Jonanthany Etrio
Stars (in credits order)
Howard Cummings
Self - District Attorney
Donald Stephens
Self - Judge
Paul Gessner
Becky Holt
Boz Zellinger
Mike Klinkosum
Self - Defense Attorney
Jason Young
Self - Defendant
Bryan Collins
David Saacks
Brad Cooper
Howard Kurtz
Robert Trenkle
Amy Fitzhugh
Charlene Franks
Paul Ridgeway
Orlando Hudson
Raven Abaroa
Amos Tyndall
Luke Bumm
Mani Dexter
Jeff Cutler
Osmond Smith
Laurence Lovette
Michael Driver
Diane Savage
Jason Williford
Trish Jacobs
Ernest Conner
Karen Bethea-Shields
Grant Hayes
Will Durham
Jim Woodall
Allen Baddour
Roger Smith
Mike Nifong
Jason Waller
Jim Dornfried
Jim Hardin
Jonathan Broyhill
Joseph Arbour
Caroline Elliot
Doug Faucette
Jeff Cruden
Raymond Cook
Adam Moyers
Henry Hight
Kevin Pradley
Stormy Ellis
Melanie Shekita
Robert Padovano
Ryan Hare
James Rainsford
Jim Glover
David Freeman
James Williams
Jay Ferguson
Lindsey Spain
Jonathan Santillan
Roger Echols
James Robertson
Joseph Mitchell
Robert Reaves
George Kelly
Wade Smith
Katherine Jean
Self - State Bar Counsel
Jennifer Lindlow
Alvaro Castillo
Phoebe Dee
Greg Taylor
Dudley Witt
Dewey Hudson
David Crabtree
F. Lane Williamson
Sharon Alexander
Julia Sims
Self - Reporter
Carol Williams Wolf
Self - Court Reporter
Douglas Brocker
Carmen Hoyme
Self - Deputy Counsel
R. Mitchel Tyler
Dick McNeil
Cesar Laurean
Crystal Mangum
Ernie Lee
Lorrin Freeman
Bradley Bannon
Jim Young
Self - Detective
Daniel Meier
Deonte Thomas
Charles Davis
Self - Special Prosecutor
Michael Peterson
Deborah Shandles
Crystal Grimes
Joanna Madonna
Joseph Cheshire
Colon Willoughby
Mike Galloway
Self - Crime Scene Investigator
Richard Spivey
Tracey Cline
Meredith Fisher
Jonathan Broun
Thomas Lock
Susan Doyle
Jonathan Richardson
Greg Butler
Paul Jackson
Jeff Nieman
Chandler Kania
Kerry Sutton
Garry Rentz
James Crouch
Matt Lively
David Rudolf
Pat Young
Amanda Lamb
Zeke Morse
Self - Lead Investigator
Donna Jackson
Alice Stubbs
Raymond Tarlton
Chad Copley
Patrick Latour
Brad Polk
Hart Miles
Debra Morgan
Self - Anchor
George Daniels
Self - Police Officer
Phil Lane
Armond Devega
Michael O'Foghludha
Clayton Peterson
Khrista Lister
Donna Rentz
Steve Mansbery
Debbie Sandlin
Lynn Prather
Duane Deaver
Jim Black
Linda Fisher
Jahaad Marshall
Nation Hahn
Self - Witness
Lori Campell
Patricia Peterson
Self - Audience Member
Reade Seligmann
Erin Hartness
Pat Bazemore
Self - Police Chief
Shanita Love
Chris Bradford
Charles Sole
Deonte Taylor
Charles Matthews
Kimberley Matthews
Tom Maher
Pam Saulsby
Gerald Owens
Self - Interviewer
Beth Whitney
Steven Michael
Margaret Cloutier
Candace Zamperini
Larry Pollard
Jeff Rentz
Al Sternberg
Michelle Hannon
Thomas Clark
Self - Medical Examiner
Thomas Como
Self - CCBI Officer
Ben Silliman
Martha Ratliff
Celisa Lehew
Self - Investigator
Karen Morrow
Andy Parker
Jay Ward
Jerry Faulk
George Corvin
Self - Forensic Psychiatrist
Caitlin Atwater
Margaret Ratliff
Donnie Harrison
Self - Sheriff
Freda Black
