The Little Priest
365 Days
Love Happens
Beauty in Black
The Idea of You
Valle Salvaje
Squid Game
Daniel Burgess-Wise
Stars (in credits order)
Tony Jones
Self - Host
Patricia Karvelas
Barnaby Joyce
Self - Panellist
Stan Grant
Greg Sheridan
Joe Hockey
Greg Hunt
Judith Sloan
Self - Panellist, Economist and Businesswoman
Josh Frydenberg
Janet Albrechtsen
Kelly O'Dwyer
Tim Wilson
Self - Panellist, Director at the Institute of Public Affairs
Sophie Mirabella
Eric Abetz
Self - Panellist, Tasmanian Liberal Senator
Amanda Vanstone
Grahame Morris
David Speers
Tony Abbott
Bob Katter
Paul Fletcher
Pru Goward
Self - Panellist, NSW Liberal MP
Clive Palmer
Bridget McKenzie
Nick Minchin
John Roskam
James Paterson
Self - Panellist, Editor at the Institute of Public Affairs
Dave Sharma
Self - Panellist, Liberal Member for Wentworth
Tom Switzer
Piers Akerman
Scott Morrison
Paul Kelly
Fiona Nash
Alan Jones
Dan Tehan
Keith Wolahan
Malarndirri McCarthy
Malcolm Turnbull
Joe Hildebrand
Matt Canavan
Self - Panellist, Minister for Resources and Northern Australia
Helen Coonan
Cory Bernardi
Peter Dutton
Holly Ransom
Steven Ciobo
Mitch Fifield
Self - Panellist, Minister for Communications
Murray Watt
Mark Butler
Self - Panellist, Minister for Health and Aged Care
Parnell McGuinness
Self - Panellist, Columnist and communications strategist
Jacqui Lambie
Kerry Chikarovski
Self - Panellist, Former Leader of the NSW Liberal Party
Sharman Stone
John Elliott
Self - Panellist, Former Liberal Party President
Jennifer Hewett
Jim Molan
Self - Panellist, Former Commander of the Australian Defence Colleges
Brendan O'Neill
Lydia Khalil
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells
Brian Schmidt
Germaine Greer
Self - Panelist
Tim Fischer
Sarah Henderson
Rowan Dean
Christian Porter
Fiona Simson
Self - Panellist, National Farmers' Federation
Zed Seselja
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs
Gigi Foster
Virginia Trioli
Jim Chalmers
Self - Federal Treasurer
George Brandis
Self - Panellist, Former QLD Liberal Senator
Jelena Dokic
Self - Panellist, Tennis commentator & former player
Tim Watts
Allegra Spender
Self - Panellist, Independent MP
Monique Ryan
Self - Panellist, Independent MP for Kooyong
Anne Aly
Self - Panellist, Minister for Early Childhood Education; Youth
Michael Stutchbury
Self - Panellist, Australian Financial Review Editor-in-Chief
Toby Walsh
Alexander Downer
Warren Mundine
Self - Panellist, CEO NTS Corporation
Miriam Lyons
Rebecca Weisser
Self - Panellist, Opinion Editor for The Australian
Faustina Agolley
Self - Guest Panelist
Sue Cato
Self - Panellist, Spin Doctor
Melinda Tankard Reist
Arjay Martin
Self - in Audience Questioner
Chris Lehmann
Self - Audience Member
Craig Chung
Peter Reith
Self - Panellist, Former Minister for Workplace Relations and Defence
Jamie Briggs
Lawrence Krauss
Mark Latham
Andrew Neil
Jacinta Price
Simon Breheny
Self - Panellist, Institute of Public Affairs
Innes Willox
John Stackhouse
Self - Panellist, Christian Scholar
Sussan Ley
Dai Le
Grace Collier
James McGrath
Angus Taylor
Self - Minister for Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity
Andrew Bragg
Chris Bowen
Matt Kean
Self - Climate Change Authority chair & former NSW minister
Simon Potts
