Rosario Tijeras
Squid Game
La Casa de los Famosos Colombia
365 Days
Teen Wolf
Solo Leveling: ReAwakening
Solo Leveling
The Legend of the Wolf Woman
Patricia, Return of the Dream
The Idea of You
Stars (in credits order)
Robert Lee
Self - Narrator
George Schappell
Cathy Berry
Lori Schappell
Ada Hamosh
John Templeton
Alice Dreger
Charles Davis
Ryan Gonzalez
Susan Boiko
Roland Staud
Barry Handler
John Moore
Donna Schlemmer
Self - Friend
Mick Roffey
John Cochran
Michael Carstens
Kim Peek
Devion Brown
Gordon McGuire
Daniel Christensen
Fran Peek
David Notrica
Kristi Kleinman
Waylon Kleinman
Kurt Newman
Justin Goe
Self - Football Injury
Ory Barnett
Aaron Barnes
Self - Big Baby
Trevon Jenifer
Jared Conte
Ryan Lane
Vance 'Bo' Salisbury
Self - Patient
Stacy Burton
Zoe Pearson
Anne Hjelle
Jacob Brochtrup
Self - Boating Accident
Steve Blackman
Self - Tourette's
John Oakley
Kate Bainbridge
Leon Sebek
Self - Skydiver
Barbara Marshall
Self - Brain Tumor
Howard Lichtman
Gabe Conte
George Frey
Denise Salisbury
Self - Bo's Wife
Ken Goe
Leanne Barnes
Self - Aaron's Mother
Constance Brown
Self - Trevon's Mother
Heather Barnett
Theresa Berry
Betty Dysart
Self - Leon's Wife
Gillian Bainbridge
Debi Nicholls
Debbie Hobson
Jack Marshall
Self - Husband
Christina Kwasnica
Neil Blackman
Self - Brother
Beth Gray
Travis Downing
Cindy Hofer
Randall Chesnut
Lane Wimberly
Theresa Lichtman
David Kilmer
Self - UC Davis Medical Center
Leslie Gordon
Chris Cowell
Lawrence L. Ketch
Ahad Israfil
Self - Shooting Victim
Jane Hortyk
Alan Gray
James F. Leckman
John Goddard
Howard Polden
Self - Flight Nurse
Clive Wearing
David K. Menon
Sanjay Ghosh
Joshua Wilson
Self - Retinoblastoma Patient
Jaxon Lichtman
Megan Conte
Lawrence Eichenfeld
Kathrin Mayer
Gordon K. Lindberg
Hannah Michlik
Self - Aicardi's Syndrome
Leanna Mills
Self - Dystonia
Nayara Razmi
Jeryl Abramson
James Apesos
Self - Plastic Surgeon
Matthew Hunt
Stephen Maier
Self - Flight Paramedic
Nikita Graham
Deborah Wearing
Ann Dauer
Seth Orlow
Linda Wilson
David Rogers
Self - Sarah's Fiance
Amanna Pal
Mary Teresa Stiles
Cristina Perez
Self - EB Patient
Sara Moyle
Kim Michlik
Sara Steele
Self - FOP
Michelle Mills
Suzanna Razmi
Am Rai
Justine Graham
Kutluk Oktay
Christopher Nolan
Lisa Lunsford
Tracey Weir
Randy Marriott
Self - Paramedic
William Thompson
Self - Duke University
Courtney Arciaga
Harry Willshaw
Raphi Strauss
Self - Xeroderma Pigmentosa Patient
Frederick S. Kaplan
Harry Moyle
Self - Motorbike Accident
Tom Michlik
Suzie Pal
Self - Amanna's Mother
Sarah Yeargain
Jerome Abramovitch
Bethany Mills
Frank Coufal
Siarash Razmi
Shanay Dattoli
Dianne Rondon
Jan Shope
Self - Jacob's Mother
Floyd Mitchell
David Alexander
Daniel Minneman
Michel Lotito
Iris Strauss
Katherine Yeargain
Helen Englert
Self - Rheumatologist
Kirk Aleck
Jeff Taylor
Self - Naracourte Hospital
Misty Berry
Eric Brown
Self - Trevon's Stepfather
Sue Arciaga
Martin Wilson
Brooke Kelly
Self - CCHS Sufferer
