One of the show's central relationships is a 7-year-old boy's disturbing and sexual crush on a sixty-something school principal. This is depicted through borderline explicit fantasy sequences involving animated near-nudity and intercourse depicted on-camera in a darkened room.
There are lots of reference and jokes about sex throught.
Violence & Gore
Occasional exaggerated animated violence for comedic effect.
Language is usually mild (hell, damn, bitch and ass). Stronger words are bleeped.
Humor on the show is often scatological.
Also, Richard tends to stereotype people of different races, such as Julie, his adopted daughter from Cambodia.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Occasional drinking (like when...Occasional drinking (like when Allen Gregory drinks pinot grigio in the lunchroom), usually as part of a specific joke or comedic situation.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
Nothing should be considered frightening or intense.
Viewers may get annoyed at how Allen Gregory and Richard tends to insult, use and abuse those around them with little to no consequences thrown at them.
Viewers may be disturbed at how it is revealed that Richard practically stalked and chased Jeremy, his partner, down-even while having a restraining order-until Jeremy agreed to leave his wife and kids and marry Richard.