Self - Audience member
Jenny Carroll
Erin Watson-Lynn
Anthony Albanese
Self - Opposition Leader
Clare O'Neil
Brian Greene
Tony Burke
David Pocock
Self - Panellist, Independent Senator for ACT
Tim Ayres
Katy Gallagher
Self - Panellist, Minister for Finance; Public Service & Women
Zoe McKenzie
Self - Panellist, Liberal Member for Flinders
Michael Sukkar
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister to the Treasurer
Roxane Gay
Dennis Richardson
Bill Shorten
Self - Panellist, Minister for the NDIS & Government Services
Charlotte Mortlock
Cathy Foley
Tim Costello
Larissa Waters
Self - Panellist, Greens Senator for Queensland
Cheng Lei
Sally McManus
Claire Lehmann
Dee Madigan
Jessie Stephens
Geraldine Brooks
Jen Robinson
Self - Panellist, Australian human rights lawyer and barrister
Zoe Daniel
Self - Panellist, Federal Independent MP for Goldstein
Tanya Plibersek
Bronwyn Bishop
Kevin Rudd
Prime Minister
Bob Brown
Andrew Bolt
Self - Panellist, Herald Sun Columnist
Peter Costello
P.J. O'Rourke
Peter Cosgrove
Jessica Brown
Mitchell Grady
Bettina Arndt
Warren Truss
Jeff Bleich
Richard Dawkins
Paul Grabowsky
Julia Gillard
Colin Barnett
Miranda Devine
Stephen O'Doherty
Caroline Overington
Mathias Cormann
Ruslan Kogan
Self - Panellist, Internet Entrepreneur
Jackie Kelly
Self - Panellist, Former Howard Government Minister
Gerard Henderson
John Lee
Self - Panellist, China-Watching Academic
Mark Steyn
Mark Carnegie
Tara Moss
Robert Manne
Kate Lundy
Alannah MacTiernan
Jianying Zha
Chris Evans
Edwin Nelson
Elizabeth Proust
Fred Nile
Self - Panellist, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party
Mark Coleridge
Self - Panellist, Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane
Nick Cater
Brigid Meney
Viv Benjamin
Stuart Robert
Kim Williams
Self - Panellist, Author and Former Media Executive
Michael Keenan
Philip Ruddock
Sarrah Le Marquand
James Allan
Self - Panellist, Queensland University Professor of Law
Tina Arena
Christine Forster
Self - Panellist, City of Sydney Councillor
Michaelia Cash
Malcolm Roberts
Self - Panellist, One Nation Party Senator for Queensland
Pauline Hanson
Georgina Downer
Peter Kurti
Self - Panellist, Research Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies
Helen Andrews
Self - Panellist, Policy Analyst at the Centre for Independent Studies
Lyle Shelton
Self - Panellist, Australian Christian Lobby
Sam Aragone
Chris Richardson
Alan Tudge
Linda Reynolds
Self - Panellist, WA Liberal Senator
Kimberley Kitching
Self - Panellist, Victorian Labor Senator
Katie Allen
Self - Panellist, Liberal Member for Higgins
Nick Coatsworth
Self - Panellist, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Osher Günsberg
Caroline Di Russo
Keith Pitt
Josh Burns
Self - Panellist, Federal Labor MP
Anika Wells
Tom Calma
Bridget Archer
Self - Panellist, Tasmanian Liberal MP for Bass
Catherine Liddle
Max Chandler-Mather
Self - Panellist, Greens spokesperson for housing & homelessness
Andrew Leigh
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities & Treasury; Employment
Kevin Hogan
Stephen Jones
Matt Thistlethwaite
Ted O'Brien
Larissa Baldwin-Roberts
Peter Malinauskas
Taylah Gray
Patrick Gorman
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister; for the Public Service
