
Tickle (2013)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: Casey Mortensen

Making moonshine is an American family tradition in which distinctive recipes and techniques are passed down from generation to generation. Each recipe is different and can act as a fingerprint to determine who created the shine, and people in Appalachia don't take kindly to having their moonshine borrowed on a permanent basis. Now that Tickle has the new stash of moonshine, he needs a way to unload it, without getting caught. He enlists the help of his most trusted friends, Howard and Moe, as he finds new ways to cover his tracks and move his newly acquired batch of shine. Starting with a storefront designed to distract from the otherwise illicit business of distributing his newly acquired Moonshine, Tickle must remain careful to dodge the authorities, snooping townspeople and most importantly, the true owners who may or may not have serious criminal ties. As Tickle embarks upon a series of crazy schemes and outrageous adventures, he just might learn that when it comes to moonshine, making it is the easy part.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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