The Manor Reborn_peliplat
The Manor Reborn_peliplat

The Manor Reborn (2011)

None | UK | English | 59 min
Directed by: Michelle Bullen, Jon Eastman, Matt Hill, James Vale, John Holdsworth

This four-part series explores the process involved in bringing a historic property back to life. The property in question is the 500-year-old Avebury Manor in Wiltburn, which a team of historians, experts and volunteers works to refurbish. The project considers the story of Britain across five centuries, exploring a range of craft and furniture-making skills and reveals the invention of "the home." Once fully restored, the house will be one of only a few National Trust properties open to the public where they are able to touch and explore all aspects of the manor.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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