Surprise Issues_peliplat
Surprise Issues_peliplat

Surprise Issues (2011)

None | USA | English | 17 min
Directed by: Kim Kelly, Dylan Mira

Maybe you slip on a banana peel. You can cry to keep laughing. Surprise Issues is a comedic art television show about the adolescent performance of inhumanity: turning into something unmanageable, the fading elastic on the control top tights, magnifying grotesque embarrassments with obsessive ambivalence. Like youth, comedy is the downward dog of circumstance and horror. This project is shot on VHS, its grainy format reminiscent of a moralizing sitcom taped off television and rerecorded by unsupervised teenagers who are longing for something, anything, to finally happen. But nothing ever happens in sitcoms. Our lesson being that it does not get better and we make our space in it regardless.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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