From Dusk Till Dawn
Beauty in Black
Mufasa: The Lion King
Female teacher closing the door
Love Happens
Barriga de Aluguel
An Unexpected Love
Moana 2
Rosario Tijeras
Stars (in credits order)
Bill Dowell
Self - Crested Butte Ski Patrol
Greg Page
Rachel Kerr
Self - Impact Surivivor
Rocky Mann
Self - Drag Racer
Joe DeCarlo
Self - Rock Climber
Kyle Walker
Self - Drag Boat Racer
Justin Lee McKinney
Self - Impact Survivor
Dana Bowman
Mike Brown
Self - Motorcycle Stunt Driver
Tom Aiello
Self - BASE Jumper
Ron Cook
Denise Leblanc
Self - Marlin Fisherman
Jessica Ervin
Self - Water Skier
Joann Froberg
Jim Sorensen
Self - Racing Announcer
Seth Enslow
Kenny Bräck
Self - Race Car Driver
Ezra Bias
Kevin Shaeffer
Ken Berg
Self - Skydiver
Aaron Estrada
Self - Skier
Todd Bush
Rod Baird
Self - Kayaker
T.K. Hayes
Debi Nicholls
Tony Schumacher
Dan Pastor
Heather Boswell
Jack Lee
Steve Medrano
Self - Motocross Biker
Sean Denehy
John Cook
Patricia Love Page
Leroy Loving Jr.
Cassi Carbajal
Self - Sister
Thomas O. Kraner
Chris Kerr
Pam Walker
Self - Wife
Linda Mann
Christine McKinney
Frederick Downs Jr.
Self - Department of Veterans Affairs
Mike Marzoni
Rhoda Voss
Self - Friend
Sylvia Gonzales
Self - 911 Dispatcher
Katherine Mayo
Self - Jockey
Nils Magnuson
Abbie Hubert
Self - Witness
Ellen Jamett
Self - Nurse
Anita Bräck
Rex Wehrman
Steve Workman
Terry McGhee
Dawn Yoder
Bryan Jordan
Scott Weed
Paul Denehy
Keith Lee
Katy Longshore
Gregg Godfrey
Self - Filmmaker
Eric Scheumann
Self - Supercharge Specialist
Jay Schweitzer
Self - Videographer
Lee Griffin
Self - Rescuer
Kenyon Kugler
Philip Reiswig
Paul Montalbano
David Joiner
Self - Race Track Owner
Kelly Mays
Self - Manager
John Livingston
Winston Tripp
Betty DeCarlo
Kevin Carroll
Self - Prosthetics Designer
Julie Voss
Self - Teammate
Alfred Froberg
Twyla Beckner
Michael Moses
Self - Plastic Surgeon
James E. Klein
Dan Deslauriers
Billy Porter
Self - Skydiving Instructor
Elizabeth Berg
Annette Dupont
Kristy Larsen
Self - Girlfriend
Dave Brown
Self - Indy Racing League
Steve Tevlin
Self - Paramedic
James Jeng
Julie Rakestraw
Matthew Ofsthus
Self - Crew Member
Cara Schumacher
Eric Daniels
Self - EMT
Terry Finlayson
Ellen Denehy
Jeff Sabin
David Malone
Philip Valencia
Self - Industrial Accident
Carol Burke
Robert Kerr
Self - Father
Greg Garner
Self - Madison Fire Department
James Roos
Jennifer Bowman
David Lamey
Charles Kuntz IV
Self - Neurosurgeon
Greig Fredericks
Cristy Cammack
David Waindel
Victor Tedesco IV
Self - Surgeon
Marion Jordan
Jeffrey Hirschauer
David Gilkison
Henry Bock
Diane Estrada
Self - Aaron's Mother
Lee Belknap
Bruce French
Josh Richling
E. Douglas Norcross
Steven Dowd
Darr LaFon
Self - Doctor
