No nudity outside of one episode in which a woman is seen completely naked, exposing breasts with nipples visible. This scene goes on for quite a while.
Violence & Gore
The first half has some episodes where the characters attack with paper and it actually is quite bloody. The episode with the nude lady has quite a bit of bloody violence.
In episode 13, a guy gets shot with lots of blood visible.
In the second half of the show, the violence is completely toned down, and it is mostly bloodless violence with paper.
Most of the time you just hear "damn" and "hell" with "bastard" used infrequently.
One episode the word "bitch" is used, and in another episode the word "shit" is used.
The first episode has the middle finger.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Some smoking at times. Nothing too bad.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
Some violent scenes in the first half, otherwise nothing too bad.
Overall Rating:
First Half: TV-14-LSV
Second Half: TV-PG-LV