Más allá_peliplat
Más allá_peliplat

Más allá (1976)

None | Spain | Spanish |
Directed by: Enrique Fernández Porras, Fernando Jiménez del Oso

Doctor and psychiatrist Fernando Jiménez del Oso creates, directs and hosts the first TV show about mystery and supernatural in the hard times of 1970's in the Spain post-General Franco's death. In a country where all strange phenomena were denied and censored by Francoist's morality along four decades, Dr. Jiménez del Oso uses all his professionalism and communication skills to approach with rigor and respect to themes as well as Bermuda's Triangle, UFOs, ghosts, strange creatures as werewolves and yetis, Egypt's pyramids and ancient civilizations, between others more. A show unique for a time still more unique.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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