Dean Smith
Self - Panellist, Liberal Senator
Tom Ballard
Dan Bourchier
Julia Doulman
Self - Panellist, Transgender Woman
Hannah Mouncey
Self - Panellist, Handball Player
Jon Ronson
Self - Panellist, Journalist & author
Anthony Scaramucci
Self - Panellist,
Yanis Varoufakis
Joseph Stiglitz
Self - Panellist, Nobel Prize-winning economist
Julie Inman-Grant
Self - Panellist, eSafety Commissioner
Julian Borger
Nick Bryant
Julian Hill
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister for Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs
Preeya Alexander
Self - Panellist, Melbourne GP
David Runciman
Self - Panellist, Author, podcaster & academic
Rebecca Huntley
Geoff Raby
Self - Panellist, Self - Former Ambassador to China
Paul Capsis
Self - Panellist, Performer
Stephanie Kelton
Annastacia Palaszczuk
Self - Panellist, Former Queensland Premier
Susan McDonald
Self - Panellist, Shadow Minister for Resources; Northern Australia
Alisa Sopova
Jason Yat-sen Li
Self - Panellist, NSW Labor MP for Strathfield
Sam Perry
Self - Panellist, Sports writer & presenter
Natalie Corlass
Kim Hoggard
Self - Panellist, Former Republic White House staffer
Hollie Hughes
Self - Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health & Suicide Prevention; NDIS
Macy Choudhury
Katherine Hudson
Self - Panellist, Founder Wear It Purple
Gus McLachlan
Self - Panellist, Retired Major General
Jessica Whitby
Jane Hume
Self - Panellist, Self - Shadow Minister for Finance; Public Service
Joe Aston
Self - Panellist, AFR columnist
Peter Lewis
Self - Panellist, Executive Director, Essential Media
Jon Faine
Self - Panellist, Journalist & broadcaster
Alice Dawkins
Self - Panellist, Executive Director, Reset.Tech Australia
Amelia Lester
Self - Panellist, Editor at Foreign Policy and Good Weekend's Foreign Correspondence columnist
Jon Owen
Self - Panellist, Wayside Chapel CEO
Julian Leeser
Self - Panellist, Liberal MP
Sabine Wolff
Kate Carnell
Self - Panellist, Former ACT Chief Minister
Jo Masters
Self - Panellist, Economist
Aruna Sathanapally
Self - Panellist, Self - Chief Executive, Grattan Institute
Maher Mughrabi
Ross Kroger
Dennis Altman
Self - Panellist, Gay Rights Activist and Author
Jonathan Biggins
Self - Panellist, Actor and writer
Tracey Holmes
Self - Panellist, Journalist
Ed Husic
Josh Szeps
Self - Panellist, Podcaster & UTS Professional Fellow
Raife Foster
Abdulrazak Gurnah
Carolyn Creswell
Nathan Thrall
Self - Panellist, Pulitzer prize winning author
Alan Kohler
Self - Panellist, Financial journalist
Bruce Wolpe
Self - Panellist, Senior Fellow, United States Study Centre
Bronnie Taylor
Self - Panellist, Former NSW MP
Nyadol Nyuon
Self - Panellist, Lawyer & human rights advocate
Kos Samaras
Self - Panellist, RedBridge Group Director
Scott Emerson
Self - Panellist, Co-director of GXO Strategies
Tom Baldwin
Self - Panellist, Journalist, author & former UK Labour adviser
Biko Konstantinos
Maria Thattil
Self - Panellist, Author & advocate
Johann Hari
Self - Panellist, Journalist and author
Frances Haugen
Self - Panellist, Data scientist & social media accountability advocate
Mark Speakman
Self - Panellist, NSW Opposition Leader
Gayle Hardiman
Jamal Rifi
Daniel Williams
