
Swabhimaan (1995)

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Mahesh Bhatt, Debaloy Dey

'Swaabhimaan' is a sizzling saga of our supercharged times. Every afternoon viewers meet the most exciting people in town - Svetlana, Rishabh, Ranjana Devi, Devika, Mahen, Nishi and Ronnie. 'Swaabhimaan' unfolds the volatile story of a compellingly beautiful woman - Svetlana who finds herself pitched in a complicated battle where there are no real winners. Insecurity, suspicion and fear threaten to erode her indomitable spirit as she struggles to come to terms with her position - that of a pampered mistress whose tycoon patron dies leaving her to cope with the ugly aftermath of the tragedy - inheritance wars, succession rights, property entanglements, petty quarrels and above all, emotional mine-fields that threaten to destroy her very soul. How Svetlana handles the multi-pronged attacks on her forms the backbone of 'Swabhimaan' that will draw you into its fold and keep you there.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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