Alain De Lotbiniere
Khadija Ahmad
Self - Ahad's Mother
Olivia Mills
Anne Dattoli
John Uecker
Leo Sanders
Bernard Monzol
Ann Ruthers
Self - Friend of Justin
Paula Maestas
Jeff Sweiner
R.C. Arciaga
Alberto Friedmann
Stephen Santoreneos
Tyrill Berry
Tishonna Garnes
Self - McCune-Albright Syndrome
Arianna Jimenez
Allison Ahlfeldt
Self - Van Ness Procedure
Hunter Hoffman
Mark Bayley
Self - Toronto Rehab Institute
Katy Mills
Adrian Kelly
Self - Father
Ed Webber
Self - Sleepwalker
Carl Aguirre
Barbara Wilson
Self - Neuropsychologist
Dennis Dattoli
Michael Armer
Roderick Russell
Self - Sword Swallower
Tiffany Roberts Noell
Self - Foreign Voice
Eric May
Self - Stutterer
Ken Clarke
Self - Bodybuilder
Tarja Garnes
Thomas C. Barber
Al Haverkamp
Garry Turner
Andrew McClusky
Self - Ehlers-Danlos Foundation
Amy Foels
Mary Ahlfeldt
Clarence Aguirre
Nancy Webber
David Patterson
Lynette Hunter
Ajai Khanna
Arthur Teng
Self - Sydney Children's Hospital
Padraic Grattan-Smith
Greg Marshall
Self - Gardener's Syndrome
Richard Kidd
David Moore
Self - Gastroenterologist
Mark Lavallee
James V. Luck Jr.
Tanisha Garnes
Arie Winograd
Self - UCLA OCD Treatment Program
Karly Oestringer
Richard Maestas
Kim Milano
Self - Nutritionist
Bruce Birchard
Self - Daniel's Father
Mark Powers
Kurt Merkel
Sherri Marshall
Florence Diaz
Self - CLI Sufferer
Robin Buzzell
Myra Payne
Self - Matthew's Mother
Arlene Aguirre
Letitia Kelly
Self - Mother
Lynn Blaze
Emmanuel Mignot
Jack Ryalls
John M. Freeman
Berny Crane
John Embil
Sam Cady
Self - Parkinson's Sufferer
Marvena Horrisberger
Mandy Thomas
Self - Pregnancy Complications
Cameron Oestringer
Tracey Ball
Sanie Neli
Self - Port Wine Stain
Courtney Armer
Monica Blaze Leavitt
Self - Cancer Patient
James Goodrich
Shirish M. Shah
Sandra Edwards
Self - Foot Ulcer
Daniel Garnic
Self - Glendale Memorial Hospital
Paul Buzzell
Emily Wadsworth
Self - Grandmother
Thomas Fishbein
Kristina Anderson
Self - Narcolepsy Sufferer
Fiona Wood
Moira Kelly
Self - Children First
Daniel Birchard
Self - Fungal Infection
Jerusha Goebel
Self - Paula's Mother
George Thomas
Donald Ritt
Helen Midgley
Self - Spider Bite Victim
Bill Crane
Kenneth Ott
Steve Faber
Self - Nail Gun
John Waeltz
Quinn Sliment
Catherine Fields
Stanley Teitelbaum
David Staffenberg
Tony Holland
Jamie Hunter
Self - Mountain Climber
Elaine Sotre
Cameron Clapp
Aimee Holden
Steven Hinderer
Ken Winkel
Andrea Cheville
Sally Berga
Tony Pennington
Self - St. Vincent Mercy Hospital
Arnold Nash
Gloria Lenhoff
Brent Heroux
Delaney Buzzell
Barbara Guerra
Thomas Sliment
Self - Quinn's Father
Robert Marion
Bernice Hagger
Kirstie Fields
Wendy Hunter
William Deaton
Andy Cook
Self - Dog Trainer
Phil Holden
Kevin Carroll
Martin Cooper
Scott Thornton
Steve Norton
Self - Lymphedema Therapist
Brent Duffy
Self - Friend of Amy
Ashlyn Blocker
Mark Calkin
Self - Anesthesiologist)
David Miller
Ronnie Galyon
Kevin Hagger
Michael Jemmett
Judee Sliment
Self - Quinn's Mother