Roy Cooper
Self - Attorney General
Todd Peterson
Harry Dolan
Allegra Dahlquist
Drew Shaw
Keith Patterson
Russell Holley
Ben Levitan
Ivy McMillan
Self - SBI DNA Analyst
Tom Sallenger
Antwan Pittman
John Pearson
Diana Duncan
Jessica Adam
Robert Evans
Tommy Moore
Robert Hobgood
Shayne Smithey
Robert Latour
Self - Police Detective
Bennie Bradley
Peter Perolini
Nancy Laney
Self - Psychologist
John Wallace
Butch Williams
Self - Attorney
Emily Gladden
Kelcey Carlson
Mohammad Taheri-Azer
Dan Boyce
Self - Former Prosecutor
James Johnson
Brian Meehan
Demario Atwater
Jim Lister
Deborah Radisch
Jennifer Elwell
Self - DNA Analyst
James Hilkey
Self - Forensic Psychologist
Aadil Khan
Jennifer Remy
Greg Tart
Shelly Schaad
Michael Smith
Michelle Money
Richard McGough
Self - Private Investigator
Richard Weisler
Self - Psychiatrist
Pam Williford
William Van O'Linda
Nicole Wolfe
James Van Camp
Patrick Mincey
Marty Ludas
Jason McCullough
Self - Digital Forensics Examiner
Christine Perolini
Self - Defendant's X-Wife
Mary Jude Darrow
Becky Peterson
Keith Bishop
Kevin Finnerty
Mike Pressler
Self - Former Duke Lacrosse Coach
Benjamin Himan
Glen Chapman
Bradley Lockhart
Greg McLeod
Self - SBI Chief
Paige Fuqua
Self - Kathy Taft's Daughter
Irving Joyner
Mary Lauterbach
Doug Kingsbery
Mike Schilawski
Shawn Weiss
Genevieve Cargol
Gracie Calhoun
Jason Ice
Hannah Prichard
Christopher Hill
Self - CCBI Agent
Bryan Mims
Courtney Last
Self - Computer Forensics Analyst
Kanawha Perry
Self - SBI Agent
Kristin Ruth
Keith Williford
Donna Stroud
Dan O'Brien
Self - Assistant Attorney General
Shawn Pate
Amanda Hayes
Johnny Gaskins
Heidi Schumacher
Rosemary Godwin
Brad Wichard
Stephanie Barnhouse Walcott
Catherine Lipsey
Mark Bradford
Self - Evidence Technician
David Perlmutt
Alex Pugh
Paul Harrison
David Evans
Richard Brodhead
Karl E. Knudsen
Mike Easley
Self - Governor
Rosemarie Newman
Self - Victim's Mother
Mary Ellen Finnerty
Larry Rollins
Willis Wichard
Robert Edmonds
Carl Fox
Tom Bergamine
Self - Fayetteville Police Chief
W. David McFadyen Jr.
Ed Brown
D.W. Bray
Beth Wood
Self - Auditor
Cullen Browder
Ruffin Poole
Mario McNeill
Self - Suspect
Allen Rogers
Jim Woodward
Self - Former UNC-Charlotte Chancellor
Kimberly Parker
Theresa Chance
James Oblinger
Self - Former Chancellor of NC State
Steven Randolph
Renee Chou
Sharon Hinton
Self - Forensic DNA Analyst
Thomas Taft
Self - Kathy Taft's Son
Robert Campen
Megan Clement
Matthew Clifton
Self - SBI Special Agent
Sam Simmons
Adam Owens
Betty Silliman
Marti Wilson
Ernest Andrews
Worth Brown
Tim Palmbach
Angela Ashby Shuff
Self - Forensics Manager
John Butts
Terry Tiller
Heather McCracken
Jennifer Sproles
Brent David
Keith Hicks
Brian Ambrose
Jennifer Marshall
Gerald McIntyre
Cindy Beaver
Scott Ikerd
Paul Matthews
Scott Earp
Self - Deputy
Josh Dalton
Elmer Goad
Carol Anne Sowerby
Demetrius Barrett
Thomas Riha
Daniel Morgan
Ron Guerette
Robert Waggoner
Self - SBI Forensic Toxicologist
