Brødrene Dal og mysteriet med Karl XIIs gamasjer_peliplat
Brødrene Dal og mysteriet med Karl XIIs gamasjer_peliplat

Brødrene Dal og mysteriet med Karl XIIs gamasjer (2005)

A (NO) | Norway | Norwegian |
Directed by: Torunn Calmeyer Ringen

26 years after their characterers first made their smash-hit debut on television, legendary Norwegian comedy trio/writers "KLM" (Trond Kirkvaag, Knut Lystad and Lars Mjøen) return as their most popular characters; the Dal Brothers (Brødrene Dal) in their fourth series, again laced with their famous madcap comedy and crazy antics. This time, mixed with crime and mystery the brothers also get involved in time-travel (as they did in "Brødrene Dal og spektralsteinene") and end up influencing famous events in Norwegian history, traveling from the year 2005 and ending up in 1716, 1718, 1814 and 1905.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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