bain
Neal McCluskey
Erin Hoschouer
Self - Riley's Father
Roger Anderson
Eric Strader
Jay Gordon
Jenna Jackson
Self - Former Varsity Cheer Captain
Radley Balko
Laura Jackson
Christopher Reibel
Rusty McKinley
Self - Memphis State University
Deanna Thuna
Carl Buz
Pamela Hill
Bottled Water Couple (uncredited)
William Joseph Hill
Jerome Vital
Naked Man (uncredited)
Perry Friedman
Richard Königsberg (uncredited)
Kyle B. Cunningham
Man in Bed (uncredited)
Manuel Domenech
Romeo (uncredited)
Sean Patrick Flaherty
Juliet (uncredited)