Deborah Cheetham
Alastair Fisher
Frank Rayner
Nadia Lee
Dominic Price
Michael Gilray
Janine Perrett
Gideon Rachman
Amir Gaffoor
Kara Swisher
Self - Panellist, Tech journalist, author & podcaster
Martin Riddle
Oliver Wild
Jonathan Samway
Stephanie Dahlsen
Tara-Lyn Camilleri
Arthur Ranken
David Mcauley
Hammad Ali
Sydney Monteiro
Jennifer Waltmon
Pej Talebi
Rami Meo
Suzy Baddock
Kristoff Adelbert
Dusan Milojevic
Shruti Yardi
James Sutherland
Esther Swanborough
Raelene Ellis
Georgia Corrie
Gabby Fleming
Rhonda McCormack
Glenn Butcher
Self - QLD Minister for Regional Development
Penny Nichol
Eagle Zhang
Miles Punch
Andre De Leon
Ben Dunstan
Jie Su
Felix Bao
Scott Clarke
Fiona Goodie
Nicola Robson
Mike Boland
Tabitha Acret
Atifa Ahmed
Ronan MacSweeney
Ben Jacobs
Pip Bell
Agnieszka Mazus
Janet Abadee
Carlene York
Self - Audience member, Former NSW SES Commissioner
Peter Tulip
Self - Audience member, Centre for Independent Studies
Xavier Papps
Hana Garvey
Mark Merry
Self - Audience member, Yarra Valley Grammar School
Terry Hewton
Christine Kelly
Jessica Gray
Jenny Barrie
Jamel Singh
Patrick Quinn
Asela Fernando
Bianca Inglezos
David Blunt
Valerie Mowbray
Ian Abbey
Mai Hamed
Wayne Pile
Liza Marian
Idolle Falculan
Oliver Sinclair
Ahmad Al Shaimari
Mark Lamont
Darren Martin
Rohan Hora
Paul Smith
Self - Audience member, YouGov Director of Public Data
Gavin Seipelt
Isabella Hughes
James Schmidli
Frank Gafa
Tim Arnot
Sherlyn Anthony
Vincent Hurley
Self - Former NSW police detective & audience member
Fay Adelman
Sam Mella
William Otto
Kara Chesal
Jacky Hewitt
Nipun Agarwal
Noah Cameron
Self - Audience member, Yarra Valley Grammar School school captain
Jessica Meharg
Scott Goh-Davis
John Pater
Jill Manton
Millie Fontana
Marika Martinez
Stewart Lung
Peta MacRae
Self - Mt Isa Mayor
Michelle Mitrevska
Hannah Godlevsky
Daniel Watson
Imogen Bunting
Jo Robinson
Dylan Peters
Yumi Lee
Andrew Tran
Natalie Anderson
Josh James
Carly Crispin
Jan Souter
Lincoln Jolly
Dillan McArdle
Sophia Maniaci
Michael Doyle
John Dalton
Sophie Cregan
Steve Khouw
Annette Guerry
Oskar Edwardes
Yola Walicka
Heather Malone
Pamela Anderson
Bob Vinnicombe
Clare Doran
Eva Bacher
Maree Herath
Janak Gorana
Sriram Gopalakrishnan
Ashraf Docrat
Joanna Main
Miranda Castles
Scott Cochrane
Mark Attard
Samar Kohli
Kristijan Kardum
Gai Smith
Joshua Swift
Morgan Cox
Jimmy Wang
Megan West
Adam Hancey
Pier Lai
Nessie Sayar
Paul Huy Nguyen
Delia Leung
Ayla Tartic
Rathy Barthlote
Wendy Hayhurst
Denise Lofts
Afrah Basha
Keechan Gardner
Maureen Hovy
Tionne Young
Edward Bell-Smith
Alain Rondot
Saman Sekhon
Pragya Gupta
Cindy Madeley
Paul Duff
Claudia Haenel
David Otto
Sherin Al Shallah
Natasha Lane
Self - independent candidate for Thuringowa
Tim Bennett
Sophia Redjeb
Lyndell Coutts
Jenna Schroeder
Michael Small
James Lea
Samuel Lightfoot
Sylvia Lin
Jordan van den Lamb
Vlad Guz
Paul Hussein
Nola Simpson
Kerry Croydon
Sue-Ellen Deacon
Rosemary King
Bruce Johnstone
Bruce Cottrill
Darshan Balasuriyar
Jason Cornell
Tania Giles
John Urane
Christina Jenkins
Zach Pennell
Geoff Gallop
Barbara Mitchell
Christine Jackman
Tim Blair
Self - Panellist, Columnist and Blogger
Stephen Crittenden
Angela Conway
Self - Panellist, National Research Officer and Spokesperson for the Australian Family Association
