An intense fight scene between two men that ends with one of the men being beaten to death with bare fists.
The dead man from a fight scene is shown several times in the opening scenes of an episode, one time being pissed on.
A man bites the jugular out of another man during a fight, this scene is quite graphic.
Two men fight and one is knocked unconscious and buried in the sand. The buried man wakes up, finds, and stabs the other man with a stake.
A man leads a pirate crew on a mission that ends in massacre.
Two men fight to the death and it ends in decapitation, the severed head is placed on a spike.
A pirate ship opens fire on shore, lots of destruction is seen as well as victims in the rubble.
A woman is shot in the head. A pirate crew attacks a pirate ship, many are slain violently.
A woman and a man are shot in their bedroom
Two men are executed by gunshots to their heads.
A man crushes another man's head by repeatedly impaling it with a metal peg.
A caravan is attacked and capsized. in the aftermath of the attack two men fight hand-to-hand brutally with the intent to kill one another, but the fight is interrupted by British soldiers.
A man is hanged until dead.