Lost in Austen_peliplat
Lost in Austen_peliplat
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Lost in Austen (2008)

TV-14 (US) | UK | English | 45 min
Directed by: Dan Zeff

Amanda Price is dissatisfied with her life in modern London. Her favorite escape is getting lost in the pages of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. One night, Amanda is startled to come face to face with the novel's protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet. A small door in her apartment mysteriously links their worlds. Eventually, Amanda becomes trapped on the other side, while Elizabeth remains in the modern world. Now as the events of her favorite book unfold in all the wrong ways, Amanda tries desperately to set things straight, but inevitably makes things worse. Will this fractured version of a classic tale lead Amanda to her own happily-ever-after?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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