David Coleman
Lea Sellers
Tim Brearley
David Ash
Mike Akester
Anthony Lee
Simon Raikes
Kathy O'Neill
Daniel Brittain
Christopher Graham
Annie Fienburgh
Nigel Maslin
Alexander Gardiner
James Mallet
Mark Allen
Paul Bryers
Phillip Whitehead
Robert Lynton
Charlie Smith
Stars (in credits order)
Vincent Hanna
Self - Presenter
Andrew Rawnsley
Peter Jay
Peter Kellner
Self - Reporter
Nick Ross
Sue Cameron
John Underwood
Vivian White
Auriol Stevens
Marion Bowman
Norman Fowler
Iain Duncan Smith
Michael Portillo
Tony Blair
Robin Cook
Martha Kearney
Peter Mandelson
Jack Straw
Richard Shepherd
Leon Brittan
Emily Macfarquhar
Paddy Ashdown
Angela Rumbold
Anthony King
Michael Heseltine
Ivan Lawrence
David Willetts
Mo Mowlam
Douglas Hurd
John Gummer
Teresa Gorman
Tony Benn
Edwina Currie
Charles Kennedy
Peter Lilley
Ken Maginnis
Bernard Ingham
Virginia Bottomley
John Hume
Donald Dewar
George Walden
Chris Smith
Stephen Dorrell
David Hunt
Michael Meacher
Clive Soley
John Redwood
Roy Hattersley
David Steel
Ken Livingstone
David Owen
Clare Short
Barry Legg
David Howell
William Waldegrave
David Trimble
Hugh Dykes
Rhodes Boyson
Frank Field
Menzies Campbell
Frank Dobson
Simon Hughes
Alex Carlile
Steven Norris
Tony Wright
Robert Blake
Ian Gilmour
Austin Mitchell
Margaret Thatcher
Matthew Parris
Don Foster
Bryan Gould
Glyn Ford
Simon Heffer
Alex Salmond
Peter Bottomley
John MacGregor
Tony Banks
John Prescott
Gordon Brown
Kenneth Clarke
Dick Spring
Ann Taylor
Bill Cash
George Robertson
Paddy Mayhew
Greville Janner
Will Hutton
Brian Wilson
Edward Heath
Geoffrey Howe
Alan Howarth
David Sumberg
Martin McGuinness
Ann Widdecombe
Andrew Dilnot
John Boyd-Carpenter
Anthony Gifford
Malcolm Bruce
Bill Morris
Richard Holme
Nicholas Scott
Garret Fitzgerald
John Smith
Geoffrey Pattie
Kenneth Baker
Michael Howard
Margaret Beckett
Ray Whitney
David Blunkett
Max Hastings
Neil Hamilton
David Clark
Mark Fisher
Alan Duncan
Barbara Roche
Albert Reynolds
Dennis Skinner
Malcolm Rifkind
Peter Robinson
Seamus Mallon
David Ervine
Jeremy Hanley
Anthony Giddens
Michael Ancram
Chris Patten
David Mellor
Edward Leigh
Alistair Darling
Tessa Jowell
Diane Abbott
David Marquand
Giles Radice
Nicholas Budgen
Michael Forsyth
Roger Freeman
Emma Nicholson
Angela Eagle
David Davis
Timothy Renton
Joe Ashton
Charles Moore
Peter Hall
James Goldsmith
Peter Shore
Brian Mawhinney
Teddy Taylor
Stephen Byers
Eric Forth
Denis Healey
Neil Kinnock
Ian Paisley
Francis Pym
Bernie Grant
Gerry Fitt
Tessa Blackstone
Tom King
Eric Hobsbawm
Geoffrey Rippon
Roy Evans
Leo Abse
Gavin Laird
Alex Kitson
Peter Archer
Bernard Donoughue
Eldon Griffiths
William Whitelaw
John Taylor
Lord Scarman
John Biffen
Michael Meadowcroft
Brenda Dean
John Major
George Galloway
Mark Steyn
Self - Presenter of the Whammies '92
Winston Churchill Jr.
Arthur Scargill
Peter Snape
Madron Seligman
Wayne David
António Cardoso e Cunha
Ian Lang
Gordon Adam
Tony Marlow
Tommy Sheridan
Alan Haselhurst
Jim Paice
Glenda Jackson
Gyles Brandreth
Simon Jenkins
David Starkey
Harriet Harman
Chris Bonington
Peter Hain
John Patten
Hans Hækkerup
George Gardiner
Nicholas Ridley
Stephen Milligan
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen
Bruce Anderson
Michel Rocard
Kevin McNamara
Holger K. Nielsen
Gerald Kaufman
Pascal Lamy
Annette Just
Donald Soper
Ruth Lea
Ian Taylor
Phil Redmond
Jon Snow
Cyril Ramaphosa
John Gray
F.W. de Klerk
Shirley Williams
Anthony Sampson
Self - Interviewer
Bertie Ahern
Michael Fabricant
Alexander Chancellor
Jeff Radebe
Hans-Gert Pöttering
David Amess
Roelf Meyer
Ben Pimlott
Mitchel McLaughlin
Nick Brown
Joyce Quin
John Denham
Tim Clement-Jones
John Monks
Stephen Pollard
Russell Johnston
Andrew Phillips
Ken Loach
Gerry Adams
Theresa May
Anthony Seldon
Eric Pickles
Bernard Jenkin
Paul Tyler
Alan Clark
Roy Jenkins
William Rodgers
Dennis Canavan
Kenyon Wright
Tom Paulin
Douglas Alexander
Peter Kilfoyle
Helen Liddell
John Curtice
Richard Lambert
Robin Page
Ruth Deech
Rita O'Reilly
Jim Wallace
Anne Campbell
Paul Boateng
Roseanna Cunningham
Mary Archer
Nicholas Goodison
Cameron Mackintosh
Rupert Allason
Roy Greenslade
Jonathan Aitken
Timothy Garton Ash
Andrew Neil
Madsen Pirie
Ian McCartney
Glenys Kinnock
George Foulkes
Joan Burton
Alistair Burt
Diana Warwick
Hans van Mierlo
Adair Turner
Dawn Primarolo
Michael Spicer
Trevor Kavanagh
Matthew Taylor
David Wilshire
Ivor Richard
Elizabeth Symons
Paul Flynn
Robert Kee
Norman Lamont
Janet Anderson
Tony Mason
John Hills
Billy Hutchinson
Rob Hayward
Martin O'Neill
Robert Armstrong
Tony Newton
Olga Maitland
Eamonn McCann
Anthony Lester
Jean-Luc Dehaene
Vernon Bogdanor
Jeffrey Archer
Michael Dobbs
Yvette Cooper
William Hague
Geoffrey Johnson Smith
David Butler
Michael Jack
Geoff Hoon
Stephen Tindale
Joan Lestor
Nick Raynsford
Beverley Hughes
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
Archy Kirkwood
Charles Secrett
Chris Pond
Annabel Goldie
Alun Michael