Totally Packaged_peliplat
Totally Packaged_peliplat

Totally Packaged (2012)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: C. Michael Brae, Greg McDonald, Josh Sands, Veda Smith, Jessica Malumay

Taking an independent artist or bands image to the next level. Each artist will be taken through a step by step recreation and weekly task, making them into a star. (13-week episodes) - 8-weeks viewing Youtube submissions and selecting the (8) finalist, 4-weeks of challenges, last week announcement of winner. The show will start off with 8 contestants. Each week each contestant will be asked to complete a weekly task to help them further their career. Throughout each task the panel member will report and update each contestant's performance to the record executive. The contestants will be judged by the panel and the panel will select which contestants will advance and which will be eliminated.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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