Food Markets: In the Belly of the City_peliplat
Food Markets: In the Belly of the City_peliplat
Play trailer

Food Markets: In the Belly of the City (2013)

K (GR) | Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Austria | Hungarian, Italian, French, English | 52 min
Directed by: Stefano Tealdi, Andrea Ferrando, Constanze v. Hartmann, Bojána Papp, Michael Seeber

Going to the local market when we visit a foreign city is something we all love to do. In Barcelona more people visit La Boqueria food market in one day than all the city's art museums put together. Markets attract us for their colours, liveliness, smells, people, sounds and taste. The great diversity of people and products that can be found in a market gives an idea of richness and stimulates our five senses. Contact with food in a market triggers our taste buds. Through the market we can meet the producers and appreciate the freshly harvested products. We understand what is in season and what the region can offer. Budapest, Vienna, Torino, Lyon and Barcelona all have a bustling central food market. In the Belly of the City explores these markets, their products, their people.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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