It should be noted that "Nostalgia Critic" is a fictional character and a sort of parody of Doug Walker; Walker himself is not as extreme as the Nostalgia Critic character, and often includes interludes and credits videos where his real self is present.
The recent passing away of Doug and Rob Walker's real-life mother is referenced heavily in the conclusion of a video review. The scene is quite emotional, intense, and may upset some viewers.
There is a vague reference to the September 11th Attacks in the "Home Alone 2" review; Nostalgia Critic notes that seeing shots of the Twin Towers is uncomfortable, and other characters make comments referring to truther theories.
For teens/adults.
Mild/Moderate in a lot of episodes.
In one episode he reviews a movie with an ugly scene and is shown having a seizure as a joke, but luckily takes some medication.
Overall a coarse, childlike and hilarious YouTube channel.
Common sense media age rating: 16+
None/Mild for neurodivergent viewers.
The garbage pail kids in his garbage pail kids review could give adults nightmares.
In some episodes, there is a gag called "Scary Slo Mo" where an already unsettling part is slowed down.
He reviews many weird & outrageous things that can be very weird, or even a little tense at times.
Dark humor is used throughout the show as well as jokes at others' expense. All comedic but may turn some off.
Overall the series is not very intense at all. The violence is cartoonish, and it really is just a wacky humor show with very occasional drama (but even this is most of the time in a comedic context).
The content depends on what type of review you watch