El fantasma del Gran Hotel_peliplat
El fantasma del Gran Hotel_peliplat

El fantasma del Gran Hotel (2009)

None | Colombia | Spanish |
Directed by: Rodrigo Lalinde, Israel Sánchez

Américo Esquivel, the owner of the Gran Hotel, is tortured to death by his own employees, who want to seize the treasure that the old man hides. Irene Buenaventura goes to work as an elevator operator at the old hotel, but her true mission is to discover the culprits of Américo's death using her ability to communicate with the dead. There she falls in love with Miguel Toro, hired by the assassins to find the treasure, without knowing the truth about Don Américo. Love between them will only be possible when they manage to overcome the stalking of the living and the secrets kept by the dead who inhabit the Grand Hotel.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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