Todd Thomas
David Fetterolf
Mike Hiller
Christopher Fry
Steven Lewis
Self - Mercedes-Benz Expert
Greg Miglucci
David Hazelzet
Ricardo Lopez
Paul Glover
Self - Forensic Alcohol Testing Expert
Wes Watson
Self - Entomologist
Craig Duncan
Scott Heider
Joe Zeszotarski
Ann Burgess
Jason Hodge
Nevine Elshiekh
Jessica Foote
Ashley Palmatier
Ed McCormick
Michelle Daniel
Self - Paralegal
Jose Lopez
McKensie DeHaan
Fiber Analysy
Chris Dillon
Barbara Blackman
Self - Appellate Defense Attorney
Zanda Ford
Vanessa Pond
Jim Sparks
Steve Vaughn
John Sargeant
Misty Foxley
Karyn Bolton
Pablo Trinidad
Shannon Quick
Sha Guddat
Paul Stimson
Ginger Calloway
Kim Oreskovich
William Benhart
Brian Davis
Leo Farmer
Mackensie Folster
Ryan Johnson
Self - Computer Forensics Examiner
Brian Hall
Karen Berry
Thomas Martin
Self - Blood Spatter Analyst
Arthur Holland
David English
Benjamin Glover
Steven Brown
Margie Scott
Walter Johnson
Matt Faucette
Michael Donovan
Tamika Price
Elaine Bushfan
Alice Green-Guy
Erica Barnhill
Self - Foreclosure Manager
Richard Dietz
Stacey Johnson
Sarah Gustafson
Self - Paramedic
Kim Pardue
Self - Real Estate Agent
Dexter Gill
Len Roberts
Self - Sargeant
Mark Davis
Grace Thrall
Rachel Lopez
Roy Smith
Bill Peterson
Jack Peterson
Caitlin Sparrow
Aditya Shah
Lanson Stalf
Joshua Tyler Hall
Alexander Case Aldridge
Paul Green
Self - Appellate Attorney
Mason McConnell
Rebecca Greene
Carla Foran
Elizabeth Prochaska
Teshawn Swinson
Kellie Colgan
Bettye Blackwell
Ann Pennington
Bob Hall
Laila Taheri-Azer
Self - Suspect's Sister
Darryl Moss
Self - Mayor
Joe Kennedy
Self - Professor
Ted Pollard
Walter Jones
Self - Congressman
Bob Schaumleffel
Self - City Manager
Robert Zaytoun
Jason Trumpbour
G.K. Butterfield
Mac Manning
Bill Jeffs
Self - NASA Spokesperson
Tina Adkins
Self - Convenience Store Clerk
Patricia Marschall Spearman
Jametta Farrar
Renee Robertson
John Bennett
Self - Bishop
Mary Ann Sides
Self - Victim's Sister
Clark Everett
Tracy Carter
Marsha Goodenow
Meg Scott Phipps
Scott Cunningham
Dan Bowens
Betty Coates
Self - Accident Victim
Richard Emery
Self - Civil Attorney
Ricky Richardson
Ron Stephens
James Thomas
Self - Death Row Inmate
Eileen Hawley
Robert Escamilla
John Danowski
Self - Duke Lacrosse Coach
Kent Sholar
Chris Palmeri
Michael Decker
Allen Holman
Self - Convicted Killer
John Burness
Self - Vice President of Public Affairs at Duke
Marcia Morey
Steve Chalmers
Robert Orr
Self - Former North Carolina Supereme Court Justice
Mitchell Tyler
Hubert Peterkin
John Wimunc
Kevin Marks
Florian Wimunc
Self - John's Father
Steve Gilliken
Jeff Locklear
Wanda Gilbert-Coker
Self - Nneka Wilson's Cousin
Eve Carson
Self - Murder Victim
Jason Anthony
Pam Laughon
Self - Mitigation Specialist
Tomeshia Carrington-Artis
Kyle Alden
Tracey Bowman
David Sportsman
Chris Corcione
Vince Clark
Linda Criddle
Self - Online Safety Expert
Joshua Carter
Ahmad Shahin
Jessica Levin
Vanessa Roman
Self - Special Agent
Frank Goldsmith