Sara J. Lee
Dean Rakestraw
Jennifer Medrano
Nathan Cogdill
Self - Coach
Don Schumacher
Jerry Caddick
David Peter Reedy
Kathleen Kerr
Self - Mother
Malcolm L. Mazow
Michael J. Behrman
Karen Bloom
Jeff Budden
Robert Adams
Phillip Lowery
Self - Fire Department
Bruce Arne
John Shull
Self - Boat Driver
Stewart Bell
Self - Nevada Judge
Oisin O'Neill
Michelle Anderson
Christopher Nolan
Robert Mower
Hanimi R. Challe
April Bias
Langdon Hartsock
Jeremy Burdge
Bionca Shaeffer
Travis Buck
Self - River Rafting Guide
Roger Sherman
Kevin Morrill
Rose Markisello
Self - Hiker
Michael Maguire
Tim Weber
Self - Orthopedic Surgeon
Douglas G. Smith
Christopher Carey
Brian Fletcher
Rony J. Najjar
Todd Robinson
Self - Scalding Accident
Patricia Cocciolone
Marcello Borzatta
David Berman
Jessica Valencia
Susan MacKinnon
Diane Barrickman
Christian Bustos
Self - Triathlete
Shellie Weston
Self - Occupational Therapist
J.M. Botto
Zac Emenegger
Self - Clerk
Mohammad Shafi
Wayne Handley
Self - Pilot
Vineet Kumar Singh
Mark Wohlgemuth
Jason Gatson
Self - Gymnast
Rina Rotolo
Self - Physical Therapist
Ivan Schlutz
Steve Lucht
Steve Sparks
Paul Hosler
Self - Boat Racer
Donald Smith
Guy Tomlinson
Self - Firefighter
Marshall Dickholtz
Self - Chiropractor
Larry Reed
Self - Rattlesnake Bite
Steve Powell
George Boswell
Steven M. Reich
Robert Kiken
Fernando Llenez
Theresa Kulikowski
Jason Adams
Robert E. Levine
Lori Robinson
Stephanie Chen
Self - Speech Pathologist
Alan C. Beck
Jacques J. Palmer
Doug Danger
Self - Daredevil
Jeffrey Salamone
Sean Tucker
Robert D. Dewitt
Kathie Petrie
George Hess
Self - Flight Paramedic
David Weathers
Self - Cobra Attack
Bob Spendlow
Self - Longmont FD
Suzanne Sparks
Don Ermshar
Alana Harrington
Steven McCain
Lee Barden
James Poindexter
Bess Baird
Bob Mihlhauser
Self - LA Fire Department
Ron Koerth
Jim Campbell
Susan Boswell
Gloria Reed
Gabriella Stiefbold
Erik Von Ranson
William H. Slattery III
Melvin Akazawa
Walter Dobrovolsky
Francisco Valdes
Mary Mitchell
Franny Kulikowsky
William J. Morgan
Jacque Rainwater
A. Richard Grossman
James Tate
John Counsell
Geralyn Krause
Scott Myhre
Anne Hjelle
Richard Bodor
Jim Cummings
Walter Faulkner
Self - Assistant
Ron Brant
Curt Watkins
Self - Rescue Diver Paramedic
Stephanie Warren
Albert Signore
Richard Fernandez
Charles Tuft
Mark Reynolds
Denise DeLorenzo
Steve Lakatos
David Vargas
Self - Oil Pumper
Chuck Curry
Dee Malchow
Susie Parker
Self - Jacque's Mother
Tim Gilliam
Self - Franklin County EMS
Ann Abernathy
Self - Luge Racer
Donald Leslie
Keith H. Compton
Garth Kaufman
Barry Steerman
David G. Kline
Greg Marsden
Jerry Ellison
Self - Jetski Racer
Trey Rawls
Self - F15 Pilot
Carl Williams
Gus Halamandaris
