Metin Hüseyin
Maurice Phillips
Stars (in credits order)
Rupert Evans
King Richard IV
Sophie Winkleman
Princess Eleanor
Sebastian Armesto
Prince George
Roy Marsden
Sir Iain Ratalick
Zoe Telford
Abigail Thomas
David Harewood
Major Simon Brooks
Lorcan Cranitch
Jonty Roberts
Hugh Ross
Jeremy Robinson
Huw Rhys
David Waverley
John Ramm
Chief Superintendent Peter Bayfield
Owain Arthur
Jimmy Clacy
Kate O'Flynn
Ruby Riley
Jane Asher
Queen Charlotte
Russell Bright
Neil Haslam
Amit Shah
Kulvinder 'Vinny' Ganatra
Fiona Button
Lucy Bedford
Nathalie Lunghi
Princess Isabelle
Shelley Conn
Miranda Hill
John Shrapnel
PM Edward Shaw
Heather Tobias
Anne Featherstone
Christine Bottomley
Clemency Burton-Hill
The Hon. Alice Templeton
Anton Lesser
Archbishop of Canterbury
John Benfield
Ray Mellor
Laura Haddock
Lady Arabella Worthesley Wolsey
Dominic Jephcott
Dr Philip Hooper
Frank Mills
Jack 'Dobbsy' Dobbs
James Thornton
Milton Bishop
Harriet Walter
Joanna Woodward
Avril Clark
Miss Mason
Simon Lenagan
Will Harrington
Alex Blake
Intruder Armstrong
Gurdial Sira
Indian State President
Emma Dewhurst
Amanda Dobbs
Brendan Charleson
Colin Wakefield
Audrius Bruzas
Crown Equerry
Justas Tertelis
Floor Manager
Gabriele Tuminaite
Valentinas Klimas
King James III
Gabija Jaraminaite
Mary Stoan