Stacey Cameron
Jack Michaels
Paul Michaels
Rose Vincent
Self - Convicted Murderer
Mary P. Easley
Self - North Carolina First Lady
Wafa Tamimi
David Houp
Self - Police Captain
Kenneth Meeks
David Rogers
Self - Fort Bragg CID
Lana Wimunc
Self - John's Mother
Susan Sabock
Jeff Keys
Lauren Sapikowski
Jakiem Wilson
Suzanne Reynolds
Paul Ciccarelli
Self - Special Agent in Charge
Seth Blum
Pamela Powell
Victor Gamble
Chris Sapikowski
George Franks
Dana Way
Jeff Hinton
Willa May 'Poochie' Thorpe
Erskine Boyce Bowles
Self - UNC President
Tim Moose
Self - Interim Probation Director
Mike Charbonneau
Tommy Hicks
Christina Pappas
Clarance Coe
Sherman Jones
Tom Moss
Rick Armstrong
Self - Police Officer and President of Raleigh Police Protective Association
Jennifer Mahan
Frank Perry
Self - Retired FBI Agent
Andy Jackson
Melissa Pelfrey
Pat Currin
Self - Kelly Morris' Father
Bob Jordan
Self - NC State Chairman
Gary Pierce
Self - Democratic Consultant
R.C. Soles
Self - Senator
Maryanne Gaffney-Kraft
Adam Bondarek
Self - Assistant Police Chief
Juanita Currin
Self - Kelly Morris's Mother
Amy Kreiss
Chris Kearney
Russell Allen
Self - Raleigh City Manager
Reymond Lozares
Self - Juror
John Somerindyke
Self - Police Sgt.
James Pone
Isaac Cooper
Self - Trooper
Antoinette Davis
Darin Curtis
Ellie Kinnaird
Elizabeth McGee
Self - Applebee's Representative
Linda Daves
Self - State Republican Party Chairwoman
Renee Robinson
Frank Ballance
Self - Former Congressman
Chris Morgan
Self - Retired Homicide Detective
Elisa Baker
Brian Hotchkiss
Patricia Jackson
Victoria Adamscyzk
Diana Nicholson
Sarah Rayner
Stacey Hale
Allie Mendelsohn
Richard Alander
Steve Combs
Joseph Chehsire
Alan O'Neil
Richard Johnson
Self - Police Operations Chief
Chris Bunn
Michelle Lippert
Stephen Kling
Self - FBI Agent
Ruth Winecker
Ken Smith
Rose Hitch
Ed Blomgren
Jonathan Taft
James Allen
Randy Dulay
Self - Computer Forensics Expert
Jonni Joyce
Joel Larsen
Dillon Tart
Frank Davis
Rashaun Hames
Chris Clayton
Self - Police Sargeant
Rebecca Heinrich
Daniel Durham
Self - Marine Sgt
Brandon Zuidema
Chip Coble
Blanca Laurean
Blake Costa
Victoria Thomas
Dennis Ward
George Holding
Self - US Attorney
Bob Hudak
Self - Priest
Brad Kennon
Randy Glover
Ben Byrne
Deborah Lucky
Mary Silliman
Amber Howell
Timothy Baize
Laurnette Perry
Oleg Drozdowski
Sheila Crowder
Caroline Bier
June Atkinson
Self - State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Jackie Wiggins
Kieran Shanahan
Self - Former Federal Prosecutor
Juray Tucker
Tom Bevel
Tom Metzloff
Chris Swecker
Charles Wilmore
Susan Crook
James Grier
Rosemary Zednick
Steve Moore
Kent Evans
Eric Gerhardt
Mercedes Bailey
Jessica Johnson
Marcus Grant
Brian Smith
Hoyt Tessener
Sala Ahmed
Mark Van Houten
Jonathan Macy
Self - SBI Analyst
Curtis Hodges
Ed Forsythe
Self - Former Principal of Voyager Academy
Gina Tessener
Charles Barkley
Tiffany Cohn
Larry Arellano
Karen Harper
Jeremy McGwin
Margaret Worth
Michelle Savage