John F. Eisenbeis
Self - Otolaryngologist
Ermes Zamperla
Sonya Carlson
Matthew Meunier
Gene Bolles
Al Cruz
Jon King
Dana Lewis
Tom Johnson
Debra Gatson
Self - Jason's Mother
Justin Fishell
Chuck Dupont
Keith Lara
Emilio Tambunga
Self - Sheriff's Deputy
Jim Lovell
Jaine London
Robert Brunk
Alicia Barney
Janet Alexander
Self - Trainer
Patrick Mueller
Larry D. Tice
David A. Kent
Self - Neuropsychologist
Joel D. Pickett
Kim Starko
Leila L. Hartley
Cindy Shaffer
David L. Walden
Ken Fournier
Teresa Sandeno
Self - Ryan's Mother
John Anson
Christian Duncan
Self - Skateboarder
Emery Smith
Self - Clinical Specialist
Julie Stapleton
Mike Nugent
Erik Stottlemeyer
Ed Newton
Donna Morgan
Jennifer Miller
David Weinstein
Mafalda Zoppe
Richard T. Houghton
Kevin Brady
Steve Martini
Pamela Barker
Self - Flight Nurse
Tom Babb
Doug Meador
Marvin Ned
Darren Glick
L. Scott Levin
Bevan Paarman
Self - Demolition Derby
Mitch Hopkins
Bert Mandelbaum
Trevor Szold
Stephanie Boyer
Sean Riley
Matthew Gruber
Self - High School Wrestler
Thoms Austgen
Andrew Chapman
Ryan Sandeno
Self - Brandon's Friend
Miles B. Fine
Karen Payne
Self - ER Nurse
Chuck Rice
Stephen Lopresti
Margie Hunt
David Shoop
Gilbert Carrillo
Self - Bull Rider
Peter Carse
Self - Snow Skier
Heather Tomlinson
Self - Guy's Wife
Connie Barden
Dan Lieberman
Micah King
Self - Rescue Lieutenant
Steve Pagan
DonnaMarie DuPont
Daniel Mass
Ronald Seaman
Frederick L. Walker Sr.
Preston Pyper
Alix Szold
Steve Morgan
Stuart Guy
Self - LAPD
Mariam Gruber
Self - Matthew's Mother
Allen Bailey
Self - Ski Patrol
Shannon Ainslie
Mike Staley
Self - Injured Paramedic
Cindy Mitchell
Self - Sister-in-Law
Monica Paarman
Malcolm LeSavoy
Andrew Morrow
Joshua J. Heaton
Marianne Counsell
Doug Martinson
Mike Lopresti
William Ku
David Hackstadt
David Gens
Scott Schmidt
Philip Conwisar
Paul Binnebose
Self - Skater
Adam Carillo
Scott Norwood
Bill Clancy
Carlann Frey
Lavonne Campbell
Self - Jim's Wife
Robert Leviton
Frank Elliott
Jeff Hameister
Brian Simmons
Craig Paarman
Albert Gillespy
Devi Szold Lynch
Insoo Kim
Brandon Ainslie
Perry Hortt
Self - Las Vegas Fire Department
Gregory W. Zoller
Lina Glick
Self - Darren's Mother
William Neal
Ken Cusano
Chet Ziegler
Meredith Rettig
Michael Blab
John Sillick
Roy Sanders
Laura Handy
C.R. Frazier
Dan Fairchild
Bizhan Aarabi
Charles Fritz
Clyde McAuley
Teague Mullen
Self - Snowboarder
Jeff Tewksbury
Alexandra Dresel
John D. Bullock
Buddy Flynn
Rob Widhalm
Self - Baseball Coach
Roger Tilford
Self - Bakersfield Fire Department
Ross Lyon
Yevgeny Severin
Self - Bear Attack
Randy Thomas
Jackie Heinle
Self - Nurse Manager
Jeff T. Grange
Curtis Harper
Debra F. Glaser
Self - LAPD Psychologist
Francis Yamamoto
