Incognito Cinema Warriors XP_peliplat
Incognito Cinema Warriors XP_peliplat

Incognito Cinema Warriors XP (2008)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Rikk Wolf

Incognito Cinema Warriors XP, or "ICWXP", for those of you with an insatiable lust for acronyms, is a direct homage/tribute to one of the greatest television sagas of yore: Lost! Well that was the original idea, but that last episode left us so wicked pissed we scrapped that and decided to do a heavy metal puppet show about a soldier stuck in a movie theater with two robots surrounded by flesh eating zombies who's forced to watch bad movies instead. But seriously folks, if you're reading this, you probably know the show we're talking about here and we miss it like Hell. Our particular addiction to it has officially crossed over from mere nerd-dom to full blown desperate cry for help severity. Combine that with our love of zombie films ("Dawn of the Dead", "Shaun of the Dead"), zombie video games, ("Dead Rising 1 and 2, Resident Evil") and lil' evil robot fighting Blue and Cyan guys from Japan, and you have ICWXP. Essentially, we took all our favorite things, tossed them in a blender and pressed frappé. The result of all this supreme nerdiness is a show that has been embraced by a surprisingly large handful of fans of "That Other Show" and no one's more shocked than us! The Kansas City, Missouri based show originally launched on MySpace with the modest Episode 1 DVD in February 2008 to a surprising response. We got friend requests and web traffic far beyond what was expected. Some of it was even nice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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