Paul Dittner
Leo Panosian
Christina Runyon
Kathryn Dorr
Daniel Hayes
Melanie Brown
Self - SBI Evidence Technician
Jennifer Fetterolf
Jan Boyer
Carol Cooper
Dale Kuerbitz
Bryan Walker
Kelly Cummings
Wayne Cutler
Carey Clark
Jonathan Moore
Ross Tabachow
Heather Fox
Jason Fitzgerald
Whitney Hobart
Ryan Hughes
Tom Land
Marcia Hale
Justin Oppegard
Tiki Ingram
Tracey Vancott
Brantly Shapiro
Lauren Browning
Jenipher Free
Shirley Hull
Bud Crumpler
Sherri Abraham
Giovanni Masucci
Alexandria Bokinsky
Christina Wells
Frank Richards
Ashley Hathaway
Michael Lindley
Lindsey Admire
Jeremy Burgin
Self - K-9 Officer
Winston Kemp
Jason Rains
Christopher Wall
Theresa Hackeling
Lamont Howard
Michelle Kuerbitz
Jeffrey Charles Harris
Stan Godwin
Lynne Brawn
B. Merold
Sylvia Hink
Donna Lopez
Gary Beard
Kenrick Alexander
Patrick Daly
Scott Jones
Jackie Hyland
Damia Tabachow
Sharon Baughman
Selina Hughes
Johnnie Britt
Carrie Dittner
Thomas Garrett
Caroline Harper
Gloria Dean
Self - SBI Chemistry Technician
Thomas Stewart
Anna Lassiter
Nancy Gregory
Scott Falise
Heather Hanna
Nathan Chambers
Peter Reichard
Brett Adam
Justin Singer
Patricia Hallisey
Casey Frances
Sam Griggs
William Boyer
Laura Hiller
Terrance Fearrington
Joe McCracken
Jack Abramoff
Ken Copeland
Cheryl Khan
Cheri Patrick
Alesia Vick
Dan Bartose
Nicole Beauchamp
Aubrey Humphrey
Steve Hale
Cash Michaels
Self - Journalist
Mark Thomas
James Hunt
Self - Former Principal
Jessica Gorall
Karen Battle
Phillip Hillsman
Jimmy Arrington
Robin Koeleveld
Self - Neurosurgeon
Stephanie Giles
Brooke Bass
Rick Gammon
Christie Malcolm
Self - Sexual Assault Examiner
Karla Mills
Self - Nurse
David Dicks
Self - State Trooper
Michael Teague
Jonathan Crews
Shkumbin Sherifi
Rachel Casteline
Self - SBI Forensic Serologist
Robin Troy Jones
Skip Williams
Susan Spivey
Robert Thompson
Self - Assistant District Attorney
Fay Hinsley
Jennifer Ray
Staples Hughes
Edna Williford
Wilkie Wilson
Daniel Gardner
Self - Fire Fighter
Colin Okoye
Joe Burgess
Kimball Sargent
Fiona Childs
William Laxon Jr.
Scott Hughes
Self - EMS Worker
Travis Branch
Ben Holmes
Jonathan Wall
Russell Brown
Greg Weeks
Earl Johnson
Jeff Simmons
Marcus Robinson
Bill Nordstrom
Nicole Whelan
Patricia Catanio
Jennifer Powers
Valerie Bolick
Tracy Hillabrand
David Ball
Cassandra Stubbs
Self - Lawyer
Cameron Lilyquist
James Aiken
Harry White
Angela Kelly
Gerry Davis
Ronald Riefkohl
Self - Plastic Surgeon
Bryan Huffman
Dawn Montemurro
Robert Hoyle
Michael Koskoff
Self - Paintiff's Attorney
Jason Ackerson
David Moore
Deborah Chang
Nobby Mambo
Scott Hall
Todd Phelps
John McNeil
Britney Romito
Matt Guddat
Peter Greijn
Marvin Putnam
Self - Defendant's Attorney
Barbaba Parsons
Paul Andrews
Self - Physician
Victor Gibson Grose
Self - FBI Computer Forensics Examiner
Dalton Berry
Timothy Pennington
Martin Marietta Materials
Annabel Haviza
David Glodowski
Jim Candelmo
Self - Former Assistant US Attorney
Debbie Peterson
Mark Herbert