Willie Maritz
Frank Glick
Self - Darren's Father
Mark Miller
Michele Zolman
Self - Brandon's Mother
Linda Duncan
Self - Christian's Mother
Nancy Metzger
Julie Carrillo
Debby Fishell
Self - Mom
Mike Burrill
Chabin Mullen
Ron Ludington
Sandy Pruett
Self - Animal Trainer
Robert Blake
George Drugas
Brian Chivas James
Ellen Harrington
Self - Alana's Mother
Chris Beucher
Jeff Keller
Bunny McClellan
Self - Lightning Strike Victim
Joy Harrison
Peter MacNaughton
Self - Photographer
Katy Conway
Self - Cincinnit Police Officer
Carol Kishiyama
Tertius Venter
G. Patrick Kealy
Dan Davidson
Kate Staley
Self - Mike's Wife
Barry Fisher
Nikolai Jenischpolski
Self - Neighbor
Mark Bucholz
Bryan Brouhard
Sherri Vasquez
Philip Bosco
Tandy Freeman
Mike McNamara
Self - Basketball Player
Stephanie Lopresti
Judy Binnebose
Self - Paul's Mother
Karl Earley
Self - Squaw Valley Ski Patrol
Don Fishell
David B. Hoyt
Maurice Cullinane
Gene Colter
Self - Chariot Racer
Kenneth Salyer
Jerry Gambill
Self - Bakersfield Battalion Chief
Lon Pyper
Self - Preston's Father
Ron McClellan
Self - Husband
Jon Halusek
Jim Johnson
Pippen Graves
Raul Valdez
Self - Ladder Accident
Larry Gentilello
H. Andrew Motz
Mandy Russman
Ben J. Childers
Natalie Severin
Jim Fischer
Self - Pediatric Surgeon
Stephen R. Peters
Jason Kearney
Scott Schwisow
Julius Dengler
Self - Manatee County Sheriff Department
Harriet Cokely
Bikash Bose
Andrew Dossett
Michael MacQuarrie
Wade Smith
Karen Powers
Steven Garfin
Ashley Stevens
Robin Johnson
Self - Gene's Ex-Wife
Darla Pyper
Self - Preston's Mother
Don Carver
David Genecov
Marshal S. Lewis
Barbara Warren
Joey Stevens
Bethany Bennett
Albert E. Cram
Michael J. Halls
Marc Kerner
Nick Picciolo
Lee Risler
John Beumer
Michael Horn
Brandon Combs
Mike Smith
Andy Michaels
Marlene Rodgers
Luis Mieles
Belinda Andrews
Self - Sillick's Sister
Julie Price
Rich Jasinski
Self - West Manatee Fire Department
Charlie Tarver
Self - Speed Cyclist
Harold Senal
Fred Giberson
Peter C. Werner
John Evans
Blaine Houmes
Patrick Petti
Chauncy London
Randy Smith
Doris Elliott
Brent Greenwald
Matt Scott
Self - Fireworks Accident
Amy Bostic
Alejandro Kock
Justin Wilkerson
Robin L. Debold
Daniel Higgins
Kurt Blatter
Brad Noblett
Karen Anderson
Self - James's Mother
Daniel Zegzula
Joan Lopresti
Self - Stephen's Grandmother
Kevin J. Pidgeon
Frederick Surbaugh
Steven Willoughby
Self - Attorney
David Burton
Becky Dedo
Self - Cheerleader
Dave Hollander
Self - Radiologist
Richard Olson
Mitchell Stoop
Raoul Nelson
Ryan Lane
Patrick Kealey
Jay Johannigman
Amy Scheatzle
Scot Gottschalk
Sean Bush
Tracey Arnell
Yoram Rabbe
Bryn Risler
Self - Lee's Wife
Santiago Valdez
Self - Brother
Tina Fisher
Ryan Quinlan
