Zharkiy led_peliplat
Zharkiy led_peliplat

Zharkiy led (2009)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Vladimir Filimonov, Mikhail Kabanov, Oleg Larin, Anario Mamedov

When figure-skater Nataliya Timurova suffers a serious leg injury during a championship, her partner and fiancé Aleksandr Molodtsovim continues his training under the supervision of coach Oleg Petrovich Timurov, Nataliya's father. Nataliya, still in great pain and ignoring the advice of doctors to rest, discharges herself from hospital announcing that she intends to train Aleksandr herself. Naturally, her father is opposed to the idea and the two fall out but her decision also alienates her friends as well as Aleksandr himself. In despair and with no one to turn to, it looks as if Nataliya's career might be over, however, a surprising turn of events ensures a positive outcome and finally, a successful future for Nataliya.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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