David Forayter
Lyn Fields
Lisa Reid
Self - Vision
Howard Lenhoff
John Hunter
Gill Lacey
Self - Dog Owner
Ricky Barker
Charles Lee
Tara Blocker
Linda Harrington
Self - Nurse
Deborah Krakow
Self - Cedars Sinai
Richard M. Greenwald
Self - Simbex
Brodie Knight
Si Pham
Kevin Miller
Sylvia Lenhoff
Donnie Galyon
Pamela Costa
Steven Hagger
Daniel Kachmar
Nicholas B. Vedder
Robert Surtees
John Church
Self - University of Cambridge
Chris Greener
Jeffrey Chu
Karen Miller
Donald Church
Self - Retractor
Dan Donahue
Castillo Campos
John Blocker
Garbis Kassabian
April Greenan
Jim Galyon
Carroll Dagenais
Self - Power Line Accident
Eugene Stolowski
Self - Firefighter
Joe Kachmar
Gayla Kanaster
Self - Pamela's Mother
Laura Gumbiner-Russo
Ryan Hays
Self - Music Teacher
Brittany Apgar
Jim Cook
Self - Prosopagnosia
Kerry Walker
Self - Dietician
Atul Gawande
Michael Besser
Self - Endocrinologist
Amanda Barker
Rosemary Jacobs
Self - Argyria Patient
Eddie Newton
Self - NF Patient
Donna Norquist
Self - Maggot Therapy
Charlie Thomas
Glenn Kwiat
Stephen Waxman
Brigid Stolowski
Zack Apgar
Lloyd B. Minor
Clarice Dagenais
Frank Eginger
Brad Duchaine
Jeff Rudom
Ashley Miller
Self - Heart Condition
Dan Lieberman
Doug Mendez
Self - Performance Artist
Candice Maio
Self - Ankle Transplant
Bruce Bouts
Roy Rubenfeld
Debra Stottlemeyer
James Cooke
Self - Alien Hand Syndrome
Bobbi Jo Schmitz
Thomas Apgar
David Ahrenholz
Self - Regions Hospital
JoAnn Eginger
Roger Hartl
Tonia Jenson
Jonathan Hill
Tommy Cook
Self - Jim's Son
Jesus Aceves
Mark Myerson
Caroline Chester
Emilee Newton
Gedis Grudzinskas
Kim Manwaring
Michael Cousins
Grace Hendricks
Self - Pfeiffer's Syndrome Patient
Ginger Flower
Self - Artificial Cornea
Maria De Leon
Tommie Apgar
William B. Long
Aimen Shaaban
Joy Tulloch
Krystle Eginger
Mary Rose Griffin
Self - Synesthesia
Sean McCarrell
Self - Moebius Syndrom
David Manchester
AnnaMarie Gonzalez
Pragna Patel
Self - Geneticist
Mark Ingram
Isabelle De Leon
Norman Cowen
Charles E. Donovan III
Oheneba Boachie-Adjei
Shachar Tauber
Ian Tulloch
Anna Rich
Justin Moore
Self - Jawbone Cancer
Vicki McCarrell
Jane Ingram
Self - Mother of Triplets
Linda Block
Gretchen Archambault
Self - Grace's Mother
Brianna Stolowski
John Stone
Self - Farmville Presbyterian Church
Moses Lanham
Madison Schmitz
Leslie Hamilton
Tiffany Noël Connelly
Self - Foreign Accent Syndrome
Chelsey Thomas
Self - Moebius Syndrome
Davor Jurkovic
Eli Adler
Self - Large Nevus
Kristine Gabster
Self - Laughing Narcolepsy
Charles Conway
Joseph H. Hunt
Beth Tulloch
Self - Heart Defect
Lori Thomas
Ian Campbell
Scott Hughes
Chris Costa
Self - Pamela's Husband
Susie Campbell
Gracie Costa
Self - Daughter
Trey Lanham
Tony DuBlois
John Reinisch
Tim Scott
Fuki Hisama
Darold A. Treffert
Peter Abolfathi
Sharon Freeman
Self - Devion's Mother
Gloria Stakemiller
Brent Duffey
Self - Host
Dan Meyer
Self - sword swallower
Patrick McInerney
Self - Camera Pill Patient
Mark Wohlgemuth