The Casebook of Charlotte Holmes_peliplat
The Casebook of Charlotte Holmes_peliplat

The Casebook of Charlotte Holmes (1977)

None | Japan | Japanese | 24 min
Directed by: Fumio Kurokawa, Masami Annô, Takashi Annô, Yoshikata Nitta, Hideyoshi Oga

Charlotte Holmes is a young 12-year-old noble girl who loves to investigate cases. One day, she stumbles upon a case of robbery which involves the Queen of England's ring that had gone missing during a garden party. Rewarded with a new title of honorary detective and a pendant an emblem of recognition, she embarks on an adventure. She is assisted by Inspector Jackson, a detective of the Scotland Yard, his dashing assistant Michael, and Charlotte's best friend Franck. They are going to settle numerous problems and bring peace back into the town.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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