Anders Svalestad
Pia Lykke
Stars (in credits order)
Arve Juritzen
Programleder (Host) (2001-2002)
Trygve Rønningen
Programleder (host) (2003)
Jannicke Farstad
Co-host (2001)
Ingar Helge Gimle
Narrator (voice)
Lars Joakim Ringom
WINNER (2001)
Veronica Agnes Roso
WINNER (2002)
Eva Lill Baukhol
WINNER (2003)
Anne Mona Hansen
Participant (8th out) (2001) (came to final)
Rodney Omdahl Karlsen
Participant (10th out) (2001) (was voted in again)
Anita E. Sundt Olsen
Participant, 11th out (2001) (came to final) #2
Anette Young
Participant (9th out) (2001)
Ramsy Suleiman
Participant (7th out) (2001) (93 days)
Per Morten Witzøe
Participant (5th out) (2001) (left the house) (85 days)
Veronika Katrin Andreassen
Participant, 13th out (2002) (came to final)
Monica Arthurson
Participant, 12th out (2002) (came to final)
Espen Vesterdal Larsen
Participant, 14th out (2002) (came to final)
Kristian Westgaard
Participant, 11th out (2002) (came to final)
Bjarne Mikael Mattson
Participant, 10th out (2002) (came inn after several weeks)
Maria Haugland
Participant, 8th out (2002)
Dennis Heffermehl
Participant, 9th out (2002)
Halvor Kvikstad
Participant, 14th out (2003) (came to final)
Participant, 12th out (2003) (came inn after several weeks) (came to final)
Stina Titterud
Self - Participant, 13th out (2003) (came to final)
Therese Fjellgård
Participant, 8th out (2003)
Henriette Kvalsund
Participant, 10th out (2003)
Morten Flågan
Participant, 11th out (2003)
Participant, first out (2003)
Participant, 5th out (2003)
Gro Anita Arntzen
Participant, First out (2002)
Line Brekke
Participant, 3th out (2002)
Kyla Cole
Self - Guest (2001)
Ronnie James Dio
Johannes Frøyen
Participant, 7th out (2002)
Ronny Furnes
Participant, 6th out (2003) (left the house)
Roy Grønkvist
Participant (4th out, 52 days) (2001)
Participant, 7th out (2003)
Thor Hermansen
Participant, 9th out (2003) (came inn after several weeks)
Participant, second out (2003) (left the house)
Guner Kaya
Participant, 4th out (2002)
Remi Knutsen
Participant, 6th out (2002)
Kim-William Kristoffersen
Participant, third out (2003) (left the house)
Jan-Arne Leding
Participant, 2th out (2002)
Participant, 4th out (2003)
Natalie Strand
Participant (1th out, 3 days) (2001)
Trond Syversen
Participant (2th out, 27 days) (2001)
Monica Sørensen
Participant (3th out, 41 days) (2001)
Lise Marie Årnes
Participant, 5th out (2002)
Rebekka Østby
Participant (2nd out, 6th out) (2001) (was sent back in again by BB)