There's a running gag where men show Vinnie their penises in the first series.
About 5 sex scenes in series one, one takes place off screen however he hear it. One sex scene is pretty explicit.
Lots of strong sexual references.
One of the main characters runs a sex club.
A few scenes take place in a strip club. However it's mostly scantily clad women show with only few instances of nudity beyond that.
There's a porno played on a phone we see brief glimpses of it but nothing majorly graphic. Moaning can be heard.
A man masturbates in a restaurant cubicle and accidentally gets his own semen on his phone screen then in his hair.
It is mentioned the meds Vinnie takes give him a low libido meaning he has an extremely low sex drive.
Group of men are forced to strip and walk completely naked; scene last 30 or more seconds.