Nick Adams
Angela Shanahan
Margaret Fitzherbert
Anthony LaPaglia
Christopher Hitchens
Tony Smith
Bill Heffernan
Self - Panellist, Former Parliamentary Secretary to Cabinet
Brendan Nelson
Self - Panellist, Former Liberal Leader
Sabrina Houssami
Peter Archibald
Megan Lloyd
Jonty Bush
Fiona Wood
Nikki Williams
Leslie Cannold
Morris Rapaport
Andrew Boe
Self - Panellist, Criminal Lawyer
Tania Major
Anne Henderson
Rachel Fry
Isaac Levido
Alex Dore
David John Clark
Eddie Perfect
Lionel Shriver
John Doyle
John Howard
Self - Panellist, Former Prime Minister
Malcolm Fraser
Lenore Skenazy
Geoff Lawson
Valerie Amos
Chris Berg
Self - Panellist, Free Marketeer and Columnist
Nicola Roxon
Matthew Lesh
Jacqueline Ninio
Jennifer Marohasy
Ariella Webb
Alison Creagh
Brenda Croft
Satyajit Das
John Keane
Kaiser Kuo
Calum Davis
Anthony Spagnolo
Steve Fielding
Christopher Ma
Blaise Joseph
Shimrit Nothman
Slavoj Zizek
Angela Bishop
Sandy Gutman
Daniel Pipes
Howard Jacobson
Eliza Brown
Jim Wallace
Self - Panellist, Head of the Australian Christian Lobby
John Lennox
Malalai Joya
Neil James
Self - Panellist, Executive Director of the Australia Defence Association
Ian Nelson
Self - Panellist, State Director of Queensland One Nation
David Tollner
Matina Jewell
Self - Panellist, Former Australian Army Major
Jacqueline Grey
Cristina Rad
Luke Bowen
Gail Kelly
Melanie Kerrison
Jacki Weaver
Simon Callow
Lenny Henry
Barry Humphries
Self - Panellist, Australian Writer, Satirist and Actor
Pamela Stephenson
Angry Anderson
Self - Panellist, Singer Rose Tattoo
Nilaja Sun
Jason Silva
Kate Miller-Heidke
Nitin Sawhney
Jeffrey Eugenides
Peter Garrett
Robyn Davidson
Masha Gessen
Mikey Robins
Peter Singer
Richard Ford
Stella Young
Diana Nguyen
Emily Wills
Jane Bussmann
Christa Hughes
Jesse Bering
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Mark Bouris
Self - Panellist, Businessman
Daniel Hannan
Self - Panellist, Conservative Euro MP
Craig Gross
Self - Panellist, Author and Speaker
Toby Ralph
Self - Panellist, Marketing Strategist
Ilan Pappe
Peter Beattie
Brian Ritchie
John Alexander
Self - Panellist, Member for Bennelong
Shane Gould
Elliot Perlman
Natasha Stott Despoja
Simon Crean
Andrew Cusack
George Pell
Dave Griffin
Tracy Norris
Chris Moody
Richard Armitage
Phillip Blond
Self - Panelist, Author Red Tory
Glenn Carle
Steve Gamble
Greg Read
Mandy Nolan
Michael McKenna
Anna Krien
Randy Rose
Natasha Cica
Peter Walsh
Self - Former Minister for Finance
Samantha Jreissati
Minna Bondal
Vince del Gallego
Mitch Dudley
Paul Hanrahan
Michael Spence
Juris Laucis
Dave Simpson
Jeremy Marou
John Whiteing
Catherine Fox
Samuel Aragone
Virginia Hookham
George Bilic
Georgie Somerset
Self - Panellist, Queensland Rural Women's Network
Bob Cronin
Self - Panellist, Editor in Chief The West Australian
Adam Wellisch
Peter Craven
Liz Ann Macgregor
Peter Jensen
Self - Panellist, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney
Michael O'Brien
Self - Panellist, Farmer of the Year 2009
Terry Edwards
Self - Panellist, Forest Industry Association
Louise Sauvage
Leon Ashby
Sekai Holland
Shiv Malik
Irving Wallach
Self - Panellist, Barrister
Simon Laham
Thierry de Duve
Len Radomsky
Helen Kroger
