Curd Jürgens erzählt..._peliplat
Curd Jürgens erzählt..._peliplat

Curd Jürgens erzählt... (1962)

None | West Germany | German |
Directed by: Gerhard Overhoff

In the intro of each story Curd Jürgens appears as himself, greeting the studio audience and the TV viewers. His little speech then prepares us for the scene he is about to perform while he is putting on a wig and/or a beard/mustache that help him get into character. Without a cut he then walks onto the set where the performance of the scene (about 15 minutes) commences. Except for Jürgens (in the intro) the actors always stay in character - not counting the mutual "goodbyes" at the end of the scene. His partners are well-known movie actors of the production period (the early 1960s).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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