Seinto Seiya: Omega_peliplat
Seinto Seiya: Omega_peliplat

Seinto Seiya: Omega (2012)

None | Japan | Japanese, Portuguese, French, Spanish | 23 min
Directed by: Masato Mitsuka, Morio Hatano, Hideki Hiroshima, Rie Matsumoto, Kimitoshi Chioka

Ever since the Age of the Gods, whenever evil draws near, a Saint will appear. Wielding the arms called a Cross, they battle to protect the goddess Athena who watches over the Earth. Amongst their number was the Bronze Pegasus Saint Seiya and his compatriots whose battles are legendary. Since then, much time has passed. Now, the revival of Mars, the god of war, draws near, and it is time for a new Saint to step into the breach.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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