Self - Panellist, Chief Opposition Whip in the Senate
Sefi Atta
Megan Clark
Mick Gooda
Nicoletta Ciffolilli
Nahji Chu
Victor Victor
Vivienne Stephens-Reicher
David Elsing
Warwick Howard
Pallavi Sharda
Haifaa Al-Mansour
Ruby Wax
Bill Gates
Self - Guest
Martha Wainwright
Dan Savage
David Suzuki
Environmental Scientist and Campaigner
Tim Ferguson
Deborah Conway
Corinne Grant
Shashi Tharoor
Todd Sampson
David Bradbury
Bill McKibben
Sylvia Nasar
Michael Kroger
Self - Panellist, Former President Victorian Liberal Party
Belle de Jour
Peter Hitchens
William Dalrymple
Vince Sorrenti
Jeremy Cordeaux
Lally Katz
Tim Nicholls
Self - Panellist, Queensland Treasurer
Stuart MacGill
Jeff McMullen
Cindy Pan
Rachel Botsman
Hanna Rosin
Shahzad Akbar
Carol Schwartz
John Dickson
Self - Panellist, Centre for Public Christianity
Bill Leak
Self - Panellist, Editorial Cartoonist
Gene Robinson
Graham Bradley
Karan Thapar
Neil Lawrence
Meidyatama Suryodiningrat
Ahdaf Soueif
Dick Adams
Ben Riley
Rob Paparde
Tim Lindsey
David Feeney
Joshua Crawford
Kurt Campbell
Paul Baram
Arthur Escamilla
David Williamson
John Symond
John Kendall
Adrian Falleiro
Emily Baird
James Wilson
Andy Stuart
Swapan Dasgupta
Beth Hewitt
Christopher Witt
Stephen Smith
David Beaver
Eva Cox
David Knox
Yenny Wahid
Dewi Fortuna Anwar
Xiaopeng Luo
Gary Oke
Yulia Supadmo
Shoma Chaudhury
Dean Shachar
Brendon Gale
John Chiarotto
Kevin Uren
Tom Watson
Mitch Hooke
Yuli Ismartono
Wendy Wilson
Jan Davis
Self - Panellist, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association
Mohamad Abdalla
Mike Tucker
Peter Shergold
Self - Panellist, Chancellor University of Western Sydney
Ian Parkin
Carol Trewick
Robina Courtin
Henry Norris
Sally Warhaft
Pamela Williams
Self - Panellist, The Australian Financial Review's Editor-at-large
Trish Ellis
Ryan Hollingsworth
Faramerz Dabhoiwala
Rafendi Djamin
Andrea Mason
Silje Andersen-Cooke
Bek Leys
David Suchet
Christine Lagarde
Eddie McGuire
Self - Panellist, Football and Media Icon
Sharri Markson
Darryn Lyons
Self - Panellist, Mayor of Geelong
Peter Coleman
Self - Panellist, Former New South Wales Liberal Leader
Betty Churcher
Self - Panellist, Former National Gallery Director
Amanda Voets
Kay Hymowitz
Rhonda Cornum
Colleen King
Sue Morphet
Lindsay Fox
Self - Panellist, Transport Magnate
Timothy Hawkes
Pierre Prentice
Tony Shepherd
Mark Salmon
Bill Bisset
Andrew Robb
Self - Panellist, Pulitzer Prize Winning Novelist
Holly Kramer
Katy Faust
Ron Boswell
Self - Panellist, Former Senate Leader for the National Party
Tim Cartwright
Bates Gill
Self - Head of the US Studies Centre
Catherine Livingstone
Self - Panellist, President of the Business Council of Australia
Karen Hitchcock
Michael Fuller
Self - Panellist, NSW Assistant Police Commissioner
Jack Degan
Simon Santosha
Jan Hurn
Ann Luke
Martin Duffy
Su McCluskey
John Madigan
Rob Cook
Christophe Lecourtier
Vrasidas Karalis
Paul Antonio
Chris Mitchell
Self - Panellist, Former Editor-In-Chief of The Australian
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Self - Panellist, Women's Rights Activist
Steve Price
Self - Panellist, Broadcaster
Theodore Dalrymple
Wyatt Roy
Bruce Billson
Self - Panellist, Former Minister for Small Business
Debra Harrison
Eldad Beck
