Hot Man_peliplat
Hot Man_peliplat

Hot Man (2003)

None | Japan | Japanese | 54 min
Directed by: Yûsuke Kakita, Masato Ibe, Satoru Nakajima, Jun'ichi Okajima

Sorimachi Takashi plays school art teacher Enzo Furiya, who takes care of his 5-year-old daughter, Nanami, of which he has no idea who her mother is. He also lives with his four siblings, whose fathers are all different. Nanami suffers from severe atopic dermatitis, so Enzo throws himself into managing her diet to alleviate her condition. He is so determined to raise Nanami well, he doesn't appear to have any spare time for a girlfriend. And yet, Enzo finds himself drawn to Misuzu Kaneko, a health teacher at his school. Enzo pursues life passionately for his little girl and his family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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