Robert Hunter
Delois West
Adrian Nelson
Robert Hallisey
Self - Latent Print Examiner
Sabrina Strong
Helen Haynes
Robert Lane
Mona Gauthier
Laurin Milton
Amanda Laeng-Craig
Janet Christiansen
Brenda Abercrombie
Mark Quagliarello
Caitlyn Abercrombie
Dawn Eckhoff
Lauren Harris
Lawrence Campbell
Michael Potts
Tracy Tremmett
Jim Bolton
Anthony Smith
Yvette Palazuelos
Janet Dever
Jamie Thompson
Cassandra Deck-Brown
Sonja Flood
Tyrell Deshong
Jason Small
Oksana Samarskiy
Erica Bakey
Randy Jenkins
Timothy Suggs
Self - SBI Forensic Chemist
Dana Suggs
Lolita Chapman
Charlotte Revel
Brandon Smith
Jeffrey Bickert
Drew King
Derrick Mertz
Craig James
Derek Abaroa
Raymond Wilson
Sandy Garetone
Yolanda Littlejohn
Sharon Kucyk
Zach Foxley
Lisa Sealy
Kevin Crocker
Leon Staneck
Shelton Berry
Ann Ross
Self - Anthropologist
Raymond Boyer
Keith Gregory
Harold Medlock
Meghan Councill
Jeff McCurdy
Christopher Baker
Amanda Tabor
Darius Neerings
Jason Williams
Thomas Ouellette
Ricky Carlyle
Lindsey Dyn
James Gwartney
William McFadyen
Amy Irene
Chevon Mathes
Amanda Salmon
Susan Dufur
Diane Alston
Jason Villegas
Vincent Bynum
Michael Guzman
Linda Whitley
Self - EMS Technician
Charles Zwerling
Jim Cooney
Kevin Boyle
Jennifer Walker
Keith Heckman
Scott Lanier
Cathy Creek
Gregory Eckhoff
Barbara Patty
Shabar Marshall
John Keating Wiles
Heather Maddry
Judy Holt
Jim Freeman
James Ammons
Kristin Hughes
Rebecca Waller
Tony Asion
Self - Former Police Chief
James Soukup
Tom Ross
Ann Peterson
Sarah Clay
Ryan Willis
Larry Economos
Marshall Tucker
W. David Smith Jr.
W.R. Myers
Heidi Carter
Steven Barna
Kevin West
Phillip Maybrey
LaToya Powell
Tikoya Maybrey
Bert L'Homme
Self - Superintendent
LaManda Pryor
Self - Principal
Lynda Loveland
Peggy Maybrey
Mark Wilsey
Jorge Juarez
Chuck Hagel
Self - Secretary of Defense
Nicholas Holbert
Laura Meyer
Billy West
Heather Karl
Brandon Slade
Mary Wilsey
Henry Frye
Self - Former Chief Justice
Linda Edmonds
Self - Justice Edmond's Wife
Linda Cheatham
George Miller
Self - Former Representative
Victor Farah
Self - Justice Hudson's Husband
Bob Stevens
Self - General Council
Linda Stevens
Kay Broyhill
Deborah Funderbunk
Lorenzo Joyner
Mike Myers
Nathan Baskerville
Self - Representative
Barbara Jackson
Self - Justice
Lauren Scott
Sarah Parker
Roger Sharpe
Self - Former Senator
Macon Newby
Self - Justice Newby's Wife
Barbara Oxendine
Self - Foreclosure Banker
John Martin
Self - Chief Judge
Patricia Timmons-Goodson
Self - Former Justice
Thomas Matthews
Albert Diaz
Douglas McCullough
Marion Funderbunk
Carrie Taylor
Lucy Inman
Julie Harrell
Forrest Ferrell
Phil Haire
Sandra Cooper
Paul Newby
Leonard. Rich
Self - Law School Dean
Jo Anne Sanford
Thomas Howerton
Joe Buckner
Amy Cardwell
Lloyd Hall
Joachim Bruder
Edward Finley
John Ervin III
Richard Vinroot
Bob Ervin
Bill Culpepper
Tim Ross
James Wendt
Bob Brady
Scott Mabry
Self - Justice Jackson's Husband
Margaret Ervin Bruder
Danny Jenkins
Self - First Sgt.
