Likes for Sale_peliplat
Likes for Sale_peliplat

Likes for Sale (2023)

R21 (SG) | Brazil | Portuguese |
Directed by: André Moraes

Wagner is a failed actor who wants to reach stardom. He pays his bills by working as an entertainer at nursing homes and children's parties, and he can't take being rejected from all the casting tests anymore. After many failed attempts, he turns to eccentric guru Johnny Silva to learn how to become famous at any cost. Based on the master's advice, he creates a life of lies on social platforms, invades a renowned reality show, invents a fake dating story with a super popular celebrity and pretends he was cast for a part in a great adventure film, inspired by his idol, the American Steven Seagal. The plan works: he finally wins millions of followers and is called by a foreign director for his first real movie role. But the difficult art of being famous demands more from him than he imagined.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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