Dustin Vitucci
Rosemary Morrow
Self - Andrew's Mother
Gary Quist
Cody Moore
Self - Decatur PD
Anna Kanarowski
Self - Extreme Skier
Darrell Musick
Ken Clayton
Self - Charlie's Friend
Robert Bailey
Self - Flight Medic
Traci Underwood
Peter Ralston
Self - Spectator
Self - Mountain Climber
Brian Deegan
Kyle Haas
Jill MacNaughton
Mona Williams
Self - Store Clerk
Stephanie Rawnsley
Dan McDowall
Robert Cohenour
Yaw Wu
Anil Punjabi
Phillip Conley
Self - Hanger Prosthetics
Larry Wilkerson
Diane Hoffman
Yvonne Johanson
Wahed Magee
Jarrett Hitchings
Robert Masson
Lisa Lombard
Jerry Sullivan
Self - Decatur Fire Department
Chris Ertman
Suzanne Leydecker
Forrest Arthur
Terry Edwards
Michael Rawnsley
Self - Stephanie's Father
Michael Schremmer
Becky Lane
Flip Nollar
Ronnie Faisst
Sergio Ruiz
Tom Fisher
John P. McKinney
Jono Moore
Self - Street Luger
Jim Davis
Troy Webster
Self - Farmer
Eric Hansen
Dennis Shubert
Terry Balagna
Casey Gaines
Matt Maker
Gay Dedo
Self - Becky's Mother
Matthew Shelton
Self - Liberty High School Coach
John Cullen
Damien Coniglio
Jerry Bagget
Lee Akin
Caity Shaffstall
Pamela Newcomb
Self - Agent
Bill Lane
Self - Bill's Father
Teresita Ruiz
J. David Thompson
Tony Reid
Self - Surgical Assistant
John Profeit
Mark Littlefield
Gregory Balko
Richard Brown
Mike DeSisto
Cindy Dedo
Steve Rollins
Self - Portland Mountain Rescue
James Frommer
Self - Liberty High School Team Physician
Stacie Robbins
Kristin Owens
Scott Gallagher
Phil Mallory
J.P. Bell
Craig Fredricks
Corey Navarre
Jennifer Gau
Anita Correa
James Scott
Candace Moore
Self - Jono's Wife
Mark Borden
Bob Barrett
Michael Watson
Kim Hitchings
Self - Jarrett's Mother
Gianna Scannell
Stephen Robbins
Bob Barnett
Larry Schutz
George Frey
Mark Purnell
Jim Hieston
Patrick Dawson
Julie Nelson
Self - Mona's Sister
Craig Hobar
Richard Adams
Jean Kiburz
Ron Chamberlin
Self - Rob's Father
David Follette
Jeffrey V. Hunt
Eugene N. Brown Jr.
Susan Helm
Butch Peterson
Self - Friend of Charlie
Dean Gubler
Seth Izenberg
Marisa Deegan
Nils Axelsen
Tom Richardson
Mary Shelden
Self - Fiancee
Shane Sanford
Julie Tredway
Ralph Delius
Brad Brazzeal
Bill Ferguson
Self - Skate Park Owner
William Zajdel
Self - ER Physician
Andrew Canfield
David Guyton
Gretchen Kirby
Eric Dierks
Daniel F. Cooper
Kathy Buchanan
Thomas Sampson
David Joplin
Self - Investigator
Deanne Webster
Philip Borozan
Brett Christiansen
Michael Pasquale
Dante Pieramici
Paul Matz
Audrey Rawnsley
Self - Stephanie's Mother
Scott Parry
Linda Chamberlin
Brian Boyle
Terry L. Nelson
Rob Chamberlin
John E. McGillicuddy
Matthew Tate
Joshua Heaton
Thom Beers
Narrator (2002)
Wally Wingert
Narrator (2003-2004)
Bill Ratner
Narrator (2004-present)