Lee Hammond
Wanda Bryant
Chuck Pritchard
Anthony Prignano
Self - Lieutenant
Wayne Goodwin
Self - Commissioner of Insurance
Thomas Malone
Charles Anderson
Sid Eagles
Raymond Pierce
Daryl Broyhill
Anna Egrish
Margaret Martin
Self - John Martin's Wife
Eddie Caldwell
Jonathan Sasser
Heather Rattelade
George Hodges
Badri Hamra
Scott Wein
John Tyson
Elaine F. Marshall
Self - Secretary of State
Tony Rand
Kristin Crawford
Self - Forensic Hair Examiner
Randy Byrd
Chris Kirk
Rick Elmore
Gwendolyn Pierce
Self - Juror Foreperson
Sam Bruder
Sam Ervin IV
Self - Associate Justice
Sharon Beineke
Ann Marie Calabria
Sandy Shank
Mike Morgan
Burley Mitchell
Mary Ervin
Sharon Burmahl
Alyssa Tripp
Dottie Ervin
Pete Manukas
Chris Vermillion
Julian Mann
Eddie Greene
Terry Cline
Shirley Frye
Self - Henry Frye's Wife
Issa Smith
Robert Crawford
Val Bruder
John Smith
Rufus Edmisten
Self - Former Secretary of State
Angela Cabe
Michael Ervin
R.P. Williams
Christy Mann
Lee Cline
Nancy Taylor
Laura Smith
Darryl Brown
Tamara Zmuda
Mel Wright
Greg Shank
Ron Gibson
Alan Norman
Charles Williford
Alan Thornburg
John Midgette
Allison Duncan
Bob Koger
Linda McGee
Steve Whisenan
Sanford Steelman
Susan Simon
Betty Ervin
Shannon Joseph
Catharine Arrowood
Lori Christian
Betty McCain
Self - Former Secretary of Cultural Resources
Carmen Hooker Odom
Self - Fountain's Wife
Fountain Odom
Lynette Pitt
Teresa Kirk
Robin Hudson
John Bowman
Tom Howerton
Christine Walczyk
Brian Johnson
Louis Bledsoe
Natalie Freeman
Joy Howerton
Cynthia Ross
John Arrowood
John Ervin
John Chadwick Richardson
Pat Devine
Pat McCrory
Bruce Murakami
Clint Storey
Delaney Robinson
Self - Alleged Victim
Nicole Black
Jerry Demings
Stacey Robinson
Self - Alleged Victim's Father
Angie Kelly
Self - Durham County Assistant Court Clerk
John Maddrey
Shawn Keith
Allen Trueblood
Ray Autry
Josiah Williams
Denise Branch
Narendra Ghosh
Jenny Martin
Jahmonie Smith
Logan McLean
Antoan Kennedy
Gwen Hammer
Lee Bentley
Desente Jones
Robert Barren
Crystal Dennison
Self - Assistant in Superior Court (Criminal)
John Mina
Self - Orlando Police Chief
John Collins
Self - State Hwy. Patrol
Vincent Moylan
Jim Kendrick
Kember Fitch
Shanice Beard
Tracy Cook
Self - Employee with the District Attorney's Office
Kathy Autry
Chad Linander
Jahlecia Smith
Self - Victim's Daughter
Pertisha Cherry
Jessica Lands
Howard Dudley
Ron Hopper
Self - FBI Special Agent
Antwan Russell
Archie Smith
Self - Durham County Clerk of Court
Janiah King
Self - Accident Survivor
Joseph Neighbour
Bob Stephens
Self - Governor's General Counsel
Mark Hall
Elizabeth Hambouger
Craig Shapcott
Mark Zamperini
Self - Candace's Husband
Nathan Holden
Cameron Broadwell
Self - K9 Unit
Allyson Luchak
Cynthia Vincent
David Walker
Duana Daily
Jonas Ekkens
Nikia Pratt
Self - Victim's Aunt
Justice Evuka
Barry Carroll
Retired Deputy
Christopher Malone
Delia Little
Julie Hull
Assistant Chief Medical Examiner
Eric Emser
Bob Boykin
Private Investigator
Jace Williams
Jeff Stroud
Lee Hagney
Simone Thomas
Alfred Lee Hogan Jr.
Fire Fighter
J.L. Campbell
Michael Grissom
Daniel Dean