John Haldane
Self - Panellist, Notre Dame University
Cella White
David Doherty
Neil Mitchell
Emma Germano
Self - Panellist, General Manager of I Love Farms
Gordian Fulde
Self - Panellist, 2016 Senior Australian of the Year
Robbie Sefton
Robert East
Ewen Jones
Donna Byrne
Peter Sonners
Colin Middleton
Lynda Hall
Daisy Cousens
Self - Panellist, Research Fellow at the Menzies Research Centre
Mikhail Zygar
Self - Panellist, Russian Journalist and Writer
Bret Stephens
Self - Panellist, Author and Journalist
Scott Ryan
Self - Special Minister of State
Alex Hawke
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Ted Lapkin
Self - Panellist, Former Abbott Government Adviser
David Leyonhjelm
Self - Panellist, Liberal Democrats Senator for NSW
Margaret Somerville
Self - Panellist, Professor of Bioethics
Michael Jensen
Self - Panellist, Theologian and Author
Nicole Luk
Lauren McGrath-Wild
Self - Panellist, Presbyterian Ladies' College Sydney
Jock Maddern
Self - Panellist, Kaniva College
Damien Ferri
Sandra Peter
Self - Panellist, Director of Sydney Business Insights
Nigel Scullion
Self - Panellist, Minister for Indigenous Affairs
Marianne O'Connell
Karina Okotel
Self - Panellist, No Campaign Spokesperson
Sue Garling
Rosemary Sinclair
Self - Panellist, CEO of Energy Consumers Australia
Nathalie Blanket
Mei Fong
Self - Panellist, Journalist and Writer
Glenn Davies
Mark Day
Self - Panellist, The Australian
Arthur Lith
Geoffrey Jones
Stanley Johnson
Self - Panellist, Kompromat
Andrew Rule
Self - Panellist, The Herald Sun
George Christensen
Jeremy Bell
Self - People's Panellist
David Littleproud
Self - Panellist, Minister for Agriculture
Lindsay Shepherd
Self - Panellist, Free Speech Advocate
Brian Healy
Jack Abadee
Jason Potter
James Pearson
Self - Panellist, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mitchell Walton
Self - Panellist, Business Owner and Tradie
Callum Lawrence
Jennifer Buckingham
Self - Panellist, Centre for Independent Studies
James Bartholomew
Self - Panellist, Author and Columnist
Ted Torossian
Jason Noble
Dylan Wood
Stuart Bateson
Self - Panellist, Victoria Police Commander
Will Jefferies
Monica Doumit
Self - Panellist, Catholic Commentator
Teena McQueen
Megan Purcell
Self - Panellist, Business Woman
Drew Pavlou
Akos Balogh
Simon Cowan
Barbara Heineback
Self - Panellist, Former Press Officer
Emma Husar
Self - Panellist, Former Labor MP
Sophie York
Maria Hreglich
Darren Gatcliffe
Scott Yung
Self - Panellist, Education Entrepreneur
Craig Pett
Joss Coaley
Matt Burns
John Ruddick
Self - Panellist, Author
Simon McKeon
Self - Panellist, NAB Board Member
Gareth Parker
Self - Panellist, Breakfast Host 6PR Perth
Martyn Iles
Self - Panellist, Managing Director Australian Christian Lobby
Steph Tisdell
Dylan Alcott
Brooke Blurton
Self - Panellist, youth worker & TV personality
Campbell Newman
Self - Panellist, Former Queensland Premier and Senate Candidate
Archie Roach
Samantha Maiden
Gideon Rozner
Andrew Constance
Self - Panellist, Liberal Candidate for Gilmore
Rosie Batty
Zali Steggall
Siimon Reynolds
Amanda Cahill
Lillian Akenhan
Catherine King
Self - Panellist, Assistant Treasurer
Intisar Chowdhury
Olga Boichak
Terri Butler
Kate McBride
Caitlin Byrne
Megan Davis
Wendy McCarthy
Brendan O'Connor
Omar Khorshid
Peter Hartcher
Self - Panellist, The Sydney Morning Herald journalist
Anne Ruston
Lavina Lee
Self - Panellist, Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Macquarie University
Najeeba Wazfadost
Deborah Snow
Bronwyn Fredericks
Melinda Cilento
Ronni Kahn
Cathy McGowan
Jason Falinski
Self - Panellist, Liberal MP for Mackellar
Mark Cross
Chrestyna Kmetj
Madeleine West
Irvine Welsh
Pia Miranda
David Hare
Hannah Diviney
Luke McGregor
Self - Panellist, Actor & comedian
Rachel Perkins
Natasha Wanganeen
Billy Bragg
Michael Ware
George Gittoes
Geoffrey Robertson
Angharad Yeo
Anthony Callea
Sara James
Marcia Langton
Jon Sopel
Sarah Churchwell
Sarah McBride
Freya Leach
Nova Peris
Reuben Kaye
Self - Panellist, Entertainer
Andrew McKellar
Anthony Dillon
Lidia Thorpe
Michael McCormack
Francesca Albanese
Craig Foster
Self - Panellist, Former Socceroo
Catriona Wallace
Narelda Jacobs
Shehan Karunatilaka
Self - Panellist, Writer
Behrouz Boochani
Perin Davey
Jennifer Tierney
David Coleman
John Williamson
Antoinette Lattouf
Angela Saini
Jana Pittman
Noel Pearson
Paul Scarr
Jahin Tanvir
Kirsten Banks
Wesley Aird
Michelle Ananda-Rajah
Self - Panellist, Federal Labor Member for Higgins
Adam Spencer
Intifar Chowdhury
Nicki Hutley
Self - Panellist, Independent economist
Osman Faruqi
Greg Mirabella
Darcy McGauley-Bartlett
Nasser Mashni
Danielle Wood
Self - Panellist, Chair of the Productivity Commission
Todd Fernando
Dimitry Chugg-Palmer
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts
Matt Keogh
Sophie Howe
Mukesh Haikerwal
Aaron Violi
Self - Panellist, Liberal Member for Casey
Merrki Ganambarr
Sally Scales
Thenu Herath
Barry O'Farrell
Deni Todorovic
Mark Leibler
Will Shackel
Alex McKinnon
Jacqui Munro
James Heappey
Vasyl Myroshnychenko
Self - Panellist, Ukraine's Ambassador to Australia
James Brown
Nathan Towney
Gordon Reid
Richard Spencer
Kate Chaney
Self - Panellist, Federal Independent MP for Curtin
Sharan Burrow
James Stevens
Ged Kearney
Jordon Steele-John
Self - Panellist, Greens Senator
Michelle Rowland
Chloe McCormick
Pragya Agarwal
Fatima Payman
Doug Hilton
Tom Elliott
Rodger Shanahan
Kylea Tink
Self - Panellist, Federal Independent MP for North Sydney
Adam Bandt
Barbara Pocock
Self - Panellist, Greens Senator for South Australia
Mark Scott
Peter Khalil
Linda Burney
Michael Biercuk
Amanda Rishworth
Nuatali Nelmes
Kanishka Raffel
Pat Conroy
Self - Panellist, Minister for Defence Industry; International Development and the Pacific
Anne Pattel-Gray
Teela Reid
Tammy Tyrell
Self - Panellist, Independent Senator for Tasmania
Dorinda Cox
Emma McBride
Self - Panellist, Assistant Minister for Mental Health & Suicide Prevention; Rural & Regional Health
Sam Birrell
Yasmin Poole
Matilda Boseley
Darlene Thomas
Imogen Senior
Sam Connor
Meganne Christian
Ben Abbatangelo
Jioji Ravulo
Peter Frankopan
Cameron Murray
Megan Thow
Nick Goncalves
Gordon Ketelbey
Zubeyda Karadulut
Jane Hasler
Rose Jackson
Self - Panellist, NSW Housing Minister
Shravan Nagesh
Ryan Young
Olga Oleinikova
Self - Panellist, Senior Lecturer - UTS
Hilde Keen
Daniel Sinclair
Aidan Nguyen
Phillip Irvine
Renee Gorman
Self - Audience Member (uncredited)
Joanne Tran
Fiona Kotvojs
Self (uncredited)